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zh_hans.lua 3.66 MiB
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locale "zh_hans"
setFlag("ego_always_prefix", true)
setFlag("randart_name_rules", {
	default2 = {
		syllablesStart = "华美, 精致, 神奇, 诡异, 梦幻, 瑰丽, 闪耀, 安静, 命运, 恶意, 和蔼, 生活, 梦境, 魔幻, 呼唤, 奇迹, 强大, 力量, 威严, 破碎, 幸运, 先知, 黑暗, 希望, 漆黑, 未来, 魔力, 地狱, 试炼, 考验, 失败者, 弑神, 无名, 未知, 神经病, 诱人, 迷宫, 长袍, 猎物, 饥饿, 奇葩, 懦弱, 快乐, 冷酷, 炼金 ",
		syllablesMiddle = "的",
		syllablesEnd = "泪水, 希望, 杀戮者, 叛徒, 明星, 前奏, 祈愿, 伤悲, 幸福, 支架, 符文, 先知者, 预言, 雨滴, 月华, 旅者, 家乡, 思念, 时光, 天才, 自言自语, 热血, 吸血鬼, 增殖, 旧梦, 蝴蝶, 高手, 汗水, 路障, 辘轳, 墨鱼, 青草, 使命, 伤害, 傀儡, 骷髅, 欺骗, 安静, 下盘, 模拟, 强力, 织梦, 护符, 许愿者, 群星, 天堂, 诗人, 哲学家, 神, 空瓶, 灯火, 赞歌, 霜雪, 墨汁, 契约, 太阳, 奥术, 赢家, 尸骨, 芦苇, 蘑菇, 太空, 朱雀, 菊花, 游客, 路口, 枪炮, 符文, 酒杯, 港口, 灾难, 祭坛, 群魔",
		rules = "$s$50m$e",
	default = {
		syllablesStart = "华美, 精致, 神奇, 诡异, 梦幻, 瑰丽, 闪耀, 安静, 命运, 恶意, 和蔼, 生活, 梦境, 魔幻, 呼唤, 奇迹, 强大, 力量, 威严, 破碎, 幸运, 先知, 黑暗, 希望, 漆黑, 未来, 魔力, 地狱, 试炼, 考验, 失败者, 弑神, 无名, 未知, 神经病, 诱人, 迷宫, 长袍, 猎物, 饥饿, 奇葩, 懦弱, 快乐, 冷酷, 炼金",
		syllablesMiddle = "的",
		syllablesEnd = "泪水, 希望, 杀戮者, 叛徒, 明星, 前奏, 祈愿, 伤悲, 幸福, 支架, 符文, 先知者, 预言, 雨滴, 月华, 旅者, 家乡, 思念, 时光, 天才, 自言自语, 热血, 吸血鬼, 增殖, 旧梦, 蝴蝶, 高手, 汗水, 路障, 辘轳, 墨鱼, 青草, 使命, 伤害, 傀儡, 骷髅, 欺骗, 安静, 下盘, 模拟, 强力, 织梦, 护符, 许愿者, 群星, 天堂, 诗人, 哲学家, 神, 空瓶, 灯火, 赞歌, 霜雪, 墨汁, 契约, 太阳, 奥术, 赢家, 尸骨, 芦苇, 蘑菇, 太空, 朱雀, 菊花, 游客, 路口, 枪炮, 符文, 酒杯, 港口, 灾难, 祭坛, 群魔",
		rules = "$s$50m$e",
	fire = {
		syllablesStart = "凤凰, 火灾, 大火, 燃烧, 明亮, 枯萎, 灼热, 烫伤, 地狱, 熔岩, 柴堆, 烧焦, 火焰, 闪光, 阴燃, 火炬, 灰烬, 深渊, 太阳, 岩浆, 火炬, 小火龙",
		syllablesEnd = "电弧, 毒药, 诱饵, 胆汁, 咬噬, 爆炸, 幸福, 血, 盛开, 屠夫, 模糊, 螺栓, 骨, 孔, 支架, 编织, 钎焊, 开道, 断路, 微风, 爆裂, 使者, 承载, 曲折, 疫病, 破碎, 出世, 黑暗, 明亮, 地穴, 裂纹, 冲突, 骚动, 切割, 铸造, 机械, 疏通, 短跑, 梦想, 勇气, 死亡, 边缘, 嫉妒, 愤怒, 恐惧, 名声, 敌人, 恶魔, 拳头, 戈尔, 伤口, 研磨, 研磨机, 狡诈, 砂砾, 收集, 荣耀, 魅力, 黑客, 黑客, 哈希, 色调, 饥饿, 打猎, 猎手, 愤怒, 偶像, 不朽, 正义, 嘲笑, 果酱, 杀死, 杀手, 亲吻, 业力, 亲属, 国王, 骑士, 武士, 主, 传说, 睫毛, 花边, 夫人, 致残, 标记, 月亮, 主人, 沼泽, 怪物, 可能性, 骨髓, 凡人, 部长, 恶意, 零, 中午, 晚上, 指甲, 近了, 誓言, 秩序, 布泽, 拜, 遗忘, 猛攻, 黑曜石, 珍珠, 帕里, 电力, 先知, 痛苦, 激情, 皮尔斯, 穿孔, 骄傲, 粉碎机, 恐慌, 痛苦, 惩罚, 鲍尔, 淬火, 地震, 采石场, 皇后, 平息, 校长, 快速, 羽毛, 劫掠, 蹂躏, 夷为平地, 剃刀, 咆哮, 愤怒, 种族, 辐射, 掠袭者, 雨, 腐, 赎金, 符文, 统治, 破裂, 令, 反叛, 乌鸦, 河, 开膛手, 开膛手, 岩石, 臭气, 里夫, 解决, 严谨, 撕裂, 猛禽, 光泽, 切片, 切片机, 桅杆, 产卵, 产卵, 幼鹿, 钢, 斯托克, 蛇, 悲伤, 鼠尾草, 股权, 蛇, 剪切, 罪恶, 尖顶, 潜行者, 整形, 鬼魂, 条纹, 裸奔, 看见, 瘢痕, 分裂, 星星, 条纹, 刺, 罢工, 前锋, 眩晕, 太阳, 扫除, 清扫, 斯威夫特, 石材, 接缝, 断绝, 粉碎, 粉碎者, 穗, 主攻手, 刺, 恐怖, 触摸, 潮汐, 激流, 审判, 台风, 泰坦, 记事本, 齿, 叛逆, 挖沟, 污点, 本影, 勇气, 流浪的, 邪恶的, 静脉, 面纱, 毒液, 毒蛇, 跳马, 复仇, 海藻, 沃克, 醒来, 醒来, 战争, 病房, 监狱长, 黄蜂, 哭泣者, 楔形, 行走, 耳语, 野生, 怀尔德, 意志, 风, 翼, 冬天, 线, 一缕, 希望, 女巫, 狼, 灾祸, 枯萎, 凋亡, 蠕虫, 花圈, 值得, 沉船, 夺取, 作家, 命运, 热情, 和风", 
		rules = "$s$e", 
	cold = {
		syllablesStart ="霜雪, 冰冻, 雨雪, 冻结, 寒冷, 战栗, 冬季, 暴雪, 冰川, 冻土, 浮冰, 冰雹, 严寒, 雾凇, 云雾, 细雨, 寒潮, 淬火, 杰尼龟", 
		syllablesEnd = "电弧, 毒药, 诱饵, 胆汁, 咬噬, 爆炸, 幸福, 血, 盛开, 屠夫, 模糊, 螺栓, 骨, 孔, 支架, 编织, 钎焊, 开道, 断路, 微风, 爆裂, 使者, 承载, 曲折, 疫病, 破碎, 出世, 黑暗, 明亮, 地穴, 裂纹, 冲突, 骚动, 切割, 铸造, 机械, 疏通, 短跑, 梦想, 勇气, 死亡, 边缘, 嫉妒, 愤怒, 恐惧, 名声, 敌人, 恶魔, 拳头, 戈尔, 伤口, 研磨, 研磨机, 狡诈, 砂砾, 收集, 荣耀, 魅力, 黑客, 黑客, 哈希, 色调, 饥饿, 打猎, 猎手, 愤怒, 偶像, 不朽, 正义, 嘲笑, 果酱, 杀死, 杀手, 亲吻, 业力, 亲属, 国王, 骑士, 武士, 主, 传说, 睫毛, 花边, 夫人, 致残, 标记, 月亮, 主人, 沼泽, 怪物, 可能性, 骨髓, 凡人, 部长, 恶意, 零, 中午, 晚上, 指甲, 近了, 誓言, 秩序, 布泽, 拜, 遗忘, 猛攻, 黑曜石, 珍珠, 帕里, 电力, 先知, 痛苦, 激情, 皮尔斯, 穿孔, 骄傲, 粉碎机, 恐慌, 痛苦, 惩罚, 鲍尔, 淬火, 淬火, 地震, 采石场, 皇后, 平息, 校长, 快速, 羽毛, 劫掠, 蹂躏, 夷为平地, 剃刀, 咆哮, 愤怒, 种族, 辐射, 掠袭者, 雨, 腐, 赎金, 符文, 统治, 破裂, 令, 反叛, 乌鸦, 河, 开膛手, 开膛手, 岩石, 臭气, 里夫, 解决, 严谨, 撕裂, 猛禽, 光泽, 切片, 切片机, 桅杆, 产卵, 产卵, 幼鹿, 钢, 斯托克, 蛇, 悲伤, 鼠尾草, 股权, 蛇, 剪切, 罪恶, 尖顶, 潜行者, 整形, 鬼魂, 条纹, 裸奔, 看见, 瘢痕, 分裂, 星星, 条纹, 刺, 罢工, 前锋, 眩晕, 太阳, 扫除, 清扫, 斯威夫特, 石材, 接缝, 断绝, 粉碎, 粉碎者, 穗, 主攻手, 刺, 恐怖, 触摸, 潮汐, 激流, 审判, 台风, 泰坦, 记事本, 齿, 叛逆, 挖沟, 污点, 本影, 勇气, 流浪的, 邪恶的, 静脉, 面纱, 毒液, 毒蛇, 跳马, 复仇, 海藻, 沃克, 醒来, 醒来, 战争, 病房, 监狱长, 黄蜂, 哭泣者, 楔形, 行走, 耳语, 野生, 怀尔德, 意志, 风, 翼, 冬天, 线, 一缕, 希望, 女巫, 狼, 灾祸, 枯萎, 凋亡, 蠕虫, 花圈, 值得, 沉船, 夺取, 作家, 命运, 热情, 和风", 
		rules = "$s$e",
	lightning = {
		syllablesStart = "风暴, 暴风雨, 闪电, 电弧, 震撼, 雷电, 电荷, 雷云, 狂风, 大风, 裂纹, 闪光, 火花, 火焰, 爆炸, 天空, 皮卡丘",  
		syllablesEnd = "电弧, 毒药, 诱饵, 胆汁, 咬噬, 爆炸, 幸福, 血, 盛开, 屠夫, 模糊, 螺栓, 骨, 孔, 支架, 编织, 钎焊, 开道, 断路, 微风, 爆裂, 使者, 承载, 曲折, 疫病, 破碎, 出世, 黑暗, 明亮, 地穴, 裂纹, 冲突, 骚动, 切割, 铸造, 机械, 疏通, 短跑, 梦想, 勇气, 死亡, 边缘, 嫉妒, 愤怒, 恐惧, 名声, 敌人, 恶魔, 拳头, 戈尔, 伤口, 研磨, 研磨机, 狡诈, 砂砾, 收集, 荣耀, 魅力, 黑客, 黑客, 哈希, 色调, 饥饿, 打猎, 猎手, 愤怒, 偶像, 不朽, 正义, 嘲笑, 果酱, 杀死, 杀手, 亲吻, 业力, 亲属, 国王, 骑士, 武士, 主, 传说, 睫毛, 花边, 夫人, 致残, 标记, 月亮, 主人, 沼泽, 怪物, 可能性, 骨髓, 凡人, 部长, 恶意, 零, 中午, 晚上, 指甲, 近了, 誓言, 秩序, 布泽, 拜, 遗忘, 猛攻, 黑曜石, 珍珠, 帕里, 电力, 先知, 痛苦, 激情, 皮尔斯, 穿孔, 骄傲, 粉碎机, 恐慌, 痛苦, 惩罚, 鲍尔, 淬火, 淬火, 地震, 采石场, 皇后, 平息, 校长, 快速, 羽毛, 劫掠, 蹂躏, 夷为平地, 剃刀, 咆哮, 愤怒, 种族, 辐射, 掠袭者, 雨, 腐, 赎金, 符文, 统治, 破裂, 令, 反叛, 乌鸦, 河, 开膛手, 开膛手, 岩石, 臭气, 里夫, 解决, 严谨, 撕裂, 猛禽, 光泽, 切片, 切片机, 桅杆, 产卵, 产卵, 幼鹿, 钢, 斯托克, 蛇, 悲伤, 鼠尾草, 股权, 蛇, 剪切, 罪恶, 尖顶, 潜行者, 整形, 鬼魂, 条纹, 裸奔, 看见, 瘢痕, 分裂, 星星, 条纹, 刺, 罢工, 前锋, 眩晕, 太阳, 扫除, 清扫, 斯威夫特, 石材, 接缝, 断绝, 粉碎, 粉碎者, 穗, 主攻手, 刺, 恐怖, 触摸, 潮汐, 激流, 审判, 台风, 泰坦, 记事本, 齿, 叛逆, 挖沟, 污点, 本影, 勇气, 流浪的, 邪恶的, 静脉, 面纱, 毒液, 毒蛇, 跳马, 复仇, 海藻, 沃克, 醒来, 醒来, 战争, 病房, 监狱长, 黄蜂, 哭泣者, 楔形, 行走, 耳语, 野生, 怀尔德, 意志, 风, 翼, 冬天, 线, 一缕, 希望, 女巫, 狼, 灾祸, 枯萎, 凋亡, 蠕虫, 花圈, 值得, 沉船, 夺取, 作家, 命运, 热情, 和风", 
		rules = "$s$e",  
	light = {
		syllablesStart = "光明, 照耀, 天空, 太阳, 黎明, 晨星, 闪耀, 明亮, 棱镜, 眩光, 闪烁, 中午, 眩光,  致盲, 闪烁, 光彩,  光泽",  
		syllablesEnd = "电弧, 毒药, 诱饵, 胆汁, 咬噬, 爆炸, 幸福, 血, 盛开, 屠夫, 模糊, 螺栓, 骨, 孔, 支架, 编织, 钎焊, 开道, 断路, 微风, 爆裂, 使者, 承载, 曲折, 疫病, 破碎, 出世, 黑暗, 明亮, 地穴, 裂纹, 冲突, 骚动, 切割, 铸造, 机械, 疏通, 短跑, 梦想, 勇气, 死亡, 边缘, 嫉妒, 愤怒, 恐惧, 名声, 敌人, 恶魔, 拳头, 戈尔, 伤口, 研磨, 研磨机, 狡诈, 砂砾, 收集, 荣耀, 魅力, 黑客, 黑客, 哈希, 色调, 饥饿, 打猎, 猎手, 愤怒, 偶像, 不朽, 正义, 嘲笑, 果酱, 杀死, 杀手, 亲吻, 业力, 亲属, 国王, 骑士, 武士, 主, 传说, 睫毛, 花边, 夫人, 致残, 标记, 月亮, 主人, 沼泽, 怪物, 可能性, 骨髓, 凡人, 部长, 恶意, 零, 中午, 晚上, 指甲, 近了, 誓言, 秩序, 布泽, 拜, 遗忘, 猛攻, 黑曜石, 珍珠, 帕里, 电力, 先知, 痛苦, 激情, 皮尔斯, 穿孔, 骄傲, 粉碎机, 恐慌, 痛苦, 惩罚, 鲍尔, 淬火, 淬火, 地震, 采石场, 皇后, 平息, 校长, 快速, 羽毛, 劫掠, 蹂躏, 夷为平地, 剃刀, 咆哮, 愤怒, 种族, 辐射, 掠袭者, 雨, 腐, 赎金, 符文, 统治, 破裂, 令, 反叛, 乌鸦, 河, 开膛手, 开膛手, 岩石, 臭气, 里夫, 解决, 严谨, 撕裂, 猛禽, 光泽, 切片, 切片机, 桅杆, 产卵, 产卵, 幼鹿, 钢, 斯托克, 蛇, 悲伤, 鼠尾草, 股权, 蛇, 剪切, 罪恶, 尖顶, 潜行者, 整形, 鬼魂, 条纹, 裸奔, 看见, 瘢痕, 分裂, 星星, 条纹, 刺, 罢工, 前锋, 眩晕, 太阳, 扫除, 清扫, 斯威夫特, 石材, 接缝, 断绝, 粉碎, 粉碎者, 穗, 主攻手, 刺, 恐怖, 触摸, 潮汐, 激流, 审判, 台风, 泰坦, 记事本, 齿, 叛逆, 挖沟, 污点, 本影, 勇气, 流浪的, 邪恶的, 静脉, 面纱, 毒液, 毒蛇, 跳马, 复仇, 海藻, 沃克, 醒来, 醒来, 战争, 病房, 监狱长, 黄蜂, 哭泣者, 楔形, 行走, 耳语, 野生, 怀尔德, 意志, 风, 翼, 冬天, 线, 一缕, 希望, 女巫, 狼, 灾祸, 枯萎, 凋亡, 蠕虫, 花圈, 值得, 沉船, 夺取, 作家, 命运, 热情, 和风", 
		rules = "$s$e",
	dark = {
		syllablesStart = "本影, 空虚, 黑暗, 灾祸, 阴沉, 阴影, 黄昏, 黑暗, 烟尘, 沥青, 雾霭, 黑色, 乌木, 阴影, 黑曜石, 乌鸦, 恶魔, 暗淡, 日食, 目盲, 深渊", 
		syllablesEnd = "电弧, 毒药, 诱饵, 胆汁, 咬噬, 爆炸, 幸福, 血, 盛开, 屠夫, 模糊, 螺栓, 骨, 孔, 支架, 编织, 钎焊, 开道, 断路, 微风, 爆裂, 使者, 承载, 曲折, 疫病, 破碎, 出世, 黑暗, 明亮, 地穴, 裂纹, 冲突, 骚动, 切割, 铸造, 机械, 疏通, 短跑, 梦想, 勇气, 死亡, 边缘, 嫉妒, 愤怒, 恐惧, 名声, 敌人, 恶魔, 拳头, 戈尔, 伤口, 研磨, 研磨机, 狡诈, 砂砾, 收集, 荣耀, 魅力, 黑客, 黑客, 哈希, 色调, 饥饿, 打猎, 猎手, 愤怒, 偶像, 不朽, 正义, 嘲笑, 果酱, 杀死, 杀手, 亲吻, 业力, 亲属, 国王, 骑士, 武士, 主, 传说, 睫毛, 花边, 夫人, 致残, 标记, 月亮, 主人, 沼泽, 怪物, 可能性, 骨髓, 凡人, 部长, 恶意, 零, 中午, 晚上, 指甲, 近了, 誓言, 秩序, 布泽, 拜, 遗忘, 猛攻, 黑曜石, 珍珠, 帕里, 电力, 先知, 痛苦, 激情, 皮尔斯, 穿孔, 骄傲, 粉碎机, 恐慌, 痛苦, 惩罚, 鲍尔, 淬火, 淬火, 地震, 采石场, 皇后, 平息, 校长, 快速, 羽毛, 劫掠, 蹂躏, 夷为平地, 剃刀, 咆哮, 愤怒, 种族, 辐射, 掠袭者, 雨, 腐, 赎金, 符文, 统治, 破裂, 令, 反叛, 乌鸦, 河, 开膛手, 开膛手, 岩石, 臭气, 里夫, 解决, 严谨, 撕裂, 猛禽, 光泽, 切片, 切片机, 桅杆, 产卵, 产卵, 幼鹿, 钢, 斯托克, 蛇, 悲伤, 鼠尾草, 股权, 蛇, 剪切, 罪恶, 尖顶, 潜行者, 整形, 鬼魂, 条纹, 裸奔, 看见, 瘢痕, 分裂, 星星, 条纹, 刺, 罢工, 前锋, 眩晕, 太阳, 扫除, 清扫, 斯威夫特, 石材, 接缝, 断绝, 粉碎, 粉碎者, 穗, 主攻手, 刺, 恐怖, 触摸, 潮汐, 激流, 审判, 台风, 泰坦, 记事本, 齿, 叛逆, 挖沟, 污点, 本影, 勇气, 流浪的, 邪恶的, 静脉, 面纱, 毒液, 毒蛇, 跳马, 复仇, 海藻, 沃克, 醒来, 醒来, 战争, 病房, 监狱长, 黄蜂, 哭泣者, 楔形, 行走, 耳语, 野生, 怀尔德, 意志, 风, 翼, 冬天, 线, 一缕, 希望, 女巫, 狼, 灾祸, 枯萎, 凋亡, 蠕虫, 花圈, 值得, 沉船, 夺取, 作家, 命运, 热情, 和风", 
		rules = "$s$e",
	nature = {
		syllablesStart = "自然, 绿色, 壤土, 地球, 医治, 根系, 生长, 开花, 树皮, 野生, 纯净, 治愈, 洁净, 森林, 微风, 橡木, 柳树, 树, 花, 平衡, 肮脏, 污点, 不死, 邪恶, 哭泣, 瘟疫, 腐败, 污秽, 淤泥, 溃烂, 毒素, 蝎子, 眼镜蛇, 淤泥, 可怜虫, 腐烂, 沼泽, 蜘蛛, 粘液, 病, 黑暗, 囊肿, 可达鸭",
		syllablesEnd = "电弧, 毒药, 诱饵, 胆汁, 咬噬, 爆炸, 幸福, 血, 盛开, 屠夫, 模糊, 螺栓, 骨, 孔, 支架, 编织, 钎焊, 开道, 断路, 微风, 爆裂, 使者, 承载, 曲折, 疫病, 破碎, 出世, 黑暗, 明亮, 地穴, 裂纹, 冲突, 骚动, 切割, 铸造, 机械, 疏通, 短跑, 梦想, 勇气, 死亡, 边缘, 嫉妒, 愤怒, 恐惧, 名声, 敌人, 恶魔, 拳头, 戈尔, 伤口, 研磨, 研磨机, 狡诈, 砂砾, 收集, 荣耀, 魅力, 黑客, 黑客, 哈希, 色调, 饥饿, 打猎, 猎手, 愤怒, 偶像, 不朽, 正义, 嘲笑, 果酱, 杀死, 杀手, 亲吻, 业力, 亲属, 国王, 骑士, 武士, 主, 传说, 睫毛, 花边, 夫人, 致残, 标记, 月亮, 主人, 沼泽, 怪物, 可能性, 骨髓, 凡人, 部长, 恶意, 零, 中午, 晚上, 指甲, 近了, 誓言, 秩序, 布泽, 拜, 遗忘, 猛攻, 黑曜石, 珍珠, 帕里, 电力, 先知, 痛苦, 激情, 皮尔斯, 穿孔, 骄傲, 粉碎机, 恐慌, 痛苦, 惩罚, 鲍尔, 淬火, 淬火, 地震, 采石场, 皇后, 平息, 校长, 快速, 羽毛, 劫掠, 蹂躏, 夷为平地, 剃刀, 咆哮, 愤怒, 种族, 辐射, 掠袭者, 雨, 腐, 赎金, 符文, 统治, 破裂, 命令, 反叛, 乌鸦, 河, 开膛手, 开膛手, 岩石, 臭气, 里夫, 解决, 严谨, 撕裂, 猛禽, 光泽, 切片, 切片机, 桅杆, 产卵, 产卵, 幼鹿, 钢, 斯托克, 蛇, 悲伤, 鼠尾草, 股权, 蛇, 剪切, 罪恶, 尖顶, 潜行者, 整形, 鬼魂, 条纹, 裸奔, 看见, 瘢痕, 分裂, 星星, 条纹, 刺, 罢工, 前锋, 眩晕, 太阳, 扫除, 清扫, 斯威夫特, 石材, 接缝, 断绝, 粉碎, 粉碎者, 穗, 主攻手, 刺, 恐怖, 触摸, 潮汐, 激流, 审判, 台风, 泰坦, 记事本, 齿, 叛逆, 挖沟, 污点, 本影, 勇气, 流浪的, 邪恶的, 静脉, 面纱, 毒液, 毒蛇, 跳马, 复仇, 海藻, 沃克, 醒来, 醒来, 战争, 病房, 监狱长, 黄蜂, 哭泣者, 楔形, 行走, 耳语, 野生, 怀尔德, 意志, 风, 翼, 冬天, 线, 一缕, 希望, 女巫, 狼, 灾祸, 枯萎, 凋亡, 蠕虫, 花圈, 值得, 沉船, 夺取, 作家, 命运, 热情, 和风", 
		rules = "$s$e",

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section "game/modules/tome/ai/escort.lua"

t(" %s to the %s!", " %s 在 %s!", "tformat")
t("Help!", "救命!", "_t")
t("Something", "某物", "_t")

section "game/modules/tome/ai/improved_tactical.lua"

section "game/modules/tome/ai/improved_talented.lua"

section "game/modules/tome/ai/maintenance.lua"

section "game/modules/tome/ai/quests.lua"

t("Protect Limmir from the demons coming from north-east. Hold them off!", "保护利米尔免受东北方向袭来的恶魔的袭击。守住阵线!", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
Otowa Kotori committed
t("This place is corrupted! I will cleanse it! Protect me while I do it!", "这个地方被污染了!我会净化它的!请在我这么做的时候保护我!", "_t")

section "game/modules/tome/ai/sandworm_tunneler.lua"

t("#OLIVE_DRAB#The %s burrows into the ground and disappears.", "#OLIVE_DRAB#%s钻入大地,消失了。", "logSeen")

section "game/modules/tome/ai/shadow.lua"

t("#PINK#%s returns to the shadows.", "#PINK#%s 回到了阴影之中。", "logPlayer")

section "game/modules/tome/ai/special_movements.lua"

section "game/modules/tome/ai/tactical.lua"

section "game/modules/tome/ai/target.lua"

section "game/modules/tome/class/Actor.lua"

t("drowned to death", "淹死", "_t")
t("%s has been disrupted by #ORCHID#anti-magic forces#LAST#!", "%s被#ORCHID#反魔法力量#LAST#打断了!", "logSeen")
t("%s temporarily fights the paralyzation.", "%s 暂时在瘫痪中挣扎。", "logSeen")
t("#VIOLET#Following build order %s; increasing %s by 1.", "#VIOLET#遵循加点顺序%s;增加一点%s", "log")
t("#VIOLET#Following build order %s; learning talent category %s.", "#VIOLET#遵循加点顺序%s;学会技能树%s", "log")
t("#VIOLET#Following build order %s; learning talent %s.", "#VIOLET#遵循加点顺序%s;学会技能%s", "log")
t("You are asleep and unable to move!", "你睡着了无法移动!", "logPlayer")
t("You are unable to move!", "你无法移动!", "logPlayer")
t("#F53CBE#Your movements fuel your rampage! (+1 duration)", "#F53CBE#你的移动提升了你的暴走!(+1持续时间)", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#Your %s is immune to the teleportation and drops to the floor!", "#LIGHT_RED#你的 %s 免疫传送而掉落到了地上!", "logPlayer")
t("teleported", "被传送", "_t")
t("#CADET_BLUE#You notice a trap (%s)!", "#CADET_BLUE#你发现了一个陷阱( %s )!", "logPlayer")
t("critter", "小怪", "_t")
t("normal", "普通", "_t")
t("elite", "精英", "_t")
t("rare", "稀有", "_t")
t("unique", "史诗", "_t")
t("boss", "Boss", "_t")
t("elite boss", "精英boss", "_t")
t("god", "神", "_t")
t("tiny", "微小", "_t")
t("small", "较小", "_t")
t("medium", "中等", "_t")
t("big", "较大", "_t")
t("huge", "庞大", "_t")
t("gargantuan", "巨大", "_t")
t("actor", "角色", "_t")
t("neutral", "中立", "_t")
t("hostile", "敌对", "_t")
t("friendly", "友善", "_t")
t("female", "女性", "_t")
t("male", "男性", "_t")
t("Rank: ", "层级:", "_t")
t("Level: unknown", "等级:未知", "_t")
t("Level: %d", "等级:%d", "tformat")
t("INVULNERABLE!", "无敌!", "_t")
t("HP: %d (%d%%) #GREEN#+%0.2f#LAST#", "生命值:%d (%d%%) #GREEN#+%0.2f#LAST#", "tformat")
Mana:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "\
法力值:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "tformat")
Vim:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "\
活力值:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "tformat")
Positive:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "\
正能量值:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "tformat")
Negative:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "\
负能量值:  %s%d / %d#LAST#", "tformat")
t("Iceblock: %d", "冰块:%d", "tformat")
t("%sVim Value: %d#LAST#", "%s活力值:%d#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#ffa0ff#Predator: +%d acc, +%d apr#LAST#", "#ffa0ff#猎杀者:+%d 命中, +%d 护甲穿透#LAST#", "tformat")
t("Resists: ", "抗性:", "_t")
t("Hardiness/Armour: ", "护甲强度/护甲值:", "_t")
t("Size: ", "体型:", "_t")
t("#FFD700#Accuracy#FFFFFF#: ", "#FFD700#命中值 #FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("#0080FF#Defense#FFFFFF#:  ", "#0080FF#闪避值 #FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("#FFD700#P. power#FFFFFF#: ", "#FFD700#物理强度#FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("#0080FF#P. save#FFFFFF#:  ", "#0080FF#物理豁免#FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("#FFD700#S. power#FFFFFF#: ", "#FFD700#法术强度#FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("#0080FF#S. save#FFFFFF#:  ", "#0080FF#法术豁免#FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("#FFD700#M. power#FFFFFF#: ", "#FFD700#精神强度#FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("#0080FF#M. save#FFFFFF#:  ", "#0080FF#精神豁免#FFFFFF#:", "_t")
t("Critical Mult: ", "暴击加成:", "_t")
t("Time left: ", "剩余时间:", "_t")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Main:#LAST#%s", "#LIGHT_BLUE#主手:#LAST#%s", "tformat")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Off :#LAST#%s", "#LIGHT_BLUE#副手:#LAST#%s", "tformat")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Psi :#LAST#%s", "#LIGHT_BLUE#灵能:#LAST#%s", "tformat")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Ammo:#LAST#%s", "#LIGHT_BLUE#弹药:#LAST#%s", "tformat")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Unarmed:#LAST#%s", "#LIGHT_BLUE#徒手:#LAST#%s", "tformat")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Unarmed:#LAST#", "#LIGHT_BLUE#徒手:#LAST#", "_t")
t("Melee Retaliation: ", "近战反伤:", "_t")
t("Classes: ", "职业:", "_t")
t("Faction: ", "阵营:", "_t")
t("Personal reaction: ", "个人关系:", "_t")
t("Sustained Talents: ", "持续技能:", "_t")
t("Temporary Status Effects: ", "临时状态效果:", "_t")
t("#LIGHT_GREEN#%d healing #LAST##AQUAMARINE#(%d psi heal)#LAST#", "#LIGHT_GREEN#%d 治疗 #LAST##AQUAMARINE#(%d 灵能值治疗)#LAST#", "tformat")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("#LIGHT_GREEN#%d healing#LAST#", "#LIGHT_GREEN#%d 治疗#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#STEEL_BLUE#(%d shifted)#LAST#", "#STEEL_BLUE#(%d 相位切换减伤)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("%s unleashes the stored damage in retribution!", "%s释放累积的伤害进行报复性攻击!", "logSeen")
t("#DARK_GREEN##Source# shares damage with %s oozes!", "#DARK_GREEN##Source#和%s软泥怪平分伤害!", "delayedLogMessage")
t("#CRIMSON##Source# teleports some damage to #Target#!", "#CRIMSON##Source#将部分伤害转移给 #Target#!", "delayedLogMessage")
t("#CRIMSON#(%d teleported)#LAST#", "#CRIMSON#(%d 相位盾吸收)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#CRIMSON#%d teleported#LAST#", "#CRIMSON#%d 到相位盾#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#STEEL_BLUE#(%d to time)#LAST#", "#STEEL_BLUE#(%d 时间盾吸收)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("Your time shield crumbles under the damage!", "你的时间护盾在攻击下被打破!", "logPlayer")
t("#SLATE#(%d absorbed)#LAST#", "#SLATE#(%d 护盾吸收)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#SLATE#%d reflected#LAST#", "#SLATE#%d 伤害反射#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#CRIMSON##Source# reflects damage back to #Target#!#LAST#", "#CRIMSON##Source#将伤害反射回#Target#!#LAST#", "delayedLogMessage")
t("Your shield crumbles under the damage!", "你的护盾在攻击下被打破!", "logPlayer")
t("#CRIMSON##Source# shares some damage with a shadow!", "#CRIMSON##Source#与阴影共享伤害!", "delayedLogMessage")
t("#PINK#(%d linked)#LAST#", "#PINK#(%d 伤害链接)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#PINK#%d linked#LAST#", "#PINK#%d 伤害链接#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#SLATE#(%d deflected)#LAST#", "#SLATE#(%d 念力折射)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#STEEL_BLUE#(%d to ice)#LAST#", "#STEEL_BLUE#(%d 冰块吸收)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#SLATE#(%d resonance)#LAST#", "#SLATE#(%d 共鸣领域)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("Your resonance field crumbles under the damage!", "你的共鸣领域在攻击下被打破!", "logPlayer")
t("%s shatters into pieces!", "%s 被打成碎片!", "logSeen")
t("#F53CBE#You fight through the pain!", "#F53CBE#你在痛苦中战斗!", "_t")
t("#F53CBE#Your hatred grows even as your life fades!", "#F53CBE#当你失去生命时,你的仇恨增长了!", "_t")
t("#F53CBE#Your powerful attack feeds your madness!", "#F53CBE#你强有力的攻击增进了你的疯狂!", "_t")
t("%s (+%d hate)", "%s (+%d 仇恨值)", "tformat")
t("%s splits in two!", "%s 分裂成了两个!", "logSeen")
t("%s#Source# converts some damage to Psi!", "%s#Source#将伤害转移到灵能值!", "tformat")
t("to psi", "到灵能值", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("#YELLOW#%s has been healed by a blast of positive energy!#LAST#", "#YELLOW#%s被一股正能量治疗!#LAST#", "logSeen")
t("%s fades for a moment and then reforms whole again!", "%s消失了一阵之后又完好无损地出现了!", "logSeen")
t("#CRIMSON##Source# leeches life from #Target#!", "#LIGHT_RED##Source#从#Target#身上吸取生命!", "delayedLogMessage")
t("#CRIMSON##Source# steals life from #Target#!", "#CRIMSON##Source#从#Target#处吸取生命!", "delayedLogMessage")
t("#SLATE#(%d to stone)#LAST#", "#SLATE#(%d 石头吸收)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#OLIVE_DRAB##Source# redirects damage from #Target# to %s!#LAST#", "#OLIVE_DRAB##Source#将来自#Target#的伤害转移到%s!#LAST#", "delayedLogMessage")
t("#OLIVE_DRAB#(%d redirected)#LAST#", "#OLIVE_DRAB#(%d 伤害转移)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#OLIVE_DRAB#%d redirected#LAST#", "#OLIVE_DRAB#%d 伤害转移#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#CRIMSON##Source# leeches energies from #Target#!", "#LIGHT_RED##Source#从#Target#身上吸取能量!", "delayedLogMessage")
t("#RED#(%d refused)#LAST#", "#RED#(%d 伤害无视)#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#RED##Source# is unstoppable!", "#RED##Source#势不可挡!!", "delayedLogMessage")
t("RESURRECT!", "复活!", "_t")
t("You feel a surge of power as a powerful creature falls nearby.", "你感受到一股力量的涌动,附近有个强大的生物倒下。", "logPlayer")
t("%s feeds you hate from its latest victim. (+%d hate)", "%s最近的受害者为你提供%d仇恨", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#The cease to exist spell fizzles and cancels, leaving the timeline intact.", "#LIGHT_RED#当前法术失败而终止,时间线保持了稳定。", "logPlayer")
t("Prodigy!", "获得觉醒技!", "_t")
t([[You have achieved #LIGHT_GREEN#level %d#WHITE# and gained a #LIGHT_GREEN#prodigy point#LAST#!

Prodigies are powerful talents with unique requirements that cannot be unlearned.]], [[你升到了#LIGHT_GREEN#%d级#WHITE#,得到了一点#LIGHT_GREEN#觉醒点#LAST#!

觉醒技是需要特殊学习需求的强大技能,无法遗忘。]], "tformat")
t("Level 50!", "50级!", "_t")
t([[You have achieved #LIGHT_GREEN#level 50#WHITE#, congratulations!

This level is special, it granted you #LIGHT_GREEN#10#WHITE# more stat points, #LIGHT_GREEN#3#WHITE# more class talent points and #LIGHT_GREEN#3#WHITE# more generic talent points.
Now go forward boldly and triumph!]], [[你达到了#LIGHT_GREEN#等级 50#WHITE#, 祝贺你!
现在,勇敢的向前并取得最终的胜利吧!]], "_t")
t("LEVEL UP!", "升级了!", "_t")
t("#00ffff#Welcome to level %d [%s].", "#00ffff#欢迎来到等级 %d [ %s ]", "log")
t("Press p to use them.", "请按 p 使用它们。", "_t")
t("Select %s in the party list and press G to use them.", "请选择队伍里的%s,按 G 使用它们。", "tformat")
t("%d stat point(s)", "%d 属性点", "tformat")
t("%d class talent point(s)", "%d 职业技能点", "tformat")
t("%d generic talent point(s)", "%d 通用技能点", "tformat")
t("%d category point(s)", "%d 大系点", "tformat")
t("#VIOLET#%d prodigies point(s)#WHITE#", "#VIOLET#%d 觉醒点#WHITE#", "tformat")
t("%s has %s to spend. %s", "%s有 %s可以使用。%s", "log")
t("#AQUAMARINE#You have gained one more life (%d remaining).", "#AQUAMARINE#你额外获得了一条命(剩余生命数:%d)", "logPlayer")
t("#FF0000#You carry too much--you are encumbered!", "#FF0000#你拿了太多东西——超重了!", "logPlayer")
t("#FF0000#Drop some of your items.", "#FF0000#丢弃一些东西。", "logPlayer")
t("+ENCUMBERED!", "+超重!", "_t")
t("#00FF00#You are no longer encumbered.", "#00FF00#你不再超重。", "logPlayer")
t("-ENCUMBERED!", "-超重!", "_t")
t("You cannot switch equipment while sleeping!", "你不能在睡眠中切换装备", "logPlayer")
t("unarmed", "徒手", "_t")
t("%s warps space-time to equip: %s.", "%s扭曲空间,切换武器至:%s 。", "logSeen")
t("%s switches %s weapons to: %s.", "%s切换%s武器至%s。", "logSeen")
t("%s wears %s%s.", "%s穿上了%s%s。", "logSeen")
t("antimagic", "反魔法", "_t")
t("%s #LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE#Triggers an Anomaly! (%s).", "%s #LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE#触发了一次异常!(%s)。", "logSeen")
t("#STEEL_BLUE#Casting %s.", "#STEEL_BLUE#释放%s。", "logPlayer")
t("#STEEL_BLUE#Targeting %s", "#STEEL_BLUE#瞄准%s", "saySimple")
t("#STEEL_BLUE#You've moved to another time thread.", "#STEEL_BLUE#你移动到了另一条时间线", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#You lose control and unleash an anomaly!", "#LIGHT_RED#你失去控制产生了异常!", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#You feel the edges of spacetime begin to ripple and bend!", "#LIGHT_RED#你感到时空的边际开始弯曲振荡。", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Spacetime feels more stable.", "#LIGHT_BLUE#时空变得更加稳定。", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#Spacetime fights against your control!", "#LIGHT_RED#时空失去了控制!", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#Spacetime has calmed...  somewhat.", "#LIGHT_BLUE#时空稍微稳定了些...", "logPlayer")
t("You already tried to use %s, an instant use talent, this turn and failed.", "你在本回合尝试使用瞬间技能%s失败,这回合无法再次使用。", "logPlayer")
t("%s is too afraid to use %s.", "%s非常恐惧,无法使用%s。", "logSeen")
t("%s is silenced and cannot use %s.", "%s被沉默,无法使用%s。", "logSeen")
t("The spell fizzles.", "法术失败了。", "logSeen")
t("%s is too disconnected from Nature to use %s.", "%s扰乱了自然平衡而无法使用%s。", "logSeen")
t("%s is unable to use this kind of inscription.", "%s无法使用这类纹身。", "logSeen")
t("%s is too heavily armoured to use this talent.", "%s身穿重甲,无法使用该技能。", "logSeen")
t("%s can't use this talent while holding a weapon or shield.", "%s在装备武器或盾牌的时候,无法使用该技能。", "logSeen")
t("%s is sleeping and unable to do this.", "%s正处于睡眠中,不能这样做。", "logPlayer")
t("You %s %s to activate %s.", "你的%s%s使用%s。", "logPlayer", {2,1,3})
t("do not have enough uncommitted", "太低,无法", "_t")
t("have too much committed", "太高,无法", "_t")
t("You do not have enough feedback to use %s.", "你的反馈值不足,无法使用%s。", "logPlayer")
t("You do not have enough fortress energy to use %s.", "你的堡垒能量不足,无法使用%s。", "logPlayer")
t("You have too much %s to use %s.", "你的%s过高,无法使用%s。", "logPlayer")
t("You do not have enough %s to use %s.", "你没有足够的%s施展:%s", "logPlayer")
t("You fail to use %s due to your equilibrium!", "由于你的失衡值过高你使用 %s 失败!", "logPlayer")
t("%s's %s has been disrupted by #ORCHID#anti-magic forces#LAST#!", "%s的%s被#ORCHID#反魔法力量#LAST#打断了!", "logSeen")
t("%s's %s has been disrupted by #ORCHID#anti-nature forces#LAST#!", "%s的%s被#ORCHID#反自然力量#LAST#打断了!", "logSeen")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("%s's %s has been disrupted by #ORCHID#anti-psionic forces#LAST#!", "%s的%s被#ORCHID#反灵能力量#LAST#打断了!", "logSeen")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("%s is confused and fails to use %s.", "%s陷入混乱使用%s时失败。", "logSeen")
t("%s fails to use %s.", "%s使用%s时失败。", "logSeen")
t("%s fumbles and fails to use %s, injuring %s!", "%s使用%s失败,还弄伤了%s!", "logSeen")
t("%s's %s is interrupted by the shot!", "%s的%s被射击打断!", "logSeen")
t("%s %s #{bold}##ORANGE#%s#LAST#.#{normal}#", "%s%s#{bold}##ORANGE#%s#LAST#。#{normal}#", "logSeen")
t("activates", "启用了", "_t")
t("deactivates", "关闭了", "_t")
t("%s casts #{bold}#%s%s.#{normal}##LAST#", "%s施放了#{bold}#%s%s.#{normal}##LAST#", "logSeen")
t("%s uses #{bold}#%s%s.#{normal}##LAST#", "%s使用了#{bold}#%s%s.#{normal}##LAST#", "logSeen")
t("%s talent '%s%s' is disrupted by the mind parasite.", "%s的技能'%s%s'被精神寄生虫干扰。", "logSeen")
t("Effective talent level: ", "有效技能等级:", "_t")
t("Passive", "被动技能", "_t")
t("Sustained", "持续技能", "_t")
t("Activated", "主动技能", "_t")
t("Use mode: ", "使用模式:", "_t")
t("Feedback cost: ", "反馈值消耗:", "_t")
t("Fortress Energy cost: ", "堡垒能量消耗", "_t")
t("Sustain feedback cost: ", "持续反馈值消耗:", "_t")
t("cost", "消耗", "_t")
t("gain", "获得", "_t")
t("Sustain %s cost: ", "持续%s消耗:", "tformat")
t("Generates", "产生", "_t")
t("Removes", "移除", "_t")
t("%s %s: ", "%s%s:", "tformat")
t("Drains", "吸收", "_t")
t("Replenishes", "补充", "_t")
t("Range: ", "使用范围:", "_t")
t("melee/personal", "近战/单体", "_t")
t("%d%% of base", "%d%%基础速度", "tformat")
t("Travel Speed: ", "飞行速度:", "_t")
t("instantaneous", "瞬间", "_t")
t("Full Turn", "完整回合", "_t")
t("Instant (#LIGHT_GREEN#0%#LAST# of a turn)", "瞬间(#LIGHT_GREEN#0%#LAST#回合)", "_t")
t("Special", "特殊", "_t")
t("%s (#LIGHT_GREEN#%d%%#LAST# of a turn)", "%s(#LIGHT_GREEN#%d%%#LAST#回合)", "tformat")
t("Usage Speed: ", "使用速度:", "_t")
t("Won't Break Stealth:  ", "不会打破潜行:", "_t")
t("%sCooldown: ", "%s冷却时间:", "tformat")
t("Fixed ", "固定", "_t")
t(" and ", "和", "_t")
t("Is: ", "是:", "_t")
t("Will Deactivate: ", "会解除:", "_t")
t("Description: ", "介绍:", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("can only learn one evolution", "只能学习一项进阶", "_t")
t("- Not other class or race evolution", "- 没有选择其他职业进阶或种族进阶", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("%s will now be used as often as possible automatically.", "%s将会尽可能多地自动使用", "tformat")
t("Automatic use enabled", "技能启用自动使用", "_t")
t("- requires a turn to use", "- 需要一回合来使用", "_t")
t("- requires a target, your last hostile one will be automatically used", "- 需要目标,会自动使用在你最后一个敌对生物身上。", "_t")
t("- will only trigger if no enemies are visible", "- 在没有可见敌人时触发", "_t")
t("- will automatically target you if a target is required", "- 如果需要目标,会自动选取你为目标", "_t")
t("- will only trigger if enemies are visible", "- 在有可见敌人时触发", "_t")
t("- will only trigger if enemies are visible and adjacent", "- 在有可见敌人相邻时触发", "_t")
t("- will only trigger if you are not in combat", "- 在战斗外触发", "_t")
 Are you sure?]], [[%s:
 你确认吗?]], "tformat")
t("Automatic use", "技能自动使用", "_t")
t("%s will not be automatically used.", "%s 不会被自动使用。", "tformat")
t("Automatic use disabled", "关闭技能自动使用", "_t")
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t("%s resists the dispelling of %s!", "%s 抵抗了 %s 的解除效果!", "logSeen")
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t("#LIGHT_RED#%s starts suffocating to death!", "#LIGHT_RED#%s窒息了!", "logSeen")
t("Physical save", "物理豁免", "_t")
t("Mental save", "精神豁免", "_t")
t("Spell save", "法术豁免", "_t")
t("#ORANGE#%s shrugs off %s '%s'!", "#ORANGE#%s豁免了%s“%s”!", "logCombat")
t("#LIGHT_UMBER#%s resists %s '%s'!", "#LIGHT_UMBER#%s抵抗了%s“%s”!", "logCombat")
t("#Target#'s", "#Target#的", "_t")
t("the effect", "效果", "_t")
t("but fumbles!", "但是失败了!", "_t")
t("to the %s!", "到%s!", "tformat")
t("#Source# deflects the projectile from #Target# %s", "#Source#偏移来自#Target#的抛射物%s", "logCombat")
t("%s reflects the spell!", "%s反射了法术!", "logSeen")
t("%s ignores the spell!", "%s无视了法术!", "logSeen")
t("You can not drop items while sleeping.", "你不能在睡眠状态下丢弃物品", "logPlayer")
t("You can not drop %s (plot item).", "你不能丢弃%s (剧情物品)。", "logPlayer")
t("You can not drop %s (tagged).", "你不能丢弃%s (已被标记)。", "logPlayer")
t("Any item dropped on the world map will be lost forever.", "所有在世界地图上丢弃的物品都将永远消失。", "_t")
t("Warning", "警告", "_t")
t("You destroy %s.", "你摧毁了%s。", "logPlayer")
t("You can not destroy %s.", "你不能摧毁%s。", "logPlayer")
t("Cancel", "取消", "_t")
t("Destroy", "摧毁", "_t")
t("%s drops on the floor: %s.", "%s把%s丢在了地上。", "logSeen")
t("You had to drop %s due to lack of space.", "由于空间不足,你必须丢下%s。", "logPlayer")
t("You cannot change your equipment while sleeping!", "你不能在睡眠中切换装备!", "logPlayer")
t("%s - %sEncumbrance %d/%d", "%s-%s负重 %d/%d", "tformat")
t("You extract %s from %s", "你从%s中提炼了%s。", "logPlayer")
t("You gain %0.2f gold from the transmogrification of %s.", "你获得了%0.2f金币,转化了%s。", "log")
t("When you close the inventory window, all items in the chest will be transmogrified.", "当你关闭物品栏的时候,所有在转化之盒里的物品都会被自动转化", "_t")
t("Transmogrification Chest", "转化之盒", "_t")
t("transmogrify", "转化", "_t")
t("You detach %s from your %s.", "你将%s从%s上取下。", "logPlayer")
t("You cannot change your equipment!", "你不能切换装备!", "logPlayer")
t("You can not use a tinker without the corresponding item.", "你不能在没有相关物品时使用配件", "logPlayer")
t("This item is not usable: %s.", "该物品不能使用:%s.", "logPlayer")
t("This tinker can not be applied to this item.", "这个配件不能装在该物品上", "logPlayer")
t("You already have a tinker on this item.", "这个物品上已经有了配件", "logPlayer")
t("You attach %s to your %s.", "你将%s附着于%s", "logPlayer")
t("You fail to attach %s to %s.", "你未能将%s装载在%s上。", "logPlayer")

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section "game/modules/tome/class/EscortRewards.lua"

t("%s, the lost warrior", "%s, 迷路的战士", "_t")
t("Please help me! I am afraid I lost myself in this place. I know there is a recall portal left around here by a friend, but I will not be able to continue the road alone. Would you help me?", "帮帮我!我在这地方迷路了,我有个朋友给我留下了一个传送门,不过恐怕靠我自己是到不了那里了,你能帮我一下吗?", "_t")
t("%s, the injured seer", "%s, 受伤的先知", "_t")
t("%s, the repented thief", "%s, 忏悔的盗贼", "_t")
t("%s, the lone alchemist", "%s, 落单的炼金术师", "_t")
t("He looks tired and wounded.", "他看起来又累又饿,且身受重伤。", "_t")
t("%s, the lost sun paladin", "%s, 迷路的太阳骑士", "_t")
t("%s, the lost defiler", "%s, 迷路的堕落者", "_t")
t("temporal portal", "时空传送门", "_t")
t([[Oh but you are ... are you ?! ME?!
		So I was right, this is not my original time-thread!
		Please help me! I am afraid I lost myself in this place. I know there is a temporal portal left around here by a friend, but I have fought too many battles, and I fear I will not make it. Would you help me? Would you help .. yourself?]], [[天哪,你……你是另一个我吗?!
		帮帮我!我在这地方迷路了,我有个朋友给我留下了一个传送门,不过我打了太多仗,恐怕靠我自己是到不了那里了,你能帮我一下吗?你能……帮自己一下吗?]], "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("%s, temporal explorer", "%s, 时空旅行者", "_t")
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t("She looks tired and wounded. She is so similar to you and yet completely different. Weird.", "她看起来又累又饿,且身受重伤。她跟你是如此的相像,但完全不一样。好奇怪。", "_t")
t("Please help me! I am afraid I lost myself in this place. I know there is a recall portal left around here by a friend, but I have fought too many battles, and I fear I will not make it. Would you help me?", "帮帮我!我在这地方迷路了,我有个朋友给我留下了一个传送门,不过我打了太多仗,恐怕靠我自己是到不了那里了,你能帮我一下吗?", "_t")
t("%s, the worried loremaster", "%s, 担忧的贤者", "_t")
t("She looks tired and wounded.", "她看起来又累又饿,且身受重伤。", "_t")
t("mental", "精神", "_t")
t("physical", "物理", "_t")
t("spell", "法术", "_t")
t("improved %s by +%d", "提升 %s +%d", "tformat")
t("[Improve %s by +%d]", "[提升 %s +%d]", "tformat")
t("improved %s save by +%d", "提升 %s豁免 +%d", "tformat")
t("[Improve %s save by +%d]", "[提升 %s豁免 +%d]", "tformat")
t("%s talent %s (+%d level(s))", "%s 技能 %s (+%d 等级)", "tformat")
t("improved", "提升了", "_t")
t("learnt", "学习了", "_t")
t("Improve", "提升", "_t")
t("Learn", "学习", "_t")
t("[%s talent %s (+%d level(s))]", "[%s 技能 %s (+%d 等级)]", "tformat")
t("Select the party member to receive the reward:", "选择队伍中获得奖励的成员:", "_t")
t("gained talent category %s (at mastery %0.2f)", "解锁技能树 %s (技能等级 %0.2f)", "tformat")
t("[Allow training of talent category %s (at mastery %0.2f)]", "[解锁技能树 %s (技能等级 %0.2f)]", "tformat")
t([[#GOLD#%s / %s#LAST#
%s]], [[#GOLD#%s/%s#LAST#
%s]], "tformat")

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section "game/modules/tome/class/FortressPC.lua"

t("Yiilkgur, the Sher'Tul Fortress", "夏·图尔堡垒 伊克格", "_t")
t("You are unable to move!", "你无法移动!", "logPlayer")
t("You have found a trap (%s)!", "你发现了一个陷阱(%s)!", "logPlayer")
t("Do you wish to teleport to the fortress?", "你想要传送到堡垒吗?", "_t")
t("The teleport fizzles!", "传送失败了!", "_t")

section "game/modules/tome/class/Game.lua"

t("<Scroll mode, press direction keys to scroll, press again to exit>", "<地图滚动模式,按上下左右键滚动地图,再次按键退出>", "_t")
t("Main character", "主角色", "_t")
t("Character Creation ( %s unlocked options)", "角色创建 ( %s 解锁选项)", "tformat")
t("Welcome to #LIGHT_BLUE#Tales of Maj'Eyal", "欢迎来到#LIGHT_BLUE#马基埃亚尔的传说", "_t")
t([[%s the level %d %s %s.
Difficulty: %s / %s
Campaign: %s
Exploring level %s of %s.]], [[%s 等级%d,%s %s。
难度:%s / %s
正在探索楼层 %s,%s。]], "tformat")
t("%s the %s %s", "%s, %s %s", "tformat")
t([[%s the %s %s.
Difficulty: %s / %s
Campaign: %s]], [[%s,%s %s。
难度:%s / %s
战役:%s]], "tformat")
t("#LIGHT_RED#You may not change level so soon after a kill (%d game turns left to wait)!", "#LIGHT_RED#在完成一次杀戮后,你现在不能离开该层!(等待%d回合)", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#You may not change level without your own body!", "#LIGHT_RED#你只能用自己的身体离开地图!", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#You may not leave the zone with this character!", "#LIGHT_RED#你不能用这个角色离开地图!", "logPlayer")
t("#LIGHT_RED#You cannot escape your fate by leaving the level!", "#LIGHT_RED#你不能离开地图以求逃避命运!", "logPlayer")
t("Stay: level %s of %s", "待在:%s第%s层", "tformat")
t("Keep Trying: level %s of %s", "继续尝试:%s第%s层", "tformat")
t("Log the problem, Stay: level %s of %s", "记录问题,待在:%s第%s层", "tformat")
t("Debug the problem (move to the failed zone/level)", "调试问题 (进入失败的地图/楼层)", "_t")
t("Information logged", "信息已记录。", "_t")
t("Information on the failed zone and level dumped to the log file.", "有关失败的地图和楼层的信息,已被输出到日志文件。", "_t")
t("The game could not generate level %s of %s after %s attempts. What do you want to do?", "在经过 %s 次尝试后,游戏未能成功生成 %s 地图的第 %s 层。你想要做什么?", "tformat", {3,2,1})
t("Level Generation Failure", "地图生成失败", "_t")
t("Loading level", "正在读取楼层", "_t")
t("Please wait while loading the level...", "正在读取楼层,请稍候…", "_t")
t("Easy!", "小菜一碟!", "_t")
t("This zone is so easy for you that you can stroll to the last area with ease.", "这个地下城对你来说过于简单,你可以闲庭信步,直达最后一层。", "_t")
t("Stay there", "步步为营", "_t")
t("Stroll", "闲庭信步", "_t")
t("You feel a thrill of terror and your heart begins to pound in your chest. You feel terribly threatened upon entering this area.", "你因恐惧而感到不安,你觉得你的心跳开始加速,你感到进入这个区域对你有极大的威胁。", "_t")
t("You feel mildly anxious, and walk with caution.", "你感到稍微有点不安,开始小心前行。", "_t")
t("You feel very confident walking into this place.", "你充满自信地进入了这个区域。", "_t")
t("You stride into this area without a second thought, while stifling a yawn. You feel your time might be better spent elsewhere.", "你大步流星地走进这片区域,打了个哈欠,你感到待在这里可能是浪费时间,最好到别的地方去看看。", "_t")
t("Folding the space time structure...", "正在折叠时空的结构…", "_t")
t("Chronomancy", "时空", "_t")
t("Unfolding the space time structure...", "正在恢复时空的结构…", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("the great unknown", "伟大未知", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("something", "某物", "_t")
t("unknown", "未知", "_t")
t(" #LIGHT_GREEN#[%0.0f healing]#LAST#", " #LIGHT_GREEN#[%0.0f 治疗]#LAST#", "tformat")
t("#Source# hits #Target# for %s (#RED##{bold}#%0.0f#LAST##{normal}# total damage)%s.", "#Source#击中#Target#造成%s (#RED##{bold}#%0.0f#LAST##{normal}#合计伤害)%s.", "logMessage")
t("#Source# hits #Target# for %s damage.", "#Source#击中#Target#造成%s伤害。", "logMessage")
t("#Source# receives %s.", "#Source#受到%s。", "logMessage")
t("#Target# receives %s from #Source#.", "#Target#受到来自#Source#的%s。", "logMessage")
t("Kill (%d)!", "杀死 (%d)!", "tformat")
t("#{bold}##Source# killed #Target#!#{normal}#", "#{bold}##Source#击杀了#Target#!#{normal}#", "_t")
t("Showing big healthbars and tactical borders.", "显示大血条+边框", "log")
t("Showing healthbars only.", "只显示血条信息", "log")
t("Showing no tactical information.", "不显示血条信息", "log")
t("Showing small healthbars and tactical borders.", "显示小血条+边框", "log")
t("You cannot do that on the world map.", "你在世界地图上不能这样做。", "logPlayer")
t("Run in which direction?", "朝哪个方向跑?", "log")
t("You may not auto-explore this level.", "你不能自动探索这一层", "log")
t("You may not auto-explore with enemies in sight (%s to the %s%s)!", "当有敌人在视野里时,你不能自动探索! (%s 在 %s方%s)!", "log")
t("There is nowhere left to explore.", "这一层没有地方可以探索了。", "log")
t("Hotkey page %d is now displayed.", "当前显示快捷键第%d页。", "log")
t("You cannot currently leave the level.", "你现在不能离开本层。", "log")
t("You cannot go into the wilds with the following effects: %s", "由于当前状态异常,你无法进入野外:%s", "log")
t("There is no way out of this level here.", "这里不是离开该层的出口。", "log")
t("#GOLD#Automatic talent usage: %s", "#GOLD#自动技能使用:%s", "log")
t("#GOLD#Automatic accept target mode: %s", "#GOLD#技能自动选择目标:%s", "log")
t("#LIGHT_GREEN#enabled", "#LIGHT_GREEN#启用", "_t")
t("#LIGHT_RED#disabled", "#LIGHT_RED#禁用", "_t")
t("Message Log", "消息日志", "_t")
t("Displaying creatures.", "显示生物。", "log")
t("Displaying talents.", "显示技能。", "log")
t("Show Achievements", "显示成就", "_t")
t("Tales of Maj'Eyal Achievements", "马基埃亚尔的传说成就", "_t")
t("Show known Lore", "显示已知手札", "_t")
t("Tales of Maj'Eyal Lore", "马基埃亚尔的传说手札", "_t")
t("Show ingredients", "显示材料", "_t")
t("Inventory", "物品栏", "_t")
t("Character Sheet", "角色信息面板", "_t")
t("Game Options", "游戏选项", "_t")
t("Looking around... (direction keys to select interesting things, shift+direction keys to move freely)", "正在观察四周…(按方向键定位有趣的东西,按Shift+方向键自由移动)", "log")
t("Tooltip %s", "提示%s", "log")
t("Movement Mode: #LIGHT_GREEN#Default#LAST#.", "移动模式:#LIGHT_GREEN#默认#LAST#.", "log")
t("Movement Mode: #LIGHT_RED#Passive#LAST#.", "移动模式:#LIGHT_RED#被动#LAST#.", "log")
t("#GOLD#CHEAT MOVE ACTOR %s: ctrl+shift+alt+right click on an empty map spot to move it", "#GOLD#CHEAT MOVE ACTOR %s: ctrl+shift+alt+right 点击地图上的空白位置来移动它", "log")
t("Save and go back to main menu?", "保存并返回主菜单?", "_t")
t("quitting", "正在退出", "_t")
t("Save and exit game?", "保存并退出游戏?", "_t")
t("saving", "正在保存", "_t")
t("Saving game...", "保存游戏...", "log")
t("#ANTIQUE_WHITE#Splash screen unlocked: #GOLD#%s", "#ANTIQUE_WHITE#游戏启动画面已解锁:#GOLD#%s", "log")

section "game/modules/tome/class/GameState.lua"

t("#AQUAMARINE#Most stores should have new stock now.", "#AQUAMARINE#大部分商店现在应该有新货物了。", "log")
t("crackling", "爆裂", "_t")
t("faceted", "镶嵌的", "_t")
t("faded", "暗淡的", "_t")
t("flawless", "无缺陷的", "_t")
t("gleaming", "闪耀的", "_t")
t("glistening", "明亮的", "_t")
t("glowing", "发光的", "_t")
t("humming", "嗡嗡作响的", "_t")
t("immaculate", "整洁的", "_t")
t("jewel-encrusted", "宝石覆盖的", "_t")
t("laminated", "粘合的", "_t")
t("plated", "镀制", "_t")
t("rune-covered", "符文的", "_t")
t("scintillating", "有趣的", "_t")
t("shadowy", "阴影的", "_t")
t("sigiled", "印记的", "_t")
t("silvered", "银白的", "_t")
t("twisted", "扭曲的", "_t")
t("unblemished", "不羁的", "_t")
t("Ambush!", "伏击!", "_t")
t("You have been ambushed!", "你被伏击了!", "_t")
t("%s the %s", "%s %s", "tformat", {2,1})
t("Infinite Dungeon Challenge (Level %s): %s", "无尽地下城挑战 (楼层 %s): %s", "tformat")
t("Leave the level (to the next level) without killing a single creature. You will get #{italic}#two#{normal}# rewards.", "在不杀死任何怪物的情况下离开这一层(到达下一层)。你将得到#{italic}#两份#{normal}# 奖励。", "_t")
t("Pacifist", "和平主义者", "_t")
t("Exterminate every foe on the level.", "杀死这一层的所有敌人。", "_t")
t("Exterminator", "屠夫", "_t")
t("Foes left: #LIGHT_RED#%s", "剩余敌人:#LIGHT_RED#%s", "tformat")
%s]], [[#LIGHT_RED#歼灭这个敌人#LAST#
%s]], "tformat")
t("Proceed directly to the next Infinite Dungeon level in less than %d turns (an exit is revealed on your map).", "在%d回合内到达无尽地下城的下一层。(出口已标记在地图上)", "tformat")
t("Rush Hour (%d)", "决胜时刻 (%d)", "tformat")
#ORCHID# Rush Hour: %s turns left!\
", "\
", "log")
t("Proceed to the next Infinite Dungeon level! An exit has been marked on your map.", "前往到达无尽地下城的下一层!出口已被标记在地图上。", "_t")
t("Dream Hunter", "梦境猎手", "_t")
t("Wake up and kill the dreaming horror boss '%s'.", "唤醒并杀死梦境恐魔Boss '%s'。", "tformat")
t("Find, challenge, and kill your mirror clone on the level.", "在本层找到,挑战并杀死你的克隆体。", "_t")
t("Mirror Match", "镜像战斗", "_t")
t("An evil twin of %s%s", "%s的邪恶双生子%s", "tformat")
t("Mirror Challenge of %s", "%s的镜像挑战", "tformat")
t("but nobody knew why #sex# suddenly became evil", "但是没有人知道为什么#sex#突然变得邪恶了", "_t")
t("#ORCHID#%s does not recognize you.", "#ORCHID#%s 没有认出你。", "logPlayer")
t("Challenge your mirror clone and triumph!", "挑战你的镜像克隆体,并取得胜利!", "_t")
t("Challenge: #PURPLE#Mirror Match", "挑战:#PURPLE#镜像挑战", "_t")
t("#CRIMSON#The Fight Is Joined!", "#CRIMSON#战斗开始了!", "say")
t("Challenge: #PURPLE#Near Sighted", "挑战:#PURPLE#近视眼", "_t")
t("Proceed to the next Infinite Dungeon level with -7 sight range for a reward.", "在-7视野下到达无尽地下城的下一层,以获得奖励", "_t")
t("Near Sighted", "近视眼", "_t")
t("Proceed to the next Infinite Dungeon level with -7 sight range.", "在-7视野下到达无尽地下城的下一层。", "_t")
t("All foes (including bosses) gain the ability to multiply up to 3 times.  You must survive for at least %d turns before exiting.", "所有敌人(包括boss)都有能力复制 3 次。你需要至少存活 %d 个回合才能离开。", "tformat")
t("Challenge: #PURPLE#Multiplicity", "挑战:#PURPLE#复制", "_t")
t("All foes have the multiply talent!", "所有敌人都有复制能力", "_t")
t("Multiplicity", "复制", "_t")
t("Turns left: #LIGHT_GREEN#%d", "剩余回合: #LIGHT_GREEN#%d", "tformat")
t("#LIGHT_GREEN#Multiplicity: You have survived so far. Exit for your reward!", "#LIGHT_GREEN#复制:你存活了下来。离开楼层,领取奖励吧!", "say")
t("Survive the multiplicative madness!", "从疯狂的复制中存活下来!", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
Otowa Kotori committed
t("#rng# the Spawn of Urh'Rok", "#rng# 乌鲁洛克的子嗣", "_t")
t("Challenge: #PURPLE#Headhunter", "挑战:#PURPLE#猎头者", "_t")
t("Kill %d spawns of Urh'Rok on the level before killing any other elite (or higher rank) creatures, for an uncommon reward.", "在杀死精英或更高级别的怪物之前,在楼层里杀死 %d 个乌鲁洛克的子嗣,以获取稀有奖励。", "tformat")
t("Headhunter", "猎头者", "_t")
t("Kill %d spawns of Urh'Rok on the level before killing any elite creatures.", "在杀死任何精英怪物之前,杀死楼层里 %d 个乌鲁洛克的子嗣。", "tformat")
t("%d / %d demon spawn killed.", "已杀死 %d/%d 个恶魔子嗣", "tformat")
t("#ORCHID#You claim the head of %s, giving pause to all foes on the level.", "#ORCHID#你杀死了 %s,楼层上所有的敌人都被暂停了。", "say")
t("Accept", "接受", "_t")
t("Refuse", "拒绝", "_t")
t("Random Artifact", "随机神器", "_t")
t("Random Artifact: %s", "随机神器:%s", "tformat")
t("+3 Stat Points", "+3 属性点", "_t")
t("+1 Class Point", "+1 职业技能点", "_t")
t("+1 Generic Point", "+1 通用技能点", "_t")
t("+1 Category Point", "+1 大系点", "_t")
t("+1 Prodigy Point", "+1 觉醒点", "_t")
t(" and ", "和", "_t")
t("Reward", "奖励", "_t")
t("Rewards", "奖励", "_t")
t("#LIGHT_BLUE#%s has received: %s.", "#LIGHT_BLUE#%s获得了:%s.", "log")
t("You have unlocked a new talent: %s!", "你解锁了新技能:%s!", "tformat")

section "game/modules/tome/class/Grid.lua"

t("Leave", "离开", "_t")
t("Open", "打开", "_t")
t("spot", "点", "_t")
t("%s's %s", "%s的%s", "tformat")
t(" (range: ", " (距离:", "_t")
t("Min.level: ", "最小等级:", "_t")
t("Never visited yet", "尚未探索区域", "_t")
t("In sight", "视线内", "_t")
t("Lit", "被照亮区域", "_t")
t("Blocks sight", "遮挡视线", "_t")
t("Blocks movement", "阻碍移动", "_t")
t("Special breathing method required", "需要特殊呼吸技能", "_t")
t("Diggable", "可挖掘", "_t")
t("Cannot teleport to this place", "无法传送到这里", "_t")
t("Coords: ", "坐标:", "_t")
t("map attrs: ", "地图属性:", "_t")
t("#VIOLET#You hear a mechanism clicking.", "#VIOLET#你听到了机械转动的声音。", "log")

section "game/modules/tome/class/MapEffects.lua"

t(" area effect", "地图效果", "_t")
t("area effect", "地图效果", "_t")
t("%s's %s", "%s的%s", "tformat")

section "game/modules/tome/class/NPC.lua"

t("#PINK#Your summoned %s disappears.", "#PINK#你召唤的%s消失了。", "logPlayer")
t("her", "她的", "_t")
t("him", "他", "_t")
t("Killed by you: %s", "被你杀死:%s", "tformat")
t("Target: ", "目标:", "_t")
t("none", "没有", "_t")
t(" looking %s", "寻找%s", "tformat")
t(" looking at you.", "正在看着你。", "_t")
t("UID: ", "UID:", "_t")
t("%s says: '%s'", "%s说道:“%s”", "logSeen")

section "game/modules/tome/class/Object.lua"

t("Massive armour training", "板甲训练", "_t")
t("Heavy armour training", "重甲训练", "_t")
t("Shield usage training", "盾牌使用训练", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
Otowa Kotori committed
t("Can not use an item in the transmogrification chest.", "无法使用在转化之盒中的物品。", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
Otowa Kotori committed
t("This object has no usable power.", "这一物品没有可以使用的能力。", "_t")
t("You cannot use items now!", "你现在无法使用物品!", "_t")
t("You cannot see!", "你现在看不见东西!", "_t")
t("You are silenced!", "你被沉默了!", "_t")
t("You must wear this object to use it!", "你必须装备这件物品才能使用它!", "_t")
t("You can not use items during a battle frenzy!", "你处于战斗狂热中,无法使用物品!", "_t")
t("You can not use objects while sleeping!", "睡眠状态下无法使用物品!", "_t")
t("Object can be used.", "物品无法使用", "_t")
t("%s is still recharging.", "%s 还在充能。", "logPlayer")
t("%s can not be used anymore.", "%s 无法再继续使用了。", "logPlayer")
t("You see one more object.", "还有一件物品。", "_t")
t("You see %d more objects.", "还有%d件物品。", "tformat")
t("%d%% power", "%d%% 伤害", "tformat")
t("%d-%d power", "%d-%d 伤害", "tformat")
t("%0.2f %s", "%0.2f%s", "tformat")
t("%s%0.2f/turn", "%s%0.2f/回合", "tformat")
t("%s, %s apr", "%s, %s 护甲穿透", "tformat")
t("%d/%d, %s, %s apr", "%d/%d, %s, %s 护甲穿透", "tformat")
t("%s, %d apr, %s damage", "%s, %d 护甲穿透, %s 伤害", "tformat")
t("%s, %d apr, %s element", "%s, %d 护甲穿透, %s 伤害", "tformat")
t("%s, %s block", "%s, %s 格挡", "tformat")
t("%s block", "%s 格挡", "tformat")
t("%s def, %s armour", "%s 闪避, %s 护甲", "tformat")
t("%s accuracy, %s apr, %s power", "%s 命中, %s 护甲穿透, %s 强度", "tformat")
t("worth %0.2f", "价值 %0.2f", "tformat")
t("dig speed %d turns", "挖掘速度%d回合", "tformat")
t(" [power %d]", " [能量 %d]", "tformat")
t(" (%d/%d cooldown)", " (%d/%d 冷却)", "tformat")
t(" (%d cooldown)", " (%d 冷却)", "tformat")
t("object", "物品", "_t")
t("%s, %sspecial#LAST#", "%s, %s特殊#LAST#", "tformat")
t("%s, %sego#LAST#", "%s, %s词缀#LAST#", "tformat")
t(" crit mult (max 40%)", " 暴击伤害(最大40%)", "_t")
t(" crit chance (max 25%)", " 暴击率(最大25%)", "_t")
t(" base dam (max 20%)", " 基础伤害(最大20%)", "_t")
t(" proc dam (max 200%)", " 触发伤害(最大200%)", "_t")
t(" APR (max 50%)", " 护甲穿透 (最大 50%)", "_t")
t("Accuracy bonus: ", "命中加成:", "_t")
t("%d%% %s", "%d%%%s", "tformat")
t("Power: %3d%% (%s)  Range: %.1fx (%s)", "伤害:%3d%% (%s)  范围:%.1fx (%s)", "tformat")
t("Power: %3d%%  Range: %.1fx", "伤害:%3d%%  范围:%.1fx", "tformat")
t("Base power: %.1f - %.1f", "基础伤害:%.1f-%.1f", "tformat")
t("Uses %s: %s", "使用%s: %s", "tformat")
t("stat", "属性", "_t")
t("stats", "属性", "_t")
t("Damage type: ", "伤害类型:", "_t")
t("Armour Penetration: ", "护甲穿透:", "_t")
t("Crit. chance: ", "暴击率:", "_t")
t("Crit. power: ", "暴击伤害加成:", "_t")
t("Attack speed: ", "攻击速度:", "_t")
t("Block value: ", "格挡值:", "_t")
t("Dam. multiplier: ", "伤害倍率:", "_t")
t("Firing range: ", "攻击距离:", "_t")
t("Capacity: ", "弹仓容量:", "_t")
t("Reload speed: ", "装填速度:", "_t")
t("Turns elapse between self-loadings: ", "自动填弹间隔:", "_t")
t("When this weapon hits: %s (%d%% chance level %d).", "当该武器击中:%s (%d%% 几率等级 %d)。", "tformat")
t("When this weapon crits: %s (%d%% chance level %d).", "当该武器暴击时:%s (%d%% 几率等级 %d)。", "tformat")
t("#YELLOW#On weapon hit:#LAST#", "#YELLOW#武器击中时:#LAST#", "_t")
t("#YELLOW#On weapon crit:#LAST#", "#YELLOW#武器暴击时:#LAST#", "_t")
t("#YELLOW#On weapon kill:#LAST#", "#YELLOW#武器击杀时:#LAST#", "_t")
t("When used from stealth a simple attack with it will not break stealth.", "潜行中使用,单纯攻击不会取消潜行。", "_t")
t("Crushing Blows: ", "毁灭打击: ", "_t")
t("Damage dealt by this weapon is increased by half your critical multiplier, if doing so would kill the target.", "这把武器造成的伤害将增加一半的暴击加成,如果这样能秒杀目标。", "_t")
t("Travel speed: ", "飞行速度:", "_t")
t("Damage Shield penetration (this weapon only): ", "伤害护盾穿透(仅该武器):", "_t")
t("Lifesteal (this weapon only): ", "吸血(仅该武器):", "_t")
t("Multiple attacks: ", "多重攻击:", "_t")
t("Multiple attacks procs power reduction: ", "多重攻击强度衰减:", "_t")
t("Shots beam through all targets.", "光束穿透所有目标。", "_t")
t("Damage (radius 1) on hit: ", "击中时溅射伤害(1格半径):", "_t")
t("Damage (radius 2) on crit: ", "暴击时溅射伤害(2格半径):", "_t")
t("Damage conversion: ", "伤害类型转换:", "_t")
t("#ORANGE#Attacks use: #LAST#", "#ORANGE#攻击使用:#LAST#", "_t")
t("[Plot Item]", "[剧情物品]", "_t")
t("[Cosmetic Item]", "[装饰物品]", "_t")
t("[Legendary]", "[传说级物品]", "_t")
t("[Godslayer]", "[弑神级物品]", "_t")
t("[Random Unique]", "[随机史诗级物品]", "_t")
t("[Unique]", "[史诗级物品]", "_t")
t("Type: %s / %s", "类型:%s/%s", "tformat")
t("unknown", "未知", "_t")
t(" ; tier ", " ; 材质等级 ", "_t")
t("It must be held with both hands.", "你必须使用双手装备。", "_t")
t("It can be used as a weapon and offhand.", "能当作单手武器+副手使用", "_t")
t("Mastery: ", "武器精通类型:", "_t")
t("Accuracy is based on willpower for this weapon.", "该武器的命中率受意志加成。", "_t")
t("Weapon Damage: ", "武器伤害:", "_t")
t(", ", ",", "_t")
t("#YELLOW#It can cause special effects when it strikes in combat.#LAST#", "#YELLOW#近战击中时触发特殊效果。#LAST#", "_t")
t("#ORCHID#It can cause special effects when a melee attack is blocked.#LAST#", "#ORCHID#近战格挡时触发特殊效果。#LAST#", "_t")
t("It %s ambient light (%+d radius).", "它%s光照。 (%+d 光照范围).", "tformat")
t("dims", "熄灭", "_t")
t("provides", "提供", "_t")
t("#ORANGE#It has an activatable power.#LAST#", "#ORANGE#它具有一项可激活的能力。#LAST#", "_t")
t("It is part of a set of items.", "它是某个套装中的一件。", "_t")
t("The set is complete.", "套装已完成。", "_t")
t("Accuracy: ", "命中:", "_t")
t("Armour penetration: ", "护甲穿透:", "_t")
t("Physical crit. chance: ", "物理暴击率:", "_t")
t("Physical power: ", "物理强度:", "_t")
t("Armour: ", "护甲值:", "_t")
t("Armour Hardiness: ", "护甲强度:", "_t")
t("Defense: ", "闪避:", "_t")
t("Ranged Defense: ", "远程闪避:", "_t")
t("Fatigue: ", "疲劳值:", "_t")
t("Ammo reloads per turn: ", "每回合装载弹药数:", "_t")
t("Effects on melee hit: ", "近战附加特效:", "_t")
t("Damage (Melee): ", "近战附加伤害:", "_t")
t("Effects on ranged hit: ", "远程附加特效:", "_t")
t("Damage (Ranged): ", "远程附加伤害:", "_t")
t("Effects when hit in melee: ", "近战反击特效:", "_t")
t("Damage when hit (Melee): ", "近战反击伤害:", "_t")
t("No left", "没有左侧", "log")
t("No right", "没有右侧", "log")
t("#YELLOW#On shield block:#LAST#", "#YELLOW#盾牌格挡时:#LAST#", "_t")
t("Changes stats: ", "属性变化:", "_t")
t("Changes resistances: ", "抗性改变:", "_t")
t("Changes resistances cap: ", "抗性上限改变:", "_t")
t("Reduce damage by fixed amount: ", "按固定数值减少全部伤害:", "_t")
t("Maximum wards: ", "最大守护次数:", "_t")
t("Changes resistances penetration: ", "抗性穿透改变:", "_t")
t("Changes damage: ", "伤害加成:", "_t")
t("Damage against: ", "伤害增幅:", "_t")
t("Reduced damage from: ", "降低特定来源伤害:", "_t")
t("Talent category bonus: ", "技能树加成:", "_t")
t("Damage affinity(heal): ", "伤害吸收(治疗):", "_t")
t(" %s", "%s", "tformat")
t("all", "所有", "_t")
t("Change telepathy range by : ", "心灵感应范围改变:", "_t")
t("All", "所有", "_t")
t("Grants telepathy: ", "获得心灵感应:", "_t")
t("Talent %s: ", "技能%s: ", "tformat")
t("masteries", "精通", "_t")
t("mastery", "精通", "_t")
t(" / ", "/", "_t")
t("%s cooldown:", "%s冷却:", "tformat")
t("turn", "回合", "_t")
t("turns", "回合", "_t")
t("%s granted: ", "获得%s: ", "tformat")
t("Talent", "技能", "_t")
t("Talents", "技能", "_t")
t("Allows you to breathe in: ", "可以在以下环境呼吸:", "_t")
t("Critical mult.: ", "暴击伤害加成:", "_t")
t("Reduces incoming crit damage: ", "降低暴击伤害:", "_t")
t("Reduces opponents crit chance: ", "降低对方暴击率:", "_t")
t("Trap disarming bonus: ", "拆除陷阱加成:", "_t")
t("Stealth bonus: ", "潜行加成:", "_t")
t("Maximum encumbrance: ", "负重上限加成:", "_t")
t("Physical save: ", "物理豁免加成:", "_t")
t("Spell save: ", "法术豁免加成:", "_t")
t("Mental save: ", "精神豁免加成:", "_t")
t("Blindness immunity: ", "致盲免疫:", "_t")
t("Poison immunity: ", "毒素免疫:", "_t")
t("Disease immunity: ", "疾病免疫:", "_t")
t("Cut immunity: ", "流血免疫:", "_t")
t("Silence immunity: ", "沉默免疫:", "_t")
t("Disarm immunity: ", "缴械免疫:", "_t")
t("Confusion immunity: ", "混乱免疫:", "_t")
t("Sleep immunity: ", "睡眠免疫:", "_t")
t("Pinning immunity: ", "定身免疫:", "_t")
t("Stun/Freeze immunity: ", "震慑/冰冻免疫:", "_t")
t("Fear immunity: ", "恐惧免疫:", "_t")
t("Knockback immunity: ", "击退免疫:", "_t")
t("Instant-death immunity: ", "即死免疫:", "_t")
t("Teleport immunity: ", "传送免疫:", "_t")
t("Life regen: ", "生命回复:", "_t")
t("Stamina each turn: ", "每回合体力回复:", "_t")
t("Mana each turn: ", "每回合法力回复:", "_t")
t("Hate each turn: ", "每回合仇恨值回复:", "_t")
t("Psi each turn: ", "每回合灵能值回复:", "_t")
Otowa Kotori's avatar
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t("Equilibrium each turn: ", "每回合失衡值回复:", "_t")
t("Vim each turn: ", "每回合活力值回复:", "_t")
t("P.Energy each turn: ", "每回合正能量值回复:", "_t")
t("N.Energy each turn: ", "每回合负能量值回复:", "_t")
t("Stamina when hit: ", "被击中回复体力:", "_t")
t("Mana when hit: ", "被击中回复法力:", "_t")
t("Equilibrium when hit: ", "被击中回复失衡值:", "_t")
t("Psi when hit: ", "被击中回复灵能值:", "_t")
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t("Hate when hit: ", "被击中回复仇恨值:", "_t")
t("Vim when hit: ", "被击中回复活力值:", "_t")
t("Vim when hitting in melee: ", "近战命中时回复活力:", "_t")
t("Mana when firing critical spell: ", "法术暴击时回复法力:", "_t")
t("Vim when firing critical spell: ", "法术暴击时回复活力:", "_t")
t("Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times): ", "法术暴击时增加法术强度(最大叠加3次):", "_t")
t("Hate when firing a critical mind attack: ", "精神暴击时回复仇恨值:", "_t")
t("Psi when firing a critical mind attack: ", "精神暴击时回复灵能值:", "_t")
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t("Equilibrium when firing a critical mind attack: ", "精神暴击时回复失衡值:", "_t")
t("Hate per kill: ", "每次击杀获得仇恨值:", "_t")
t("Psi per kill: ", "每次击杀获得灵能值:", "_t")
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t("Vim per kill: ", "每次击杀获得活力值:", "_t")
t("%+.2f life", "%+.2f 生命", "_t")
t("Only die when reaching: ", "生命底限:", "_t")
t("Maximum life: ", "生命上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum mana: ", "法力上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum souls: ", "灵魂上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum stamina: ", "体力上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum hate: ", "仇恨上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum psi: ", "灵能值上限:", "_t")
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t("Maximum vim: ", "活力上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum ", "正能量上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum ", "负能量上限:", "_t")
t("Maximum air capacity: ", "空气容量上限:", "_t")
t("Spellpower: ", "法术强度:", "_t")
t("Spell crit. chance: ", "法术暴击率:", "_t")
t("Lowers spell cool-downs by: ", "减少法术冷却时间:", "_t")
t("%+d #LAST#(%+d eff.)", "%+d#LAST#(%+d有效值)", "_t")
t("Mindpower: ", "精神强度:", "_t")
t("Mental crit. chance: ", "精神暴击率:", "_t")
t("Light radius: ", "光照范围:", "_t")
t("Infravision radius: ", "夜视范围:", "_t")
t("Heightened senses radius: ", "强化感知范围:", "_t")
t("Sight radius: ", "视觉范围:", "_t")
t("See stealth: ", "侦测潜行:", "_t")
t("See invisible: ", "侦测隐形:", "_t")
t("Invisibility: ", "隐形等级:", "_t")
t("Global speed: ", "整体速度:", "_t")
t("Movement speed: ", "移动速度:", "_t")
t("Combat speed: ", "战斗速度:", "_t")
t("Casting speed: ", "施法速度:", "_t")
t("Mental speed: ", "精神速度:", "_t")
t("Healing mod.: ", "治疗加成:", "_t")
t("Heals friendly targets nearby when you use a nature summon: ", "当你使用自然召唤时治疗附近友方单位:", "_t")
t("Life leech chance: ", "吸血几率:", "_t")
t("Life leech: ", "吸血:", "_t")
t("Resource leech chance: ", "能量吸收几率:", "_t")
t("Resource leech: ", "能量吸收:", "_t")
t("Damage Shield penetration: ", "护盾穿透:", "_t")
t("Deflect projectiles away: ", "抛射物偏斜:", "_t")
t("Chance to avoid attacks: ", "闪避攻击几率:", "_t")
t("Chance to avoid any damage: ", "无视伤害几率:", "_t")
t("Defense after a teleport: ", "传送后增加闪避:", "_t")
t("Resist all after a teleport: ", "传送后增加所有抵抗:", "_t")
t("New effects duration reduction after a teleport: ", "传送后减少效果持续时间:", "_t")
t("Damage Resonance (when hit): ", "伤害共振(当击中时):", "_t")
t("Size category: ", "体积等级:", "_t")
t("Max wilder summons: ", "最大自然召唤数:", "_t")
t("Life regen bonus (wilder-summons): ", "生命回复加成(自然召唤):", "_t")
t("Damage Shield Duration: ", "护盾持续时间增加:", "_t")
t("Damage Shield Power: ", "护盾强度增加:", "_t")
t("Ice block penetration: ", "冰块穿透:", "_t")
t("Slows Projectiles: ", "减缓抛射物速度:", "_t")
t("Bonus block near projectiles: ", "附近有抛射物时获得额外格挡:", "_t")
t("Reduces paradox anomalies(equivalent to willpower): ", "时空技能异常阈值(基于意志):", "_t")
t("Damage Backlash: ", "伤害回火:", "_t")
t("Reduce all damage from unseen attackers: ", "降低不可见目标伤害:", "_t")
t("The wearer is treated as an undead.", "装备者将被视为不死族。", "_t")
t("The wearer is treated as a demon.", "装备者将被视为恶魔。", "_t")
t("The wearer is blinded.", "装备者处于失明状态。", "_t")
t("The wearer is asleep.", "穿戴者陷入沉睡。", "_t")
t("Blind-Fight: ", "心眼: ", "_t")
t("This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties.", "该物品允许你在攻击不可见单位时不受任何惩罚。", "_t")
t("Lucid Dreamer: ", "清晰梦境: ", "_t")
t("This item allows the wearer to act while sleeping.", "此装备允许装备者边睡觉边行动。", "_t")
t("The wearer no longer has to breathe.", "装备者不需要呼吸。", "_t")
t("Quick Weapon Swap:", "无影手: ", "_t")
t("This item allows the wearer to swap to their secondary weapon without spending a turn.", "该武器允许装备者在切换至副武器时无需消耗一回合。", "_t")
t("Avoid Pressure Traps: ", "避免压力陷阱: ", "_t")
t("The wearer never triggers traps that require pressure.", "该物品可防止装备者触发压力式陷阱。", "_t")
t("Allows you to speak and read the old Sher'Tul language.", "让你学会古老的夏·图尔语言。", "_t")
t("When used to modify unarmed attacks:", "徒手伤害加成:", "_t")
t("Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.", "学习空手攻击技能,或者开启 '强制显示手套战斗数据' 选项来查看战斗数据", "_t")
t("When used to attack (with talents):", "使用技能攻击时:", "_t")
t("Learn shield attack talent or enable 'Always show shield combat' to see combat stats.", "学习盾牌攻击技能,或者开启 '强制显示盾牌战斗数据' 选项来查看战斗数据", "_t")
t("It is immune to teleportation, if you teleport it will fall on the ground.", "此物品无法传送,传送时会自动掉落。", "_t")
t("When wielded/worn:", "当使用或装备时:", "_t")
t("Skullcracker multiplicator: ", "铁头功加成:", "_t")
t("When carried:", "当携带时:", "_t")
t("Attach on item of type '#ORANGE#%s / %s#LAST#'", "安装在该类型物品上 '#ORANGE#%s/%s#LAST#'", "tformat")
t("Attach on item of type '#ORANGE#%s#LAST#'", "安装在该类型物品上 '#ORANGE#%s#LAST#'", "tformat")
t("Attach on item worn on slot '#ORANGE#%s#LAST#'", "安装在该槽位物品上 '#ORANGE#%s#LAST#'", "tformat")
t("When attach to an other item:", "当安装到物品上时:", "_t")
t("Special effect on block: ", "格挡时特效:", "_t")
t("When used to imbue an object:", "当被用来强化装备时:", "_t")
t("When used as an alchemist bomb:", "当用作炼金炸弹时:", "_t")
t("Bomb damage +%d%%", "炸弹伤害 +%d%%", "tformat")
t("Bomb thrown range +%d", "炸弹投掷距离 +%d", "tformat")
t("Mana regain %d", "法力值回复 %d", "tformat")
t("%d%% chance to daze for %d turns", "%d%% 几率眩晕 %d 回合", "tformat")
t("%d%% chance to stun for %d turns", "%d%% 几率震慑 %d 回合", "tformat")
t("Additional %d %s damage", "额外 %d %s伤害", "tformat")
t("Life regen %d%% of max life", "生命值回复增加 %d%% 最大生命值", "tformat")
t("Latent Damage Type: ", "潜在伤害类型:", "_t")
t("When inscribed on your body:", "当铭刻在你的皮肤上时:", "_t")
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t("Talent level: %+d %s.", "技能等级: %+d %s.", "tformat")
t("Talent level: %s.", "技能等级: %s.", "tformat")
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t("Talent on hit(spell): %s (%d%% chance level %d).", "技能(法术)命中后释放:%s (%d%% 几率等级 %d).", "tformat")
t("Talent on hit(nature): %s (%d%% chance level %d).", "技能(自然)命中后释放:%s (%d%% 几率等级 %d).", "tformat")
t("Talent on hit(mindpower): %s (%d%% chance level %d).", "技能(精神)命中后释放:%s (%d%% 几率等级 %d).", "tformat")
t("Activating this item is instant.", "使用该物品不需要时间。", "_t")
t("It can be used to %s, with %d charges out of %d.", "可以用于 %s ,消耗 %d 充能,总计 %d。", "tformat")
t("Talent %s", "技能 %s", "tformat")
t("all charms", "所有护符", "_t")
t([[It can be used to %s

Activation puts %s on cooldown for %d turns.]], [[它可以用于%s

激活会将%s置入冷却状态%d回合。]], "tformat")
t([[It can be used to %s

Activation costs %d power out of %d/%d.]], [[它可以用于%s

激活消耗%d能量,总计%d/%d。]], "tformat")
t("It can be used to %s.", "它可以用于%s。", "tformat")
t("%d out of %d/%d.", "%d,总计%d/%d.", "tformat")
t("Power cost: ", "能量消耗:", "_t")
t("It can be used to activate talent %s, placing all other charms into a %s cooldown :", "它可以用于触发技能%s,将所有其他物品置入%s回合冷却:", "tformat")
t("It can be used to activate talent %s (costing %s power out of %s/%s) :", "它可以用于触发技能%s (消耗%s能量,总计%s/%s):", "tformat")
t("When used:", "当使用时:", "_t")
t("%s%% chance to %s", "%s%% 几率触发 %s", "tformat")
t("Newly picked up", "最近拾取", "_t")
t("This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.", "这一物品会在你离开地图的时候自动被转化。", "_t")
t([[Powered by #VIOLET#arcane forces#LAST#
]], [[装备力量来源 #VIOLET#奥术力量#LAST#