- Apr 06, 2017
- Apr 05, 2017
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Fix Portal-Vault Fix upvalue issue causing a crash on reloading a map with a portal-vault. See merge request !449
Hachem_Muche authored
DarkGod authored
Melee Damage Scaling This replaces the previous MR: !333 Stats boosting weapon damage go through correct scaling (in Combat:combatDamage) when calculating weapon damage. Weapon damage range is applied before armor and deflection effects rather than after. The main gameplay effects are: A nerf (statistically) to armor values (~10-15%, depending on the weapon). Provides a much "smoother" transition from high armor targets being invulnerable to taking full damage. Makes the damage range of a weapon a significant consideration for the player as a means to overcome high armor values in some NPC's. Added/clarified combat messages produced by Combat:attackTargetWith function. Renamed "Reshape Armor/Weapon" to "Form and Function" and slightly buffed it's weapon damage bonus. This bonus is added to weapon damage in Combat:combatDamage to prevent it from bypassing scaling functions. See merge request !368
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Disabled portal greater vault as it keeps on bugging weirdly
- Apr 01, 2017
Hachem_Muche authored
Spellhunt remnants drain arcane resources when worn and are very annoying to arcane users. (Makes swap cheese painful.) Antimagic displays its casting penalties in its description.
DarkGod authored
- Mar 31, 2017
- Mar 30, 2017
DarkGod authored
Skirmisher Buffs Some basic Skirmisher buffs so they're not utterly outshined by new-Archer. - Buckler Training gives some armor hardiness and armor. Basically this means that they only have a bit less armor than their 1.4.9 iteration rather than being outright nerfed - Hurricane Shot deals about 50% more damage so their AoE is less dreadful. Actually hits pretty hard now - Changed Tireless Combatant to use strdex requirement like Combat Veteran to discourage having to hoard +wil items for requirements See merge request !426
DarkGod authored
Windtouched Speed Requirements and Antimagic anorithil rewards Lowered needed equilibrium-using talents from 20 to 10 to make it less restrictive so non-wilders can realistically achieve this otherwise decent prodigy. Originally planned for 15, but as it doesn't count passives it's still a massive amount for anyone that isn't a wilder. Changed Biofeedback for Resonance Field in antimagic anorithil escort rewards. Biofeedback is an awful reward that is useless in almost all cases, changed it to Resonance Field which is a 50% shield that requires you to get hit to activate anyways, far from overpowered, but should be a nice little buff and more of a choice now, should help solis save generics as well. This was in a previous unmerged MR, so now it's in this one. See merge request !435
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Brawler equipment fix Currently applyRandomClass only copies specific things from the copy descriptor table in its apply_resolvers functions, making it impossible to set misc flags there. Misc properties put there are copied to player characters and such so I'm assuming this is an oversight and made it copy the entire table. Brawler NPCs like to equip weapons in their inventory since their hands are empty in onAddedToLevel, so this uses the above to add a no_npc_weapon_equip flag to the Brawler descriptors. See merge request !440
DarkGod authored
DieClonesDie! class.cloneFull and class.cloneCustom use table.merge to copy recursively table.merge correctly handles table.NIL_MERGE for subtables Added a new function engine.Actor:cloneActor(post_copy, alt_nodes) that automatically handles copying and overwriting a number of default fields when cloning actors, defined in: _M.clone_nodes and _M.clone_copy, corresponding to the alt_nodes and post_copy tables passed to class:cloneCustom This allows critical fields for cloning Actors to be specified in one place, so that only the relevant fields need to be specified in talent level calls. Relevant base fields are specified in engine.Actor and supplemented in mod.class.Actor to manage the usual fields related to Actor spawning/death, AI, player-specific fields, etc. Updated the Paradoxology quest, makeParadoxClone, the Rak'Shor Cultist, and a number of talents to use the new calls: Shadow Simulacrum (enabled for npc use), Paradox Clone, Temporal Fugue, Ambuscade, Elemental Split, Multiply, Projection, Inner Demons, Forgery of Haze, Dreamscape (effect) Added Actor:unlearnTalentsOnClone() function (similar to removeTimedEffectsOnClone()) to automatically unlearn talents tagged with .unlearn_on_clone. This allows addons to prevent unwanted chain cloning more easily by setting a talent flag. Tagged a number of talents to not be copied for clones: Guardian Unity, Temporal Clone, Temporal Hounds, Warden's Call, Temporal Fugue, Ambuscade, Call Shadows, Elemental Split, Multiply (copies still get one less use), Projection, Inner Demons, Thought-Forms, Create Minions, Forgery of Haze Fixed a few typos See merge request !438
Hachem_Muche authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
- Mar 29, 2017
DarkGod authored
Chris Davidson authored
Add a descriptor blocking weapons from being equipped from inventory on addedToLevel and give it to Brawler
- Mar 28, 2017
DarkGod authored
Randboss/rares can not generate with random talents from the "other" trees (which are hidden or npc specific stuff)
DarkGod authored
this actually is a generic ifx to prevent talent levels from being computed as 0 in combatTalentScale and combatTalentLimit also, this message is not "plop"
- Mar 25, 2017
Hachem_Muche authored
Debugging Create Item dialog can create items without a rarity field "extremely disturbed pocket of time" has a higher minimum level Typo in portal-vault message.
- Mar 24, 2017
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
table.merge correctly handles table.NIL_MERGE for subtables Added a new function engine.Actor:cloneActor that automatically handles copying and overwriting a number of default fields when cloning actors, defined in: _M.clone_nodes and _M.clone_copy, corresponding to the alt_nodes and post_copy tables passed to class:cloneCustom This allows critical fields for cloning Actors to be specified in one place, so that only the relevant fields need to be specified in talent level calls. Relevant base fields are specified in engine.Actor and supplemented in mod.class.Actor to manage the usual fields related to Actor spawning/death, AI, and player-specific fields. Updated the Paradoxology quest, makeParadoxClone, the Rak'Shor Cultist, and a number of talents to use the new calls: Shadow Simulacrum (enabled for npc use), Paradox Clone, Temporal Fugue, Ambuscade, Elemental Split, Multiply, Projection, Inner Demons, Forgery of Haze, Dreamscape (effect) Added Actor:unlearnTalentsOnClone() function (similar to removeTimedEffectsOnClone()) to automatically unlearn talents tagged with .unlearn_on_clone. This allows addons to prevent unwanted chain cloning more easily. Tagged a number of talents to not be copied for clones: Guardian Unity, Temporal Clone, Temporal Hounds, Warden's Call, Temporal Fugue, Ambuscade, Call Shadows, Elemental Split, Multiply (copies still get one less use), Projection, Inner Demons, Thought-Forms, Create Minions, Forgery of Haze Fixed a few typos
- Mar 23, 2017
Chris Davidson authored
Fix cold theme not generating on randarts
- Mar 20, 2017
DarkGod authored