@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ function _M:generateListGameplay()
localzone=Textzone.new{width=self.c_desc.w,height=self.c_desc.h,text=(_t"If you loose more than this percentage of life in a turn, a warning will display and all key/mouse input will be ignored for 2 seconds to prevent mistakes.#WHITE#"):toTString()}
localzone=Textzone.new{width=self.c_desc.w,height=self.c_desc.h,text=(_t"If you lose more than this percentage of life in a turn, a warning will display and all key/mouse input will be ignored for 2 seconds to prevent mistakes.#WHITE#"):toTString()}
list[#list+1]={zone=zone,name=(_t"#GOLD##{bold}#Life Lost Warning#WHITE##{normal}#"):toTString(),status=function(item)