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--- Scale damage values
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-- This currently beefs up high-end damage values to make up for the combat stat rescale nerf.
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function _M:rescaleDamage(dam)
	if dam <= 0 then return dam end
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--	return dam * (1 - math.log10(dam * 2) / 7) --this is the old version, pre-combat-stat-rescale
	return dam ^ 1.04
--Diminishing-returns method of scaling combat stats, observing this rule: the first twenty ranks cost 1 point each, the second twenty cost two each, and so on. This is much, much better for players than some logarithmic mess, since they always know exactly what's going on, and there are nice breakpoints to strive for.
function _M:rescaleCombatStats(raw_combat_stat_value)
	local x = raw_combat_stat_value
	local tiers = 5 -- Just increase this if you want to add high-level content that allows for combat stat scores over 100.
	--return math.floor(math.min(x, 20) + math.min(math.max((x-20), 0)/2, 20) + math.min(math.max((x-60), 0)/3, 20) + math.min(math.max((x-120), 0)/4, 20) + math.min(math.max((x-200), 0)/5, 20)) --Five terms of the summation below.
	local total = 0
	for i = 1, tiers do
		local sub = 20*(i*(i-1)/2)
		total = total + math.min(math.max(x-sub, 0)/i, 20)
	return total
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--- Gets the damage
function _M:combatDamage(weapon)
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	weapon = weapon or self.combat or {}
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	local sub_cun_to_str = false
	if weapon.talented and weapon.talented == "knife" and self:knowTalent(Talents.T_LETHALITY) then sub_cun_to_str = true end
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	local dammod = weapon.dammod or {str=0.6}
	for stat, mod in pairs(dammod) do
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		if sub_cun_to_str and stat == "str" then stat = "cun" end
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		if self.use_psi_combat and stat == "str" then stat = "wil" end
		if self.use_psi_combat and stat == "dex" then stat = "cun" end
		totstat = totstat + self:getStat(stat) * mod
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	if self.use_psi_combat then
		if self:knowTalent(self.T_GREATER_TELEKINETIC_GRASP) then
			local g = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_GREATER_TELEKINETIC_GRASP)
			totstat = totstat * g.stat_sub(self, g)
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			totstat = totstat * 0.6
	local talented_mod = math.sqrt(self:combatCheckTraining(weapon) / 5) / 2 + 1
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	local power = math.max((weapon.dam or 1), 1)
	power = (math.sqrt(power / 10) - 1) * 0.5 + 1
	--print(("[COMBAT DAMAGE] power(%f) totstat(%f) talent_mod(%f)"):format(power, totstat, talented_mod))
	return self:rescaleDamage(0.3*(self:combatPhysicalpower(nil, weapon) + totstat) * power * talented_mod)
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function _M:combatPhysicalpower(mod, weapon, add)
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	mod = mod or 1
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	if self:knowTalent(Talents.T_ARCANE_DESTRUCTION) then
		add = add + self:combatSpellpower() * self:getTalentLevel(Talents.T_ARCANE_DESTRUCTION) / 7
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	if self:isTalentActive(Talents.T_BLOOD_FRENZY) then
		add = add + self.blood_frenzy
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_EMPTY_HAND) and self:isUnarmed() then
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		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_EMPTY_HAND)
		add = add + t.getDamage(self, t)
	if self:attr("psychometry_power") then
		add = add + self:attr("psychometry_power")

	if not weapon then
		local inven = self:getInven(self.INVEN_MAINHAND)
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		if inven and inven[1] then weapon = inven[1].combat else weapon = self.combat end
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	add = add + 10 * self:combatCheckTraining(weapon)
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	return self:rescaleCombatStats((self.combat_dam > 0 and self.combat_dam or 0) + add + self:getStr()) * mod
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--- Gets damage based on talent
function _M:combatTalentPhysicalDamage(t, base, max)
	-- Compute at "max"
	local mod = max / ((base + 100) * ((math.sqrt(5) - 1) * 0.8 + 1))
	-- Compute real
	return self:rescaleDamage((base + (self:combatPhysicalpower())) * ((math.sqrt(self:getTalentLevel(t)) - 1) * 0.8 + 1) * mod)

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--- Gets spellpower
function _M:combatSpellpower(mod, add)
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	mod = mod or 1
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_ARCANE_CUNNING) then
		add = add + (15 + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_ARCANE_CUNNING) * 5) * self:getCun() / 100
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_SHADOW_CUNNING) then
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		add = add + (15 + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_SHADOW_CUNNING) * 5) * self:getCun() / 100
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	if self:hasEffect(self.EFF_BLOODLUST) then
		add = add + self:hasEffect(self.EFF_BLOODLUST).dur
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	local am = 1
	if self:attr("spellpower_reduction") then am = 1 / (1 + self:attr("spellpower_reduction")) end

	return self:rescaleCombatStats((self.combat_spellpower > 0 and self.combat_spellpower or 0) + add + self:getMag()) * mod * am

--- Gets damage based on talent
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function _M:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, base, max, spellpower_override)
	-- Compute at "max"
	local mod = max / ((base + 100) * ((math.sqrt(5) - 1) * 0.8 + 1))
	-- Compute real
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	return self:rescaleDamage((base + (spellpower_override or self:combatSpellpower())) * ((math.sqrt(self:getTalentLevel(t)) - 1) * 0.8 + 1) * mod)
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--- Gets weapon damage mult based on talent
function _M:combatTalentWeaponDamage(t, base, max, t2)
	if t2 then t2 = t2 / 2 else t2 = 0 end
	local diff = max - base
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	local mult = base + diff * math.sqrt((self:getTalentLevel(t) + t2) / 5)
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--	print("[TALENT WEAPON MULT]", self:getTalentLevel(t), base, max, t2, mult)
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	return mult
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--- Gets the off hand multiplier
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function _M:getOffHandMult(combat, mult)
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	local offmult = (mult or 1) / 2
	if self:knowTalent(Talents.T_DUAL_WEAPON_TRAINING) then
		offmult = (mult or 1) / (2 - (math.min(self:getTalentLevel(Talents.T_DUAL_WEAPON_TRAINING), 8) / 6))
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	elseif self:knowTalent(Talents.T_CORRUPTED_STRENGTH) then
		offmult = (mult or 1) / (2 - (math.min(self:getTalentLevel(Talents.T_CORRUPTED_STRENGTH), 8) / 9))
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	if self:hasEffect(self.EFF_CURSE_OF_MADNESS) then
		local eff = self:hasEffect(self.EFF_CURSE_OF_MADNESS)
		if eff.level >= 1 and eff.unlockLevel >= 1 then
			local def = self.tempeffect_def[self.EFF_CURSE_OF_MADNESS]
			offmult = offmult + ((mult or 1) * def.getOffHandMultChange(eff.level) / 100)
	if combat and combat.no_offhand_penalty then
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		return math.max(1, offmult)
		return offmult
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--- Gets fatigue
function _M:combatFatigue()
	if self.fatigue < 0 then return 0 end
	return self.fatigue

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--- Gets spellcrit
function _M:combatSpellCrit()
	local crit = self.combat_spellcrit + (self:getCun() - 10) * 0.3 + (self:getLck() - 50) * 0.30 + 1
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	return util.bound(crit, 0, 100)
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function _M:combatMindCrit(add)
	local add = add or 0
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_GESTURE_OF_POWER) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_GESTURE_OF_POWER)
		add = t.getMindCritChange(self, t)

	local crit = self.combat_mindcrit + (self:getCun() - 10) * 0.3 + (self:getLck() - 50) * 0.30 + 1 + add
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	return util.bound(crit, 0, 100)
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--- Gets spellspeed
function _M:combatSpellSpeed()
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-- Gets mental speed
function _M:combatMindSpeed()
	return 1 / self.combat_mindspeed
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--- Gets summon speed
function _M:combatSummonSpeed()
	return math.max(1 - ((self:attr("fast_summons") or 0) / 100), 0.1)

--- Computes physical crit chance reduction
function _M:combatCritReduction()
	local crit_reduction = 0
	if self:hasHeavyArmor() and self:knowTalent(self.T_ARMOUR_TRAINING) then
		crit_reduction = crit_reduction + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_ARMOUR_TRAINING) * 1.9
	if self:attr("combat_crit_reduction") then
		crit_reduction = crit_reduction + self:attr("combat_crit_reduction")
	return crit_reduction

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--- Computes physical crit for a damage
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function _M:physicalCrit(dam, weapon, target, atk, def, add_chance, crit_power_add)
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	local tier_diff = self:getTierDiff(atk, def)
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	local chance = self:combatCrit(weapon) + (add_chance or 0)
	crit_power_add = crit_power_add or 0
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	local crit = false
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_BACKSTAB) and target:attr("stunned") then chance = chance + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_BACKSTAB) * 10 end
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	if target:attr("combat_crit_vulnerable") then
		chance = chance + target:attr("combat_crit_vulnerable")
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	if target:hasEffect(target.EFF_SET_UP) then
		local p = target:hasEffect(target.EFF_SET_UP)
		if p and p.src == self then
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			chance = chance + p.power
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	chance = chance - target:combatCritReduction()
	if target:hasEffect(target.EFF_DISMAYED) then
		chance = 100
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	-- Scoundrel's Strategies
	if self:attr("cut") and target:knowTalent(self.T_SCOUNDREL) then
		chance = chance - (5 + (target:getTalentLevel(self.T_SCOUNDREL)*5))

	if self:isTalentActive(self.T_STEALTH) and self:knowTalent(self.T_SHADOWSTRIKE) then
		chance = 100
		crit_power_add = crit_power_add + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_SHADOWSTRIKE) / 7

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	chance = util.bound(chance, 0, 100)

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	print("[PHYS CRIT %]", chance)
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	if rng.percent(chance) then
		if target:hasEffect(target.EFF_OFFGUARD) then
			crit_power_add = crit_power_add + 0.1
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		dam = dam * (1.5 + crit_power_add + (self.combat_critical_power or 0) / 100)
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		crit = true
		if self:knowTalent(self.T_EYE_OF_THE_TIGER) then self:triggerTalent(self.T_EYE_OF_THE_TIGER, nil, "physical") end
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		self.turn_procs.is_crit = "physical"
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	return dam, crit
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--- Computes spell crit for a damage
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function _M:spellCrit(dam, add_chance, crit_power_add)
	crit_power_add = crit_power_add or 0
	local chance = self:combatSpellCrit() + (add_chance or 0)
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	local crit = false
	if self:isTalentActive(self.T_STEALTH) and self:knowTalent(self.T_SHADOWSTRIKE) then
		chance = 100
		crit_power_add = crit_power_add + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_SHADOWSTRIKE) / 7

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	print("[SPELL CRIT %]", chance)
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	if rng.percent(chance) then
		dam = dam * (1.5 + crit_power_add + (self.combat_critical_power or 0) / 100)
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		crit = true
		game.logSeen(self, "#{bold}#%s's spell attains critical power!#{normal}#",
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		if self:attr("mana_on_crit") then self:incMana(self:attr("mana_on_crit")) end
		if self:attr("vim_on_crit") then self:incVim(self:attr("vim_on_crit")) end
		if self:attr("paradox_on_crit") then self:incParadox(self:attr("paradox_on_crit")) end
		if self:attr("positive_on_crit") then self:incPositive(self:attr("positive_on_crit")) end
		if self:attr("negative_on_crit") then self:incNegative(self:attr("negative_on_crit")) end
		if self:attr("spellsurge_on_crit") then
			local power = self:attr("spellsurge_on_crit")
			self:setEffect(self.EFF_SPELLSURGE, 10, {power=power, max=power*3})
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		if self:isTalentActive(self.T_BLOOD_FURY) then
			local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_BLOOD_FURY)
			t.on_crit(self, t)
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		if self:isTalentActive(self.T_CORONA) then
			local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_CORONA)
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			t.on_crit(self, t)

		if self:knowTalent(self.T_EYE_OF_THE_TIGER) then self:triggerTalent(self.T_EYE_OF_THE_TIGER, nil, "spell") end
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		self.turn_procs.is_crit = "spell"
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	return dam, crit
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--- Computes mind crit for a damage
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function _M:mindCrit(dam, add_chance, crit_power_add)
	crit_power_add = crit_power_add or 0
	local chance = self:combatMindCrit() + (add_chance or 0)
	local crit = false

	if self:isTalentActive(self.T_STEALTH) and self:knowTalent(self.T_SHADOWSTRIKE) then
		chance = 100
		crit_power_add = crit_power_add + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_SHADOWSTRIKE) / 7

	print("[MIND CRIT %]", chance)
	if rng.percent(chance) then
		dam = dam * (1.5 + crit_power_add + (self.combat_critical_power or 0) / 100)
		crit = true
		game.logSeen(self, "#{bold}#%s's mind surges with critical power!#{normal}#",
		if self:attr("hate_on_crit") then self:incHate(self:attr("hate_on_crit")) end
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		if self:attr("psi_on_crit") then self:incPsi(self:attr("psi_on_crit")) end
		if self:attr("equilibrium_on_crit") then self:incEquilibrium(self:attr("equilibrium_on_crit")) end
		if self:knowTalent(self.T_EYE_OF_THE_TIGER) then self:triggerTalent(self.T_EYE_OF_THE_TIGER, nil, "mind") end
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		self.turn_procs.is_crit = "mind"
	return dam, crit

--- Do we get hit by our own AOE ?
function _M:spellFriendlyFire()
	local chance = (self:getLck() - 50) * 0.2
	if self:isTalentActive(self.T_SPELLCRAFT) then chance = chance + self:getTalentLevelRaw(self.T_SPELLCRAFT) * 20 end
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	chance = chance + (self.combat_spell_friendlyfire or 0)

	chance = 100 - chance
	print("[SPELL] friendly fire chance", chance)
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	return util.bound(chance, 0, 100)
--- Gets mindpower
	mod = mod or 1
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_GESTURE_OF_POWER) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_GESTURE_OF_POWER)
	if self:attr("psychometry_power") then
		add = add + self:attr("psychometry_power")
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	return self:rescaleCombatStats((self.combat_mindpower > 0 and self.combat_mindpower or 0) + add + self:getWil() * 0.7 + self:getCun() * 0.4) * mod

--- Gets damage based on talent
function _M:combatTalentMindDamage(t, base, max)
	-- Compute at "max"
	local mod = max / ((base + 100) * ((math.sqrt(5) - 1) * 0.8 + 1))
	-- Compute real
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	return self:rescaleDamage((base + (self:combatMindpower())) * ((math.sqrt(self:getTalentLevel(t)) - 1) * 0.8 + 1) * mod)
--- Gets damage based on talent
function _M:combatTalentStatDamage(t, stat, base, max)
	-- Compute at "max"
	local mod = max / ((base + 100) * ((math.sqrt(5) - 1) * 0.8 + 1))
	-- Compute real
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	local dam = (base + (self:getStat(stat))) * ((math.sqrt(self:getTalentLevel(t)) - 1) * 0.8 + 1) * mod
	dam =  dam * (1 - math.log10(dam * 2) / 7)
	dam = dam ^ (1 / 1.04)
	return self:rescaleDamage(dam)
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--- Gets damage based on talent, basic stat, and interval
function _M:combatTalentIntervalDamage(t, stat, min, max, stat_weight)
	local stat_weight = stat_weight or 0.5
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	local dam = min + (max - min)*((stat_weight * self:getStat(stat)/100) + (1 - stat_weight) * self:getTalentLevel(t)/6.5)
	dam =  dam * (1 - math.log10(dam * 2) / 7)
	dam = dam ^ (1 / 1.04)
	return self:rescaleDamage(dam)

--- Gets damage based on talent, stat, and interval
function _M:combatStatTalentIntervalDamage(t, stat, min, max, stat_weight)
	local stat_weight = stat_weight or 0.5
	scaled_stat = self[stat](self)
	return self:rescaleDamage(min + (max - min)*((stat_weight * self[stat](self)/100) + (1 - stat_weight) * self:getTalentLevel(t)/6.5))
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--- Computes physical resistance
--- Fake denotes a check not actually being made, used by character sheets etc.
function _M:combatPhysicalResist(fake)
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	local add = 0
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	if not fake then
		add = add + (self:checkOnDefenseCall("physical") or 0)
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) then
		add = add + util.bound( / (90 - self:getTalentLevelRaw(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) * 5), 0, self:getTalentLevelRaw(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) * 7)
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	-- To return later
	local total = self:rescaleCombatStats(self.combat_physresist + (self:getCon() + self:getStr() + (self:getLck() - 50) * 0.5) * 0.35 + add)
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	-- Psionic Balance
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_BALANCE) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_BALANCE)
		local ratio = t.getBalanceRatio(self, t)
		total = (1 - ratio)*total + self:combatMentalResist(fake)*ratio
	return total
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--- Computes spell resistance
--- Fake denotes a check not actually being made, used by character sheets etc.
function _M:combatSpellResist(fake)
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	local add = 0
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	if not fake then
		add = add + (self:checkOnDefenseCall("spell") or 0)
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) then
		add = add + util.bound( / (90 - self:getTalentLevelRaw(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) * 5), 0, self:getTalentLevelRaw(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) * 7)
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	-- To return later
	local total = self:rescaleCombatStats(self.combat_spellresist + (self:getMag() + self:getWil() + (self:getLck() - 50) * 0.5) * 0.35 + add)
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	-- Psionic Balance
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_BALANCE) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_BALANCE)
		local ratio = t.getBalanceRatio(self, t)
		total = (1 - ratio)*total + self:combatMentalResist(fake)*ratio
	return total
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--- Computes mental resistance
--- Fake denotes a check not actually being made, used by character sheets etc.
function _M:combatMentalResist(fake)
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	local add = 0
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	if not fake then
		add = add + (self:checkOnDefenseCall("mental") or 0)
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_STEADY_MIND) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_STEADY_MIND)
		add = add + t.getMental(self, t)
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) then
		add = add + util.bound( / (90 - self:getTalentLevelRaw(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) * 5), 0, self:getTalentLevelRaw(self.T_POWER_IS_MONEY) * 7)
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	return self:rescaleCombatStats(self.combat_mentalresist + (self:getCun() + self:getWil() + (self:getLck() - 50) * 0.5) * 0.35 + add)
-- Called when a Save or Defense is checked
function _M:checkOnDefenseCall(type)
	local add = 0
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_SPIN_FATE) then
		print("Spin Fate", type)
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_SPIN_FATE)
		t.do_spin_fate(self, t, type)
	return add

--- Returns the resistance
function _M:combatGetResist(type)
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	if self.force_use_resist then type = self.force_use_resist end

	local a = (self.resists.all or 0) / 100
	local b = (self.resists[type] or 0) / 100
	local r = math.min(100 * (1 - (1 - a) * (1 - b)), (self.resists_cap.all or 0) + (self.resists_cap[type] or 0))
	return r

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--- Computes movement speed
function _M:combatMovementSpeed(x, y)
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	local mult = 1
	if game.level and then
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		mult = 3
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	local movement_speed = self.movement_speed
	if x and y and, y, "creepingDark") and self:knowTalent(self.T_DARK_VISION) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_DARK_VISION)
		movement_speed = movement_speed + t.getMovementSpeedChange(self, t)
	return mult * (self.base_movement_speed or 1) / movement_speed
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--- Computes see stealth
function _M:combatSeeStealth()
	local bonus = 0
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_PIERCING_SIGHT) then bonus = bonus + 5 + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_PIERCING_SIGHT) * self:getCun(15, true) end
	return self.level / 2 + self:getCun(25, true) + (self:attr("see_stealth") or 0) + bonus

--- Computes see invisible
function _M:combatSeeInvisible()
	local bonus = 0
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_PIERCING_SIGHT) then bonus = bonus + 5 + self:getTalentLevel(self.T_PIERCING_SIGHT) * self:getCun(15, true) end
	return (self:attr("see_invisible") or 0) + bonus

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--- Check if the actor has a gem bomb in quiver
function _M:hasAlchemistWeapon()
	if not self:getInven("QUIVER") then return nil, "no ammo" end
	local ammo = self:getInven("QUIVER")[1]
	if not ammo or not ammo.alchemist_power then
		return nil, "bad or no ammo"
	return ammo

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--- Check if the actor has a staff weapon
function _M:hasStaffWeapon()
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	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

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	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") then return end
	local weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
	if not weapon or weapon.subtype ~= "staff" then
		return nil
	return weapon

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--- Check if the actor has an axe weapon
function _M:hasAxeWeapon()
	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") then return end
	local weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
	if not weapon or (weapon.subtype ~= "battleaxe" and weapon.subtype ~= "waraxe") then
		return nil
	return weapon

--- Check if the actor has a cursed weapon
function _M:hasCursedWeapon()
	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") then return end
	local weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
	if not weapon or not weapon.curse then
	local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_DEFILING_TOUCH)
	if not t.canCurseItem(self, t, weapon) then return nil end
--- Check if the actor has a cursed weapon
function _M:hasCursedOffhandWeapon()
	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

	if not self:getInven("OFFHAND") then return end
	local weapon = self:getInven("OFFHAND")[1]
	if not weapon or not weapon.combat or not weapon.curse then
		return nil
	local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_DEFILING_TOUCH)
	if not t.canCurseItem(self, t, weapon) then return nil end
	return weapon

--- Check if the actor has a two handed weapon
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function _M:hasTwoHandedWeapon()
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	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

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	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") then return end
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	local weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
	if not weapon or not weapon.twohanded then
		return nil
	return weapon

--- Check if the actor has a shield
function _M:hasShield()
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	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

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	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") or not self:getInven("OFFHAND") then return end
	local shield = self:getInven("OFFHAND")[1]
	if not shield or not shield.special_combat then
		return nil
	return shield
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-- Check if actor is unarmed
function _M:isUnarmed()
	local unarmed = true
	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") or not self:getInven("OFFHAND") then return end
	local weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
	local offweapon = self:getInven("OFFHAND")[1]
	if weapon or offweapon then
		unarmed = false
	return unarmed

-- Get the number of free hands the actor has
function _M:getFreeHands()
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	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") or not self:getInven("OFFHAND") then return 0 end
	local weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
	local offweapon = self:getInven("OFFHAND")[1]
	if weapon and offweapon then return 0 end
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	if weapon and weapon.twohanded then return 0 end
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--- Check if the actor dual wields
function _M:hasDualWeapon()
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	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

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	if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") or not self:getInven("OFFHAND") then return end
	local weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
	local offweapon = self:getInven("OFFHAND")[1]
	if not weapon or not offweapon or not weapon.combat or not offweapon.combat then
		return nil
	return weapon, offweapon
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--- Check if the actor uses psiblades
function _M:hasPsiblades(main, off)
	if self:attr("disarmed") then
		return nil, "disarmed"

	local weapon, offweapon = nil, nil
	if main then
		if not self:getInven("MAINHAND") then return end
		weapon = self:getInven("MAINHAND")[1]
		if not weapon or not weapon.combat or not weapon.psiblade_active then return nil, "unactivated psiblade" end
	if off then
		if not self:getInven("OFFHAND") then return end
		offweapon = self:getInven("OFFHAND")[1]
		if not offweapon or not offweapon.combat or not offweapon.psiblade_active then return nil, "unactivated psiblade" end
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--- Check if the actor has a light armor
function _M:hasLightArmor()
	if not self:getInven("BODY") then return end
	local armor = self:getInven("BODY")[1]
	if not armor or (armor.subtype ~= "cloth" and armor.subtype ~= "light") then
		return nil
	return armor

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--- Check if the actor has a heavy armor
function _M:hasHeavyArmor()
	if not self:getInven("BODY") then return end
	local armor = self:getInven("BODY")[1]
	if not armor or (armor.subtype ~= "heavy" and armor.subtype ~= "massive") then
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		return nil
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	return armor
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--- Check if the actor has a massive armor
function _M:hasMassiveArmor()
	if not self:getInven("BODY") then return end
	local armor = self:getInven("BODY")[1]
	if not armor or armor.subtype ~= "massive" then
		return nil
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	return armor
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-- Unarmed Combat; this handles grapple checks and building combo points
-- Builds Comob; reduces the cooldown on all unarmed abilities on cooldown by one
function _M:buildCombo()
	local duration = 3
	local power = 1
	-- Combo String bonuses
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_COMBO_STRING) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_COMBO_STRING)
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		if rng.percent(t.getChance(self, t)) then
			power = 2
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		duration = 3 + t.getDuration(self, t)
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	if self:knowTalent(self.T_RELENTLESS_STRIKES) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_RELENTLESS_STRIKES)
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		self:incStamina(t.getStamina(self, t))
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	self:setEffect(self.EFF_COMBO, duration, {power=power})

function _M:getCombo(combo)
	local combo = 0
	local p = self:hasEffect(self.EFF_COMBO)
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		combo = p.cur_power
		return combo

function _M:clearCombo()
	if self:hasEffect(self.EFF_COMBO) then

-- Check to see if the target is already being grappled; many talents have extra effects on grappled targets
function _M:isGrappled(source)
	local p = self:hasEffect(self.EFF_GRAPPLED)
	if p and p.src == source then
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		return true
		return false

-- Breaks active grapples; called by a few talents that involve a lot of movement
function _M:breakGrapples()
	if self:hasEffect(self.EFF_GRAPPLING) then
		local p = self:hasEffect(self.EFF_GRAPPLING)
		if p.trgt then
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-- grapple size check; compares attackers size and targets size
function _M:grappleSizeCheck(target)
	size = target.size_category - self.size_category
	if size > 1 then
		game.logSeen(target, "%s fails because %s is too big!",,
		return true
		return false

-- Starts the grapple
function _M:startGrapple(target)
	-- pulls boosted grapple effect from the clinch talent if known
	if self:knowTalent(self.T_CLINCH) then
		local t = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_CLINCH)
		power = t.getPower(self, t)
		duration = t.getDuration(self, t)
		hitbonus = self:getTalentLevel(t)/2
		power = 5
		duration = 4
		hitbonus = 0
	-- Breaks the grapple before reapplying
	if self:hasEffect(self.EFF_GRAPPLING) then
		self:removeEffect(self.EFF_GRAPPLING, true)
		target:setEffect(target.EFF_GRAPPLED, duration, {src=self, power=power}, true)
		self:setEffect(self.EFF_GRAPPLING, duration, {trgt=target}, true)
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		return true
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		target:setEffect(target.EFF_GRAPPLED, duration, {src=self, power=power, apply_power=self:combatPhysicalpower()})
		target:crossTierEffect(target.EFF_GRAPPLED, self:combatPhysicalpower())
		self:setEffect(self.EFF_GRAPPLING, duration, {trgt=target})
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		return true
		game.logSeen(target, "%s resists the grapple!",
		return false