@@ -1742,7 +1742,7 @@ t([[#{bold}##GOLD#Ashes of Urh'Rok - Expansion#LAST##{normal}#
#LIGHT_UMBER#New race:#WHITE# Doomelves. Shalore who've taken to the demonic alterations especially well, corrupting their typical abilities into a darker form.
#LIGHT_UMBER#New artifacts, lore, zones, events...#WHITE# For your demonic delight!
@@ -407,12 +407,12 @@ t("He looks tired and wounded.", "他看起来又累又饿,且身受重伤。"
t("%s, the lost sun paladin", "%s, 迷路的太阳骑士", "_t")
t("%s, the lost defiler", "%s, 迷路的堕落者", "_t")
t("temporal portal", "时空传送门", "_t")
t("%s, temporal explorer", "%s, 时空旅行者", "_t")
t([[Oh but you are ... are you ?! ME?!
So I was right, this is not my original time-thread!
Please help me! I am afraid I lost myself in this place. I know there is a temporal portal left around here by a friend, but I have fought too many battles, and I fear I will not make it. Would you help me? Would you help .. yourself?]], [[天哪,你……你是另一个我吗?!
t("She looks tired and wounded. She is so similar to you and yet completely different. Weird.", "她看起来又累又饿,且身受重伤。她跟你是如此的相像,但完全不一样。好奇怪。", "_t")
t("Please help me! I am afraid I lost myself in this place. I know there is a recall portal left around here by a friend, but I have fought too many battles, and I fear I will not make it. Would you help me?", "帮帮我!我在这地方迷路了,我有个朋友给我留下了一个传送门,不过我打了太多仗,恐怕靠我自己是到不了那里了,你能帮我一下吗?", "_t")
t("%s, the worried loremaster", "%s, 担忧的贤者", "_t")
@@ -42593,6 +42593,8 @@ All of them require at least 50 in a core stat and many also have more special d
Evolutions are special prodigies specific to a class or race. Only one evolution can be choosen, if any are available at all.", "\