return([[Your dark power radiates further as you grow stronger. Increases the radius of your necrotic aura by %d, and reduces the decay rate of your minions outside the aura by %d%%.
return([[Your dark power radiates further as you grow stronger. Increases the radius of your necrotic aura by %d, and reduces the decay rate of your minions outside the aura by %d%%.
At level 3, necrotic minions inside your aura have a 25%% chance to refund their soul on death. If a minion turns into a will o' the wisp then the wisp will have that chance instead.]]):
At level 5, necrotic minions inside your aura have a 25%% chance to refund their soul on death. If a minion turns into a will o' the wisp then the wisp will have that chance instead.]]):