- Dec 04, 2018
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Its so annoying when you trigger this too early given how important it is.
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
This has been an insanely strong tree for a long time. Toning it down is a better idea than tinkering with Shadowblade's mastery. (MISC) - Shadowblade Temporal mastery reverted to 1.0 (TEMPORAL) Congeal Time: - Projectile speed increased Time Shield: - Base shield reduced - No longer reduces effect durations - Renamed Temporal Shield to avoid confusion with the TW Time Shield talent Essence of Speed: - Scaling greatly reduced. This has been a problem far too long, it acts as a force multiplier on everything an Actor does and is the single biggest reason were stuck treating dispel access as mandatory. PC values are notably reduced as well.
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Courtesy of Hellowhat
Chris Davidson authored
Absolutely no idea why I did this
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Part bug, part bad decisions. The strength of this talent crowds out things like breaths because its a super high damage AoE with no real downsides. Also gives randbosses a huge range weapon attack on an abnormal damage type which is generally not great. Lets just not talk about the save scaling.
Chris Davidson authored
How did I even do this
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
- Fix a bunch of stuff left out of the first SB commit - Dirty Fighting unlocked base for Rogue - Revise many talent costs
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
The new version of this is aggressively powered against defenses partly because it has a high stamina cost if you want to keep it up. NPCs cheat resources too much for this to be reasonable.
Chris Davidson authored
Currently you have to spam ask escorts and extrapolate their pathing from that. This is reliable but tedious, may as well just show where they're going.
Chris Davidson authored
Token buff pending some more interesting revision.
Chris Davidson authored
This style of crutch is being phased out in favor of sane early game numbers.
Chris Davidson authored
- Fix exploit on levelup screen to cleanse - Fix Chant Radiant causing insane rest times
Chris Davidson authored
(MISC) - Moved to generic. This is partly because Rogue is getting another class category unlocked base and has too many. - Aggro behavior no longer changes with difficulty. We don't need hidden behavior like this and the number is pretty small anyway (STEALTH) - Enemies no longer share target_last_seen information at all if the target is stealthed. - Enemies will still chain aggro against stealth to prevent cheese but aquiring you as a target will be delayed by 3 turns. Shadow Dance: - No longer clears targets or forces you out of stealth.
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
(MISC): Mostly mastery changes. I think hybrids having lower masteries on core weapon stuff is good for differentiation. I am not worried about this class becoming weak. - Temporal mastery reduced to 0.6. Fun fact: Essence of Speed still goes to 29%. - Dual Techniques mastery reduced to 1.0 - Duelist mastery reduced to 1.0 - Combat Training mastery reduced to 1.0 - Combat Techniques locked. Even Rogue doesn't have this unlocked free, Shadowstep, Conveyance, and Mobility are more than enough (SHADOW MAGIC) Shadow Combat: - Mana cost removed, I'm tired of people correctly noting that you should turn this off past early game - Damage dramatically increased. Paired with Umbral Agility this should be a nontrivial % of SB damage. Also improves early game notably. - Sustain cost added Shadowstep: - Added 20 mana cost - Range capped at 10 (AMBUSH) Shadow Leash: Removed and added to npc.lua as spell/other. Shadow Ambush: Removed and added to npc.lua as spell/other Ambuscade: Removed and added to npc.lua as spell/other. The only thing this talent does is let people find ways to avoid interacting with enemies at all in a game about combat. Feels like it doesn't fit. New Talent - Shadowguard: Grants all resistance when exiting stealth briefly and gives debuff immunity, spellpower, and defense when your life drops below 50%. New Talent - Shadow Grasp: Merge of Shadow Leash and Shadow Ambush with Darkness spell damage added. New Talent - Umbral Agility: Increases accuracy, defense, and darkness penetration scaling with spellpower. Shadow Veil: - Fixed duration of 3. - Now does 4 attacks total the first as soon as the talent is activated. - Range is now based off the first target hopped to so you can't get screwed by chaining across the map.
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
- No longer forces unarmed - Duration fixed to 4
Chris Davidson authored
Lots of tooltip fixes and behavior clarifications. Clinch: Toned down especially at very high TLs. Still a big player nerf, but the scaling duration on NPCs made this especially brutal on NPCs sometimes. - Cooldown increased to 8 - Duration fixed to 5 - Damage increased Crushing Hold: - Slow reduced - Physical power reduction increased Hurricane Throw: This isn't as exciting as it should be. - No longer lets you throw things with never_move - Causes the thrown target to lose a turn if they collide with another enemy - Range increased
Chris Davidson authored
Doomed shade can still use it, etc.
Chris Davidson authored
This is a bandaid pending some sort of dispel overhaul in the future. Generally cooldowns are increased so you won't get in situations where your stuff is just getting spam dispelled.
Chris Davidson authored
As this isn't a core defensive sustain we should make sure dispels stick.
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Chris Davidson authored
Currently its optimal to immediately go to a shop and buy inscriptions (which are very cheap). This alleviates that a bit by improving the starting inscriptions as well as tweaking/updating some of them.
Chris Davidson authored
Currently there are a lot of tier 4-5 Maj'eyal artifacts but very few places in the game to drop them. This helps correct that problem and changes mummy wrappings to be a stronger arcane themed robe subtype.
Chris Davidson authored
Even with drowning gone this is just leading to people luring citizens to kill 1 by 1, a tedious but very efficient source of experience and items. Keeping classes on townsfolk is always going to create warped incentives and on top of it is just weird.
- Dec 01, 2018