@@ -6988,6 +6993,10 @@ t("chill of the tomb", "极寒坟墓", "_t")
t("putrescent liquefaction", "腐烂液化", "_t")
t("boneyard", "大墓地", "_t")
t("desolate waste", "荒芜之地", "_t")
t("thaumic energy", "灾祸能量", "_t")
t("annihilated", "被歼灭", "_t")
t("disintegrated", "被分解", "_t")
t("utterly vaporized", "被完全汽化", "_t")
@@ -8363,8 +8372,8 @@ t("A small demon, lobbing spells at you.", "一只小恶魔,它向你发射法
t("wretchling", "酸液树魔", "entity name")
t("Acid oozes all over this small demon's skin. Beware, they tend to hunt in packs.", "酸液从这只小恶魔的身体上渗出。当心,它们喜欢群体行动。", "_t")
t("onilug", "欧尼路格", "entity name")
t([[A gaunt vaguely humanoid shape featuring unadorned grey leathery skin. Its arms and legs seem somehow too long and it stands toll, projecting an ominous shadow even in darkness.
Its glowing red eyes shiny with both cruelty and a deep frightening intellect.]], [[一个憔悴而模糊不清的人形生物,全身是未经修饰的灰色皮肤。不知为何,它的胳膊和腿很长。当它耸立在那里的时候,即使在黑暗中也会投下不祥的阴影。
t([[A gaunt vaguely humanoid shape featuring unadorned grey leathery skin. Its arms and legs seem somehow too long and it stands tall, projecting an ominous shadow even in darkness.
Its glowing red eyes shine with both cruelty and a deep frightening intellect.]], [[一个憔悴而模糊不清的人形生物,全身是未经修饰的灰色皮肤。不知为何,它的胳膊和腿很长。当它耸立在那里的时候,即使在黑暗中也会投下不祥的阴影。
@@ -8966,6 +8975,8 @@ t("The Fragmented Essence of Harkor'Zun", "哈卡祖的精华碎片", "entity na
t("Fragmented essence... maybe it'd be best if it stayed fragmented.", "精华碎片……如果它仍然呈碎裂状态就好了。", "_t")
t("#AQUAMARINE#%s absorbs the energy of the destroyed fragment!", "#AQUAMARINE#%s 吸收了被摧毁的碎片的能量!", "logSeen")
t("#AQUAMARINE#%s is infused with all the energies of the fragments. The real Harkor'Zun is reconstituted!", "#AQUAMARINE#%s吸收了所有碎片的能量,真正的哈卡祖重生了!", "logSeen")
t("demon", "恶魔", "entity type")
t("major", "大恶魔", "entity subtype")
t("Harkor'Zun", "哈卡祖", "entity name")
t("A gigantic demon composed of elemental Earth, resembling a twisted Xaren but much, much larger. It doesn't seem pleased with your presence.", "一个由土元素构成的巨大恶魔,它长的像一只被放大且扭曲过的钻石土元素。似乎你的到来使它很不高兴。", "_t")
@@ -18130,7 +18141,6 @@ Free now to face this nightmare, you turn to find your foe. While you have a sen
t([[Sixth time this week stuck guarding at the stash. And for what? Just a little fun!
Almost miss being at the farm sometimes. At least there I wasn't able to screw anything up. Wonder if they would take me back knowing what I've been doing with my life...]], [[这已经是这周第六次呆在这里守卫了。我得到了什么?只得到了一点小乐子!
t([[The best haul we ever got, gone. We could have been set for life, the most legendary outlaws in all the lands! Villages would tremble at the thought of us roaming the woods.
Only a matter of time until that nobleman catches wind and comes after us. We were about to get more gold than we could count for his lassie back, and that dirt farmer set her on fire. Of all the skullbrained things to do for fun!
Ordered my men to kill any who pass by and been running triple guard. We need all the time we can get before they come for us, can't let any word out. Once we find somewhere new, I'll leave that idiot burnt on a stake as tribute and hope we don't catch chase.
I'm going to enjoy hearing his screams, a log on the pyre a gold he cost us. Nice and slow, need to make sure he doesn't die easy.]], [[我们费了九牛二虎之力才钓到大鱼,没了!我们本来可以因此扬名立万,成为被整个大陆传颂的不法之徒的传奇,我们的传说会在绿林中传颂,村庄会在我们的面前颤抖,现在全完了!。
This is a long and complex ceremony, and all steps must be followed precisely if you wish to succeed. Heed well that for the errant fool who takes on what they cannot finish, there will be consequences. To play with fire and assert your dominance over the flames comes with risks if you overestimate your power.
The ritual begins with a vessel; any man will do. Bind them in place with flame secure bindings, and give a sound gag. The gag isn't strictly necessary, but the screams of agony tend to be quite distracting and inspirit mistakes after a few days.
Take 2 vials fire wyrm saliva and dissolve 2 pouches faeros ash in each. Be sure to dissolve completely. A few fireballs at the vial can do the trick if they're stubborn. Using one of the prepared vials, begin to etch the saliva in the skin of the vessel, heating it so that it brands the shape of ---
#{italic}#The remainder of the scroll has been singed into a pile of char, illegible and scattering into a cloud of ash as you grasp it#{normal}#
t("#LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE##Source# resists the pull of #Target#!", "#LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE##Source#抵抗了#Target#的拉力!", "logCombat")
t("Creates a radius 5 gravitic anomaly lasting up to %d turns. Hostile creatures are dealt %d temporal damgae and pulled in. Triggers out to range 1.", "制造范围 5 的重力异常,持续 %d 回合。敌对生物受到 %d 时空伤害并被拉过去。触发距离最小为1。", "tformat")
t([[Lay a trap that creates a radius 5 gravitic anomaly when triggered by foes approaching within range 1. Each turn, the anomaly deals %0.2f temporal damage (based on your Magic) to foes whle pulling them towards its center (chance increases with your combat accuracy or spell power, whichever is higher).
t([[Lay a trap that creates a radius 5 gravitic anomaly when triggered by foes approaching within range 1. Each turn, the anomaly deals %0.2f temporal damage (based on your Magic) to foes while pulling them towards its center (chance increases with your combat accuracy or spell power, whichever is higher).
Each anomaly lasts %d turns (up to the amount of time since the last anomaly dissipated, based on your Trap Mastery skill).
The trap may trigger more than once, but requires at least 2 turns to recharge between activations.
This design does not require advanced preparation to use.]], [[放置一个引力陷阱,周围一格有敌人经过时触发,将附近 5 码范围内的敌人拉向它(成功率受命中或法强影响)。
This design does not require advanced preparation to use.]], [[放置一个引力陷阱,周围一格有敌人经过时触发,将附近 5 码范围内的敌人拉向它(成功率受命中或法强影响)。
每回合陷阱对所有目标造成 %0.2f 时空伤害(基于魔法)。
陷阱持续 %d 回合。
陷阱持续 %d 回合。(基于陷阱专精技能等级,不超过上一个陷阱消散的时间)
]], "tformat")
该技能不需要高级技能来准备。]], "tformat")
t("Ambush Trap", "伏击陷阱", "talent name")
t("You have learned how to create Ambush traps!", "你学会了如何制作伏击陷阱!", "_t")
t("ambush trap", "伏击陷阱", "_t")
@@ -25126,7 +25222,7 @@ t([[Destroys one of your summons, making it detonate in radius of %d.
- Spider: Knocks back all foes %d tiles
In addition, a random summon will come off cooldown.
Hostile effects will not hit you or your other summons.
The effects improve with your mindpower, and can crit.]], [[献祭一只召唤兽,使它在 %d 码范围内爆炸。
The effects improve with your mindpower, and some can crit.]], [[献祭一只召唤兽,使它在 %d 码范围内爆炸。
@@ -25139,7 +25235,7 @@ t([[Destroys one of your summons, making it detonate in radius of %d.
-蜘蛛:将所有敌人击退 %d 格。
效果受精神强度加成,可以暴击。]], "tformat")
效果受精神强度加成,其中一些可以暴击]], "tformat")
t("Resilience", "体质强化", "talent name")
t("Increases all your summons' max life by %0.1f%% and extends your summons' maximum lifetime by %d turns.", "提升你所有召唤物的生命值 %0.1f%% ,并延长所有召唤物的存活时间 %d 回合。", "tformat")
t("Phase Summon", "次元召唤", "talent name")
@@ -26250,6 +26346,7 @@ t("You attune your %s to deal #LIGHT_GREEN#nature#LAST# damage.", "你调谐了
t("Alter the flow of energies of your equiped mindstars, changing their damage type between nature and mind.", "改变灵晶中流动的能量性质,将伤害类型在自然伤害和精神伤害间切换。", "tformat")
t("Command Staff", "法杖掌控", "talent name")
t("@Source@ refocuses the energies of %s staff.", "@Source@重新汇集%s法杖中的能量。", "tformat")
t("You need a staff.", "你需要装备一把法杖。", "logPlayer")
t("You must be holding a staff.", "你必须持有法杖。", "logPlayer")
t("Command Staff: ", "法杖掌控: ", "_t")
t("Alter the flow of energies through a staff.", "改变法杖中流动的能量性质。", "tformat")
t([[You unleash the glorious vision of the past when the continent was filled with death and plagues.
All foes in range %d catch a dire plague for 5 turns, dealing %0.2f darkness damage each turn.
The Dire Plague is considered a disease but is not prevented by diseases immunity.
The Dire Plague is considered a disease but is not prevented by disease immunity.
Every turn there is a %d%% chance of a piece of the soul to be ripped away, increasing your souls by 1.
]], [[你释放了死灵法师过去的光辉景象,那是大地充满死亡和瘟疫的年代。
范围 %d 码内的所有敌人被恐怖瘟疫感染 5 回合,每回合受到 %0.2f 暗影伤害。
每一回合,感染瘟疫的目标有 %d%% 的几率被剥离灵魂的一部分,使你获得 1 个灵魂。
]], [[你释放出过往的光辉景象,大地充满瘟疫和死亡。
范围 %d 码内的敌人感染 5 回合恐怖瘟疫,每回合受到 %0.2f 暗影伤害。
此外,该瘟疫每回合有 %d%% 几率剥离目标部分灵魂,使你获得 1 个灵魂。
]], "tformat")
t("Crepuscule", "黄昏降临", "talent name")
t("%s resists the crepuscule!", "%s 抵抗了黄昏降临!", "logSeen")
t([[You call upon an eerie night to aid you for %d turns.
Each turn you automatically fire a beam of darkness towards a random foe (prioritizing the ones further away) that deals %0.2f darkness damage and has 25%% chances to blind any foes caught inside for 4 turns.
Each turn you automatically fire a beam of darkness towards a random foe (prioritizing the ones further away) that deals %0.2f darkness damage and has 25%% chance to blind any foes caught inside for 4 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你呼唤黄昏降临,持续 %d 回合。
t("%s resists the Rigor Mortis!", "%s 抵抗了尸僵症!", "logSeen")
t([[Press your advantage when your foes are starting to crumble.
For every detrimental effect on the target you deals %0.2f frostdusk damage per effect (with disminishing returns) and reduce its global speed by 25%% for one turn per effect (up to a maximum of %d).
For every detrimental effect on the target you deals %0.2f frostdusk damage (with diminishing returns) and reduce its global speed by 25%% for one turn per effect (up to a maximum of %d).
@@ -28121,7 +28218,7 @@ t([[Summon a Dread of level %d that will annoyingly blink around, hexing your fo
t("Souleater", "噬魂者", "talent name")
t("#GREY#%s has fed on enough minions and starts to randomly hex foes!", "#GREY#%s吸取了足够多的随从,开始随机对敌人释放邪术!", "logSeen")
t([[Any time one of your minions dies or expires, and even if it is resurrected by a boneyard, the dread feeds on it.
Each time it feeds it gets healed by %d and reduces remaining cooldown of its spells by %d.
Each time it feeds it gets healed for %d and reduces remaining cooldown of its spells by %d.
Every 10 minion deaths it casts a random hex on up to %d foes at once, instantly and without triggering a cooldown.]], [[每当你的一个死灵随从死亡或超时的时候,梦魇会吸收它的能量,即使它被大墓地复活了仍然会如此。
t("In an effort to make your dread more annoying you focus a shell of darkness around it, rendering it fully invincible for %d turns.", "你使用一层暗影包裹你召唤的梦魇,以便最大限度给敌人带来扰乱。梦魇在 %d 回合内进入无敌状态。", "tformat")
t("Dreadmaster", "梦魇之王", "talent name")
t([[You now summon a Dreadmaster instead of a Dread.
Dreadmasters learn to cast silence, dispel magic and mind disruption, making them the ultimate annoyance tool.
Dreadmasters learn to cast silence, disperse magic and mind disruption, making them the ultimate annoyance tool.
It learns them at talent level %d.]], [[你改为召唤梦魇之王取代梦魇。
t([[Your target's doom draws near. Its healing factor is reduced by 80%%, and will take %d%% of its remaining life (or %0.2f, whichever is lower) over 10 turns as arcane damage.
t([[Your target's doom draws near. Its healing factor is reduced by 80%%, and will take %d%% of its remaining life (or %0.2f, whichever is lower) over 10 turns as frostdusk damage.
This spell is so powerful that every 2 turns it tears a part of the target's soul, generating one soul for you.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你使目标厄运临头。目标的治疗加成减少 80%% 且会对目标造成它 %d%% 剩余生命值的奥术伤害(或 %0.2f ,取最小伤害值),持续 10 回合。
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你使目标厄运临头。10回合内,目标的治疗加成减少 80%% , 并累计受到 %d%% 剩余生命值(至多 %0.2f 点)霜暮伤害。
这个法术的力量是如此强大,每 2 回合它会撕裂目标灵魂的一部分,使你获得一个灵魂。
伤害受法术强度加成。]], "tformat")
t("Eternal Night", "无尽之夜", "talent name")
t("Eternal Night", "永恒之夜", "talent name")
t([[Surround yourself with Frostdusk, increasing all your darkness and cold damage by %0.1f%%, and ignoring %d%% of the darkness and cold resistance of your targets.
In addition, at the end of each turn you are healed for %d%% of all damage you dealt.]], [[使用霜暮的力量覆盖全身,增加 %0.1f%% 暗影和寒冷伤害,并无视目标暗影和寒冷抗性的 %d%% 。
此外,在每个回合结束时,你获得相当于你造成的伤害的 %d%% 的治疗。]], "tformat")
In addition, at the end of each turn you are healed for %d%% of all damage you dealt.]], [[使用霜暮的力量覆盖全身,增加 %0.1f%% 暗影和寒冷伤害,并无视目标 %d%% 的暗影和寒冷抗性。
t([[Conjure a shield of ice around you that can absorbs a total of %d damage.
t([[Conjure a shield of ice around you that can absorb a total of %d damage.
Anytime it does it retaliates by sending a bolt of ice at the attacker, dealing %0.2f cold damage (this can only happen once per turn per creature).
When you are under 1 life it also reduces the damage of critical hits by %d%%.
When you are above 1 life it only affects 66.6%% of the damage, letting through the rest.
When you are under 1 life it affects 100%% of the damage and also reduces the damage of critical hits by %d%%.
10 turns after leaving combat the shield will consume its mana and soul cost again to fully regenerate if needed. if that cost can not be matched, it unsustains.
The shield strength will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[使用冰块在你的身边形成一道护盾,吸收最多 %d 点伤害。
t([[Everytime your shield looses %d%% of its original value an radius %d circle of desolate waste spawns under you that deals %0.2f cold damage per turn to all foes for 6 turns.
t([[Everytime your shield loses %d%% of its original value a circle of desolate waste will spawn under you, lasting 6 turns, and dealing %0.2f cold damage per turn to foes within radius %d.
If a creature is hit by your hiemal shield's retribution bolt while on the waste, the shield feeds of the wasteland to regenerate %0.1f%% of its original value.
No more than %d desolate wastes can trigger per shield activation.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[每当你的寒冰护盾损失 %d%% 原始护盾值,在你周围 %d 码范围内的大地会变成荒芜的极寒之地,对敌人在 6 回合内造成 %0.2f 寒冷伤害。
@@ -28468,9 +28566,9 @@ t([[Everytime your shield looses %d%% of its original value an radius %d circle
伤害受法术强度加成。]], "tformat")
t("Crumbling Earth", "破碎大地", "talent name")
t([[Your desolate wastes are now rapidly crumbling.
Any foe moving through them is likely to get cut, bleeding ice that deals %0.2f cold damage over 4 turns (stacking) and reducing its movement speed by %d%%.
Any foe moving through them is likely to get cut, taking %0.2f cold damage and bleeding over 4 turns (stacking) while reducing its movement speed by 15%%.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你的荒芜大地开始破碎。
t([[Summon an icy spike directly on a foe, impaling it for %0.2f cold damage.
At level 5 it hits all foes in range 1 around the target.
Any creature hit will take %d%% more damage from your necrotic minions for 3 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[召唤冰刺刺穿敌人,造成 %0.2f 寒冷伤害。
技能等级 5 时,冰刺会击中目标周围 1 码范围内的所有敌人。
在接下来的 3 回合内,你的死灵随从对冰刺击中的敌人造成额外 %d%% 伤害。
伤害受法术强度加成。]], "tformat")
t("Chill of the Tomb", "极寒坟墓", "talent name")
t([[Conjures up a bolt of cold that moves toward the target and explodes into a chilly circle of death, doing %0.2f cold damage in a radius of %d.
Necrotic minions caught in the blast do not take damage but are instead coated with a thin layer of ice, reducing all damage they take by %d for 4 turns.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[发射出一团极寒的冰球,在目标位置爆炸,在 %d 码范围内造成 %0.2f 寒冷伤害。
t([[Upon expiring the corpselight implodes, pulling in all foes towards its center and dealing %0.2f cold damage.
The damage is increased by +10%% per stacks.
The damage is increased by +10%% per stack.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.
#PURPLE#Learning this spell will make Corpselight cost two souls to use instead of one.]], [[当你的鬼火时间到之后,将会发生爆炸,将所有敌人拖向中心位置,并造成 %0.2f 寒冷伤害。
#PURPLE#Learning this spell will make Corpselight cost two souls to use instead of one.]], [[你的鬼火消失时会发生爆炸,将所有敌人拖向中心位置,并造成 %0.2f 寒冷伤害。
鬼火每叠加一层,伤害增加 10%% 。
@@ -28683,29 +28781,29 @@ t([[Your mastery of necromancy becomes so total that an aura of undeath radiates
Any undead minion standing inside of it is protected, increasing all their resistances by %d%%.
In addition when you create new minions they inherit %d%% of your spellpower (applied to any powers), spell crit chance (applied to any crit chances), saves, resists and damage increases (applied to all elements).
t([[Sends out a surge of undeath energies into your aura.
All minions inside gain 25%% speed for %d turns.
All minions inside gain 25%% speed for %d turns and are healed by %d%%.
All non-undead foes caught inside are dazed for %d turns.]], [[在你的光环中放出一股不死能量。
所有随从获得 25%% 速度,持续 %d 回合。
所有随从获得 25%% 速度,持续 %d 回合,并被治疗 %d%% 。
所有非不死生物的敌人都会被眩晕 %d 回合。]], "tformat")
t("Recall Minions", "召回随从", "talent name")
t([[Tigthen the ethereal leash to some of your minions currently within your aura of undeath, pulling them to you and swapping place with any eventual foes in the way.
t([[Tighten the ethereal leash to some of your minions currently within your aura of undeath, pulling them to you and swapping place with any eventual foes in the way.
Up to %d minions are affected.
When recalling a minion the spell tries to prioritize a spot where there is already a foe, to push it away.]], [[拉紧你与不死光环内的死灵随从的虚幻连接,将它们拉到你的身边,并与路径上的敌人换位。
最多召回 %d 个随从。
当你召回随从的时候,会优先选择周围有敌人的格子,将敌人推开。]], "tformat")
t("Suffer For Me", "替死鬼", "talent name")
t("#GREY#(%d to minion: %s)#LAST#", "#GREY#(%d 到不死随从: %s)#LAST#", "tformat")
t([[By creating an arcane link with your minions army you are able to redirect parts of any damage affecting you to them.
t([[By creating an arcane link with your minion army you are able to redirect parts of any damage affecting you to them.
Anytime you take damage %d%% of it is instead redirected to a random minion without your aura of undeath.
The minion takes 300%% damage from that effect.
The damage redirected percent depends on your Spellpower.]], [[你与你的不死大军之间建立奥术连接,将你所收到的任何伤害转移到他们的身上。
每当你受到伤害的时候, %d%% 的伤害转移到到随机一个不死光环内的随从身上。
那个随从将会受到 300%% 伤害值的伤害。
那个随从将会受到 3 倍伤害。
伤害转移比例受法术强度加成。]], "tformat")
@@ -28713,25 +28811,25 @@ t([[By creating an arcane link with your minions army you are able to redirect p
t([[Call upon the battlefields of old to collect bones and fuse them with souls, combining them to create skeletal minions to do your bidding.
Up to %d skeleton warriors of level %d are summoned. Up to %d skeletons can be controlled at once.
t([[Call upon the battlefields of old, collecting bones, fusing them with souls, and forging them into skeletal minions.
Up to %d skeleton warriors of level %d are summonedn, and up to %d skeletons can be controlled at once.
At level 3 the summons become armoured skeletons warriors.
At level 5 every 3 summoned warriors a free skeleton mage or skeleton archer is also created (without costing a soul). You can only sustain one mage and one archer at most in your army, in which case the free minion will be an armoured skeleton warrior.
At level 5, for every 3 skeleton warriors, a skeleton mage or archer will also be created without costing any souls.
#GREY##{italic}#Skeleton minions come in fewer numbers than ghoul minions but are generaly more durable.#{normal}#
#GREY##{italic}#Skeleton minions come in fewer numbers than ghoul minions but are generally more durable.#{normal}#
t([[Consume a soul to empower one of your skeleton, making it into a Lord of Skulls.
The Lord of Skulls gain %d%% more life, is instantly healed to full.
There can be only one active Lord of Skulls, casting this spell on an other skeleton removes the effect from the current one.
At level 6 it also gains a new talent:
- Warriors learn Giant Leap, a powerful jump attack that deals damage and dazes and impact and frees the skeleton from any stun, daze and pin effects they may have
- Archers learn Vital Shot, a devastating attack that can stun and cripple their foes
- Mages learn Meteoric Crash, a destructive spell that crushes and burns foes in a big radius for multiple turns
The Lord of Skulls gains %d%% more life and is instantly healed to full.
There can be only one active Lord of Skulls, casting this spell on another skeleton removes the effect from the current one.
It also gains a new talent if high enough:
At level 2 Warriors learn Giant Leap, a powerful jump attack that deals damage and dazes on impact and frees the skeleton from any stun, daze and pin effects they may have
At level 3 Archers learn Vital Shot, a devastating attack that can stun and cripple their foes
At level 5 Mages learn Meteoric Crash, a destructive spell that crushes and burns foes in a big radius for multiple turns and stuns them
At level 6 Bone Giants learn You Shall Be My Weapon!, a massive attack that deals high damage, knockbacks foes and stuns them
t("#GREY#%s dissolves into the cloud of gore.", "#GREY#%s化为一团血肉的云雾。", "logSeen")
t([[Shattering up to %d ghouls or ghasts you create a putrescent swirling cloud of radius %d that follows you around for 3 turns per dead ghoul. Oldest ghouls are prioritized for destruction.
Any ghoul or ghast dying or expiring within this cloud increases its duration by %d turn.
Any ghoul or ghast dying or expiring within this cloud increases its duration by %d turn and every two aborbed ghoul/ghast your gain back one soul.
The cloud deals %0.2f frostdusk damage to any foes caught inside.
t([[Your mastery of arcane flows allow you to reset the cooldown of up to %d of your spells (that don't have a fixed cooldown) of tier %d or less.
Passive effect:
At talent level 6 all known spells are considered one talent level higher when casting them.]], [[你对奥术的精通使你能重置法术的冷却时间,重置至多 %d 个法术的冷却(对固定冷却时间的技能无效),对技能层次 %d 或更低的技能有效。
In addition for %d turns you are overflowing with energy; all known spells are considered one talent level higher when casting them.]], [[你对奥术的精通使你能重置法术的冷却时间,重置至多 %d 个法术的冷却(对固定冷却时间的技能无效),对技能层次 %d 或更低的技能有效。
@@ -28860,8 +28958,8 @@ t([[The line between life and death blurs for you.
You can only die when you reach -%d life but your maximum life is reduced by %d.
When you are below 1 life you gain %d%% to all resistances.
The life amount is based on your Constitution attribute.]], [[对你来说,生命和死亡的界线开始变得模糊。
你只有在生命值为 -%d 的时候才会死亡,但你的最大生命值也降低 %d 。
当你的生命值小于 1 时,你获得 %d%% 全体抗性。
只有生命值到达 -%d 时你才会死亡,同时你的最大生命值降低了 %d 。
当你的生命值低于 1 时,获得 %d%% 全体伤害抗性。
生命值变化受体质值加成。]], "tformat")
t("Across the Veil", "穿越死亡", "talent name")
t("#GREY#%s unleashes a blast of frostdusk as %s crosses the veil!", "#GREY#%s穿越死亡边缘,放出了一股霜暮爆炸!", "logSeen")
@@ -28877,20 +28975,20 @@ t("effects disabled because of an infusion", "由于纹身,效果被禁用", "
t("effects disabled because of no rune", "由于没有符文,效果被禁用", "_t")
t("%d runes active", "有 %d 个符文", "tformat")
t([[As you continue to attune your body to undeath you reject nature as a whole.
As long as you have no natural infusion on your skin, each rune on it increases your minimum negative life by -%d and your spells critical chance by %d%%.
As long as you have no natural infusion on your skin, each rune on it increases your minimum negative life by -%d and your spells critical chance by %0.1f%%.
Currently: %s]], [[你拒绝自然,让自己的身体离不死越来越近。
如果你的身上没有自然纹身,你身上的每个纹身会增加你的生命值下限 -%d 和法术暴击率 %d%% 。
如果没有自然纹身,你身上的每个符文提供 -%d 生命底线和 %0.1f%% 法术暴击率。
当前: %s]], "tformat")
t("Spikes of Decrepitude", "破碎尖刺", "talent name")
t([[Each turn you unleash dark powers through your runeskin.
For each rune you have a random foe in sight will be hit by a spike of decrepitude, dealing %0.2f frostdusk damage.
A foe can only be hit by one spike per turn.
If your life is below 1, the spikes also reduce all damage done by the targets by %d%%.]], [[在每个回合内,你从符文皮肤中释放出黑暗能量。
t([[Dark fumes erupt from the ground for 5 turns. Any creature entering the circle will receive either a bane of confusion or a bane of blindness.
Only one bane can affect a creature.
Banes last for %d turns, and also deal %0.2f darkness damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[从地上召唤出持续 5 回合的黑暗之雾。任何生物走进去都会受到混乱灾祸或致盲灾祸的影响。
对 1 个生物每次只能产生 1 种灾祸效果。
灾祸效果持续 %d 回合并造成 %0.2f 暗影伤害。
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[黑暗之雾笼罩地面 5 回合。任何生物走进去都会受到混乱灾祸或致盲灾祸的影响。
灾祸效果持续 %d 回合,造成 %0.2f 暗影伤害。
受法术强度影响,伤害有额外加成。]], "tformat")
t("Erupting Shadows", "暗影喷发", "talent name")
t([[Shadows engulf your foes, anytime you deal darkness damage to a creature affected by a bane, the bane's duration is increased by 1 turn and the shadows erupt, dealing an additional %0.2f damage.
The damage the can only happen once per turn per creature, the turn increase however always happens.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[暗影吞噬你的敌人。每当你对受到灾祸影响的敌人造成暗影伤害的时候,灾祸的持续时间会被延长 1 回合,并且暗影会喷发出来,造成 %0.2f 额外伤害。
t([[Shadows engulf your foes, anytime you deal darkness damage to a creature affected by a bane, the bane's duration is increased by 1 turn and the shadows erupt, dealing an additional %0.2f darkness damage.
The damage can only happen once per turn per creature, the turn increase however always happens.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[暗影吞噬你的敌人。每当你对灾祸影响下的敌人造成暗影伤害时,灾祸会被延长 1 回合,并且触发一次暗影喷发,造成 %0.2f 额外暗影伤害。
伤害受法术强度提升。]], "tformat")
t("River of Souls", "冥河追魂", "talent name")
t("River of Souls", "灵魂之河", "talent name")
t([[You summon a river of tortured souls to launch an onslaught of darkness against your foes.
Every turn for 5 turns you launch a projectile towards the designated area that explodes in radius %d, dealing %0.2f darkness damage.
Each projectile consumes a soul and the spell ends when it has sent 5 projectiles or when you have no more souls to use.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你召唤冥河中受折磨的灵魂,用暗影压倒你的敌人。
t([[Using your near-perfect knowledge of beam spells you combine them all into a powerful 3-wide beam of pure energy.
The beam deals %0.2f thaumic damage and always goes as far as possible.
Thaumic damage can never be resisted by anything but "Resistance: All", always uses your highest resistance penetration and highest damage type bonus and can never be altered into other damage types.
It can trigger Burning Wake and Hurricane.
It is affected by the wet status (+30%% damage) if you are in Shivgoroth Form.
It has a 25%% chance to either stun or freeze the targets for 3 turns (if Crystalline Focus or Uttercold are active, respectively).
Each time you deal damage with a beam spell, the remaining cooldown is reduced by 1 (this can happen only once per turn).
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你利用自己对射线类法术臻于化境的掌握,将各种元素合并起来,发射出纯粹能量构成,宽度为3的强力射线。
@@ -30936,7 +31082,9 @@ t([[Gain 5 generic talent points and learn a new talent category from one of the
- 天空/赞歌系
- 时空/时空系]], "tformat")
t("Adept", "熟能生巧", "talent name")
t("Your talent masteries are increased by 0.3. Note that many talents will not benefit from this increase.", "你的技能树系数增加 0.3 。请注意,许多技能不会从这一增长中受益。", "tformat")
t([[You are adept at many different skills, granting you +2 to all talent levels.
This works on already known talents and those that you will learn afterwards.]], [[你熟练使用各种技能,所有技能等级+2。
这一技能只对已学习的技能有效。]], "tformat")
t("Tricks of the Trade", "欺诈圣手", "talent name")
t("Have sided with the Assassin Lord", "与盗贼领主同流合污", "_t")
t([[You have friends in low places and have learned some underhanded tricks.
@@ -31071,8 +31219,7 @@ t([[You infuse blighted energies into all of your summons, granting them Bone Sh
@@ -31092,8 +31239,7 @@ t([[You infuse blighted energies into all of your summons, granting them Bone Sh
- 骷髅战士:毁伤
- 骨巨人:白骨尖刺和 毁伤
- 食尸鬼:剧毒瘟疫
- 吸血鬼/巫妖:鲜血支配和 鲜血沸腾
- 幽灵/尸妖:鲜血狂怒和 死亡诅咒
- 梦魇:催眠
]], "tformat")
t("Revisionist History", "修正历史", "talent name")
t("Have time-travelled at least once", "曾经至少进行过一次时空穿越", "_t")
@@ -31131,7 +31277,7 @@ t("#DARK_ORCHID#You are on your way to Lichdom. #{bold}#Your next death will fin
t([[This is your true goal and the purpose of all necromancy - to become a powerful and everliving Lich!
Once learnt, the next time you are killed, the arcane forces you unleash will be able to rebuild your body into the desired Lichform.
Liches are immune to poisons, diseases, fear, cuts, stuns, do not need to breath and are 20%% resistant to cold and darkness.
Liches also gain +12 Magic, Willpower and Cunning, 60%% chance to ignore critical hits, +4 life rating (not retroactive), +35 spell and mental saves, all resistance caps raised by 15%% and 7 mana regeneration.
Liches also gain +12 Magic, Willpower and Cunning, 60%% chance to ignore critical hits, +4 life rating (not retroactive), +35 spell and mental saves and 7 mana regeneration.
Liches gain a new racial tree with the following talents:
- Neverending Unlife: A Lich body is extremely resilient, being able to go into negative life and when destroyed it can regenerate itself.
@@ -31141,7 +31287,7 @@ t([[This is your true goal and the purpose of all necromancy - to become a power
@@ -31149,6 +31295,23 @@ t([[This is your true goal and the purpose of all necromancy - to become a power
- 永恒毁灭:作为毁灭和绝望的使者,你现在不断地在你周围制造不死阴影。
- 亡者领袖:你可以给所有不死族队友(包括你自己)注入非自然力量,增加它们的物理和法术强度。
]], "tformat")
t("Unlocked the High Thaumaturgist evolution", "解锁高阶奇术师职业进阶", "_t")
t("High Thaumaturgist", "高阶奇术师", "_t")
t([[Thaumaturgists have unlocked a deeper understanding of their spells, allowing them to combine the elements into new ways and to empower them.
The spells Flame, Manathrust, Lightning, Pulverizing Auger and Ice Shards are permanently turned into 3-wide beams spells.
In addition they have access to the unique Thaumaturgy class tree:
- Orb of Thaumaturgy: a temporary orb that duplicates any beam spells that you cast
- Multicaster: When casting a beam spell adds a chance to also cast an other archmage spell
- Slipstream: Allows movement when casting beams
- Elemental Array Burst: a powerful, multi-elemental beam spell that can inflict all elemental ailments and can not be resisted
#CRIMSON#The fine spellcasting required for wide beams and all thaumaturgy spells can only happen while wearing cloth. Anything heavier will hinder the casting too much.]], [[奇术师是对元素法术有着深入理解的人,它们可以用新的方法融合元素,释放更强大的力量。
@@ -31347,7 +31510,7 @@ t([[Bathes the target in flames doing %0.2f damage
受魔法影响,伤害有额外加成。]], "tformat")
t("Doomed For Eternity", "永恒毁灭", "talent name")
t([[While this ability is active, you will continually call up to %d level %d shadows to aid you in battle. Shadows are weak combatants that can: Use Arcane Reconstruction to heal themselves (level %d), Blindside their opponents (level %d), and Phase Door from place to place.
Shadows ignore %d%% of the damage dealt to them by their master.]], [[当这一技能启用的时候,你会不断召唤 %d 个等级为 %d 的阴影来协助你战斗。阴影是脆弱的展示,可以使用以下能力:使用奥术重组治疗自己(等级 %d ),使用闪电突袭攻击敌人(等级 %d ),使用相位之门移动。
Shadows ignore %d%% of the damage dealt to them by their master.]], [[当这一技能启用的时候,你会不断召唤 %d 个等级为 %d 的阴影来协助你战斗。阴影是脆弱的战士,可以使用以下能力:使用奥术重组治疗自己(等级 %d ),使用闪电突袭攻击敌人(等级 %d ),使用相位之门移动。
主人对阴影造成的伤害降低 %d%%。]], "tformat")
t("Commander of the Dead", "亡者领袖", "talent name")
t([[You are so full with power that it overflows out of you whenever you cast a spell.
t("New Class Evolution: #LIGHT_GREEN#High Thaumaturgist (Archmage)", "新职业进阶: #LIGHT_GREEN#高阶奇术师 (元素法师)", "_t")
t([[You have killed a boss by only using beam spells and nothing else, showing a deeper understanding of this type of spells.
You have unlocked the #LIGHT_GREEN#High Thaumaturgist class evolution#WHITE# for Archmages.
- #YELLOW#Wide Beams#WHITE#: Flame, Manathrust, Lightning, Pulverizing Auger and Ice Shards permanently become 3-wide beam spells.
- Access to the Thaumaturgy spell category containing the spells:
- #YELLOW#Orb of Thaumaturgy#WHITE#: By placing a thaumaturgy orb on the ground you can duplicate all beam spells you cast.
- #YELLOW#Multicaster#WHITE#: Casting beams becomes so easy for you that you can weave in random non-beam spells when you cast one.
- #YELLOW#Slipstream#WHITE#: Flow through the battlefield with ease, when you cast a beam spell you can move one tile for free.
- #YELLOW#Elemental Array Burst#WHITE#: The ultimate beam spell, the culmination of your deep understanding of magic. A 3-wide beam of pure thaumic energy that can never be resisted.
Class evolutions are selected as prodigies and grant new ways to build and expand you class and are only visible to the concerned class.
t("The eerie night around #target# fades away.", "在#target#周围的黑暗消逝了。", "_t")
t("Dire Plague", "恐怖瘟疫", "_t")
t("The target is infected by a plague, doing %0.2f darkness damage per turn with a %d%% chance to rip apart the soul.", "目标被瘟疫感染,每回合受到 %0.2f 暗影伤害,并有 %d%% 几率被撕裂一个灵魂。", "tformat")
t("darkness", "暗影", "effect subtype")
t("disease", "疾病", "effect subtype")
t("#Target# is afflicted by a dire plague!", "#Target#被恐怖瘟疫感染!", "_t")
t("#Target# is free from the dire plague.", "#Target#脱离恐怖瘟疫影响。", "_t")
t("The target is on fire, taking %0.2f fire damage per turn and %d%% chance per turn of removing a physical or magical effect from all targets affected by Inferno, Burning Wake or Cleansing Flames.", "目标受到灼烧效果,每回合受到 %0.2f 火焰伤害,并每回合有 %d%% 几率移除被地狱火、无尽之焰或净化之焰影响的生物身上的一个物理或魔法效果。", "tformat")
t("cleanse", "清除", "effect subtype")
t("fire", "火焰", "effect subtype")
t("#Target# bathes in cleansing flames!", "#Target#沐浴净化之炎!", "_t")
t("Cosmetic customization is a donator-only feature.", "自定义外观是捐赠者的特权", "_t")
t("Donator Feature", "捐赠者特权", "_t")
t("Dismiss", "无视", "_t")
t("Dismiss", "放弃", "_t")
t("I want to help!", "我想要帮忙!", "_t")
t("Birth Options", "角色创建设置", "_t")
t("Apply the selected cosmetics to %s?", "确认%s选择的自定义外观?", "tformat")
@@ -41633,9 +41853,11 @@ t(" class", " 职业", "_t")
t(" generic", " 通用", "_t")
t("The last %d %s talents you learnt are always unlearnable.", "你总是可以移除最近的 %d 点%s 技能点。", "tformat")
t("This talent was recently learnt; you can still unlearn it if you are out of combat or in a quiet area like a #{bold}#town#{normal}#.", "你刚在此技能上加点,你还可以在战斗外或者 #{bold}# 城市 #{normal}# 这样安全的地方遗忘它。", "_t")
t("<Press 'x' to swap to simple display>", "<按x键切换简单显示>", "_t")
t("First talent level: ", "第一级需求: ", "_t")
t("Next talent level", "下一等级", "_t")
t("Current talent level: ", "当前等级: ", "_t")
t("<Press 'x' to swap to advanced display>", "<按x键切换进阶显示>", "_t")
t("Stats: %s", "属性: %s", "tformat")
t("Class points: %s", "职业点:%s", "tformat")
t("Generic points: %s", "通用点:%s", "tformat")
@@ -41686,6 +41908,7 @@ t("none", "没有", "_t")
t("Set the leash distance [current: %d]", "设置跟随距离 [当前:%d]", "tformat")