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  1. Oct 18, 2015
  2. Oct 15, 2015
  3. Oct 13, 2015
  4. Oct 12, 2015
  5. Oct 10, 2015
  6. Oct 09, 2015
  7. Oct 05, 2015
  8. Sep 30, 2015
  9. Sep 29, 2015
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Remove Debugging code. · 865d1042
      Hachem_Muche authored
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Reworked interface Archery to properly handle multiple missile launchers. · caacb202
      Hachem_Muche authored
      This can now handle mainhand/offhand/psionic focus simultaneously. (So, a gunslinger/mindslayer randboss can theoretically triple shoot.)
      Includes updates to hasArcheryWeapon(type, quickset), archeryAcquireTargets(tg, params), archery_projectile(tx, ty, tg, self, tmp) and archeryShoot(targets, talent, tg, params).
      These are still compatible with existing talents but some of the new orcs talents need tweaking (separate MR forthcoming).
      Double weapons are supported for both archery and melee combat.
      Weapon resource costs are standardized with a new general function Actor:useResources(costs, check).
      This is used to check for a weapon.combat.use_resources list of resources to be deducted to perform the attack. (checks all regularly defined resources, not paradox).  This can be easily adapted to other actions (resources to use (or regen) with movement, or to use an object, for example.
      Resource costs to attack are correctly supported for each attack performed: Archery (shooters and ammo, per shot, including bomardment), melee weapons (including shields), and unarmed combat.
      Insufficient resources causes ranged attack(s) to be canceled (message to player) and melee attacks to attempt an unarmed attack or cancel the attack completely (if the unarmed attack also needs unavailable resources).
      Archery will use the correct archery training talents (based on the shooter), to determine combat damage.
      Mixed shooter/ammo combos are now fully supported:
      Each shot will have the correct speed and range for its shooter/ammo combination, and, by default, archeryAcquireTargets will not assign shots for shooters that cannot reach the target.  (i.e. range 10 steamgun + range 6 sling, with swift ammo will be properly resolved to have different travel speeds and maximum ranges, and only the steamgun will fire at a range 8 target.)
      The archery_range(t, type) function returns the maximum range of eligible weapons instead of the minimum. and archeryAcquireTargets will cancel if the target is out of range of all shooters.
      Archery targeting for the player with mixed range shooters now highlights the ranges (blue/yellow/red for all/some/none within range) to warn the player if some of the shooters are out of range.
      All weapons can be forced to fire by holding ctrl while targeting. (ctrl_SPACE, ctrl_RETURN, and ctrl_KP_ENTER bound to accept in game targeting.)
      Archery messages for the player are updated to be more clear and distinct.  ("Your steel steamgun CANNOT SHOOT (Resource: Steam)").
      Combat log messages for archery damage are more clear "player's SHOOT misses target." rather than "player misses target."
      Added a new hook to archeryShoot to apply transient actor effects to the projectiles at the point of creation.
      Added more code comments to make this relatively opaque part to the code more comprehensible for addon-developers.
      Beyond the flesh now works with all archery weapons, which will attempt to fire at the appropriate target when an archery talent is used (not autonomously).  This is an interesting new ranged option for Mindslayers, though not terribly effective without additional archery skills.
      A new attribute "psi_focus_combat" enables combat with the psionic focus separate from "use_psi_combat" which affects all combat stats.
      This is followed through for quick sets, including Warden switching checks.
      Updated the character sheet (shows accurate damage and more complete info, including weapon type by skill and ammo range and speed).
      Actor tooltips now show each weapon equipped (short name), instead of a combined list of keywords.
      (i.e. 	Main: <weapon icon> iron, ego
      	Off : <shield icon> thick coral plate		)
      Projectile tooltips now display speed and direction, and more than one will show up within a tile.
      Object descriptions and tooltips have been updated to show resource costs.
  10. Sep 24, 2015
  11. Sep 17, 2015
  12. Sep 16, 2015
  13. Sep 15, 2015
  14. Sep 09, 2015
  15. Sep 07, 2015
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Moved Resource definitions to data/resources.lua · 78e19b7b
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Added support for depleted resources canceling sustained talents (resources_def.depleted_unsustain and talents_def.remove_on_zero flags).
      Removed obsolete code from Actor:learnPool, and test resource/talent/pool
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Standardizes Resource definitions. · 15454174
      Hachem_Muche authored
      This revises the way Actor resources are handled to allow them to be defined in one place (at tome.load), simplifying their definition, eliminating the need for most hooks to handle them, and making them easier for the AI to manage properly.
      ActorResource:defineResource can now take a parameters field that merges additional information into the definition.
      An extra check is added to prevent redefining an existing resource.
      Defining a new resource now defines the string fields getFunction, getMinFunction, getMaxFunction, incFunction, incMinFunction, incMaxFunction to allow indirect reverence to the correct resource functions from the definition.
      Added support for an invert_values flag (resource increases when used), and sustain_prop and drain_prop fields for sustained talents.
      This allows the module code to loop through all the defined fields/functions when checking for the corresponding properties in actor and talent tables.
      Hard coded resource references have been replaced with a loop checking all defined sustains for:
      Actor:act (canceling sustains)
      Actor:resetToFull (will replenish all defined resources by default)
      Actor:checkPool, Actor:learnPool, Actor:learnTalent, Actor:unlearnTalent, Actor:preUseTalent, Actor:postUseTalent, Actor:getTalentFullDescription
      This eliminates the need to use the hooks/callbacks in these functions for (almost) all defined resources.
      Added comments in tome:load explain for addon developers how to create resource definitions to take advantage of these changes.
      Resource definitions can set .hidden_resource = true to prevent display in various player interfaces.
      Resource definitions have a .color ("#COLOR#") field set to display resources with a consistent color in various places.
      Updated the Classic and Minimalist uisets and the CharacterSheet to look through the list of all defined resources for resource values to display.
      Classic uiset:
      	Fixed some formatting problems that were causing some resource values not to display properly.
      	Added some variables to make resizing the player panel easier in the future.
      	Added the log_lines parameter to the Game Options menu.
      Minimalist uiset:
      	Reformatted resource graphics/text to be more clear and to avoid unreadable text.
      	The ui will go through a series of default checks to search for appropriate graphics for each resource.
      The general tab of the CharacterSheet has been adjusted to provide room for more resources and will now display their regeneration values.
      Added/updated tooltips for several ui elements.
  16. Aug 05, 2015
  17. Jul 31, 2015
  18. Jul 28, 2015