- Feb 28, 2017
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Fixed a weird interraction between Heartseeker and Shadowstrike that gradualy zero'ed critial multiplier
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
New visuals for Butterfly Kick, Axe Kick, Combination Kicks, Heymaker, Open Palm, Set Up, StickyPitch and Uppercut
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
New visuals for Absorb Life, Dark Ritual, Exploit Weakness, Grappled, Infestation, Pierced Armour and Shadow Decoy
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
- Feb 27, 2017
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Lady Nashva the Streambender finally has her own tile
DarkGod authored
Fixed a weird interraction between Elemental Split, Stone Wall, Dwarven Unity and stair dancing. That was a fun one ! :)
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
versionstamp the errors to better follow beta
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
darkmac authored
darkmac authored
Chris Davidson authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Parry nerf NOTE: This is an alternative to hachem_muche's parry nerf, though I did copy his NPC initialization behavior. I guess we can see which one razakai favors or continue arguing, either way. I personally strongly disagree with any solution that doesn't massively nerf the actual deflect value. But definitely don't do both. This changes Parry to apply a combatScale to offhand weapon damage to calculate parry instead of a %, and detaches it from talent level entirely. Talent level still handles deflect chance and damage bonus. The new scaling matches 10 deflect at 30 damage and 50 deflect at 250 damage. Note the steady progression of benefit at reasonable player damage levels (30-150ish): http://pastebin.com/FAtpj9uk This is a moderate nerf to player talent levels (Parry was way too good for PCs too) and a massive one for highly scaled weapon damage, where Parry essentially blocked all melee damage unless you turn speed/multihit spammed through it. 100-200 deflect values should not be possible. One important thing to keep in mind is that even if this talent blocked literally 0 damage, the crit benefit alone would make it very strong. Its fair to call this version still a bit overtuned, but thats fine. See merge request !414
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Providence does not heal anymore
DarkGod authored