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Commit 08411e4a authored by Lisa Greene's avatar Lisa Greene
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Buff celestial/radiance

parent b5401a35
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1 merge request!648Misc 1.7beta5
This commit is part of merge request !648. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
......@@ -25,71 +25,94 @@ newTalent{
name = "Radiance",
type = {"celestial/radiance", 1},
mode = "passive",
require = divi_req1,
require = divi_req_high1,
points = 5,
radius = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentLimit(t, 14, 3, 10) end,
radius = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentLimit(t, 14, 4, 10) end,
getResist = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentLimit(t, 100, 25, 75) end,
getLightResist = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentScale(t, 15, 35) end,
getAffinity = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentLimit(t, 50, 15, 30) end,
passives = function(self, t, p)
self:talentTemporaryValue(p, "radiance_aura", radianceRadius(self))
self:talentTemporaryValue(p, "blind_immune", t.getResist(self, t) / 100)
self:talentTemporaryValue(p, "resists",{[DamageType.LIGHT]=t.getLightResist(self, t)})
self:talentTemporaryValue(p, "damage_affinity", {[DamageType.LIGHT] = t.getAffinity(self, t)})
info = function(self, t)
return ([[You are so infused with sunlight that your body glows permanently in radius %d, even in dark places.
Your vision adapts to this glow, giving you %d%% blindness resistance.
Your vision and body adapt to this glow, giving you %d%% blindness resistance, %d%% light resistance, and %d%% light affinity.
The light radius overrides your normal light if it is bigger (it does not stack).
tformat(radianceRadius(self), t.getResist(self, t))
tformat(radianceRadius(self), t.getResist(self, t), t.getLightResist(self, t), t.getAffinity(self, t))
name = "Illumination",
name = "Judgement",
type = {"celestial/radiance", 2},
require = divi_req2,
require = divi_req_high2,
points = 5,
mode = "passive",
getPower = function(self, t) return 15 + self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 1, 100) end,
getDef = function(self, t) return 5 + self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 1, 35) end,
callbackOnActBase = function(self, t)
local radius = radianceRadius(self)
local grids = core.fov.circle_grids(self.x, self.y, radius, true)
local ss = self:isTalentActive(self.T_SEARING_SIGHT)
local ss_talent = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_SEARING_SIGHT)
local damage = ss_talent.getDamage(self, ss_talent)
local daze = ss_talent.getDaze(self, ss_talent)
cooldown = 30,
positive = 20,
tactical = { ATTACKAREA = {LIGHT = 2}, HEAL = 2},
requires_target = true,
radius = function(self) return radianceRadius(self) end,
range = function(self) return radianceRadius(self) end,
target = function(self, t) return {type="ball", range=self:getTalentRange(t), radius = self:getTalentRadius(t), selffire = false, friendlyfire = false, talent=t} end,
getMoveDamage = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 3, 50) end,
getExplosionDamage = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 30, 250) end,
getSavePen = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 6, 50) end,
getCritPen = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 5, 40) end,
getSplashPct = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentLimit(t, 100, 25, 55) end,
action = function(self, t)
local tg =, t)
local movedam = self:spellCrit(t.getMoveDamage(self, t))
local dam = self:spellCrit(t.getExplosionDamage(self, t))
self:project(tg, self.x, self.y, function(tx, ty)
local target =, ty, engine.Map.ACTOR)
if not target then return end
for x, yy in pairs(grids) do for y, _ in pairs(grids[x]) do local target =, y, Map.ACTOR) if target and self ~= target then
if (self:reactionToward(target) < 0) then
target:setEffect(target.EFF_ILLUMINATION, 1, {power=t.getPower(self, t), def=t.getDef(self, t)})
if ss and not target:hasEffect(target.EFF_DAZED) then
DamageType:get(DamageType.LIGHT).projector(self, target.x, target.y, DamageType.LIGHT, damage)
if daze and rng.percent(ss.daze) and target:canBe("stun") then
target:setEffect(target.EFF_DAZED, 5, {apply_power=self:combatSpellpower()})
local proj = require("mod.class.Projectile"):makeHoming(
{particle="bolt_light", trail="lighttrail"},
{speed=1, name=_t"Judgement", dam={dam=dam, save=t.getSavePen(self,t), crit=t.getCritPen(self,t), splash=t.getSplashPct(self,t)}, movedam=movedam},
function(self, src)
local DT = require("engine.DamageType")
DT:get(DT.JUDGEMENT).projector(src, self.x, self.y, DT.JUDGEMENT, self.def.movedam)
function(self, src, target)
local DT = require("engine.DamageType")
local grids = src:project({type="ball", radius=1, x=self.x, y=self.y}, self.x, self.y, DT.JUDGEMENT, self.def.dam.dam)
local t = src:getTalentFromId(src.T_JUDGEMENT), self.y, 1, "sunburst", {radius=1, grids=grids, tx=self.x, ty=self.y})
game:playSoundNear(self, "talents/lightning")
target:setEffect(target.EFF_LIGHTBLIGHT, 4, {src=src,, crit=self.def.dam.crit, splash=self.def.dam.splash, apply_power=src:combatSpellpower()})
end end end
), proj, "projectile", self.x, self.y)
return true
info = function(self, t)
return ([[The light of your Radiance allows you to see that which would normally be unseen.
All enemies in your Radiance aura have their invisibility and stealth power reduced by %d.
In addition, all actors affected by illumination are easier to see and therefore hit; their defense is reduced by %d and all evasion bonuses from being unseen are negated.
The effects increase with your Spellpower.]]):
tformat(t.getPower(self, t), t.getDef(self, t))
return ([[Fire a glowing orb of light at each enemy within your Radiance. Each orb will slowly follow its target until it connects, dealing %d light damage to anything else it contacts along the way. When the target is reached the orb will explode dealing %d light damage in radius 1 and healing you for 50%% of the damage dealt.
All targets struck by your Judgement will be blighted by light, reducing saves by %d, reducing critical power by %d%%, and causing light damage received to splash in radius 2 for %d%% damage against all hostile targets for 4 turns.]]):
tformat(t.getMoveDamage(self, t), t.getExplosionDamage(self, t), t.getSavePen(self,t), t.getCritPen(self,t), t.getSplashPct(self,t))
name = "Searing Sight",
type = {"celestial/radiance",3},
require = divi_req3,
require = divi_req_high3,
mode = "sustained",
points = 5,
cooldown = 15,
range = function(self) return radianceRadius(self) end,
tactical = { ATTACKAREA = {LIGHT=1} },
sustain_positive = 10,
getDamage = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 1, 35) end,
getDamage = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 3, 35) end,
getDaze = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentLimit(t, 35, 5, 25) end,
updateParticle = function(self, t)
local p = self:isTalentActive(self.T_SEARING_SIGHT)
......@@ -107,61 +130,58 @@ newTalent{
return true
callbackOnActBase = function(self, t)
local radius = radianceRadius(self)
local grids = core.fov.circle_grids(self.x, self.y, radius, true)
local damage = t.getDamage(self, t)
local daze = t.getDaze(self, t)
for x, yy in pairs(grids) do for y, _ in pairs(grids[x]) do local target =, y, Map.ACTOR) if target and self ~= target then
if (self:reactionToward(target) < 0) then
DamageType:get(DamageType.LIGHT).projector(self, target.x, target.y, DamageType.LIGHT, damage)
if not target:hasEffect(target.EFF_DAZED) and daze and not target:hasProc("searing_daze") and rng.percent(daze) and target:canBe("stun") then
target:setProc("searing_daze", true, 7)
target:setEffect(target.EFF_DAZED, 3, {apply_power=self:combatSpellpower()})
if not target:hasEffect(target.EFF_BLINDED) and daze and not target:hasProc("searing_blind") and rng.percent(daze) and target:canBe("blind") then
target:setProc("searing_blind", true, 7)
target:setEffect(target.EFF_BLINDED, 3, {apply_power=self:combatSpellpower()})
if self:knowTalent(self.T_ILLUMINATION) then
local ill = self:getTalentFromId(self.T_ILLUMINATION)
target:setEffect(target.EFF_ILLUMINATION, 1, {power=ill.getPower(self, ill), def=ill.getDef(self, ill)})
end end end
info = function(self, t)
return ([[Your Radiance is so powerful it burns all foes caught in it, doing %0.1f light damage to all non-dazed foes caught inside.
Each enemy effected has a %d%% chance of being dazed for 5 turns.
return ([[Your Radiance is so powerful it burns all foes caught in it, dealing %0.1f light damage to all foes caught inside every turn.
Each enemy effected has a %d%% chance of being dazed and blinded by the light for 3 turns. The daze and blind can be applied to each enemy at most once every 7 turns.
The damage increases with your Spellpower.]]):
tformat(damDesc(self, DamageType.LIGHT, t.getDamage(self, t)), t.getDaze(self, t))
name = "Judgement",
name = "Illumination",
type = {"celestial/radiance", 4},
require = divi_req4,
require = divi_req_high4,
points = 5,
cooldown = 25,
positive = 20,
tactical = { ATTACKAREA = {LIGHT = 2}, HEAL = 2},
requires_target = true,
radius = function(self) return radianceRadius(self) end,
range = function(self) return radianceRadius(self) end,
target = function(self, t) return {type="ball", range=self:getTalentRange(t), radius = self:getTalentRadius(t), selffire = false, friendlyfire = false, talent=t} end,
getMoveDamage = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 1, 40) end,
getExplosionDamage = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 20, 150) end,
action = function(self, t)
local tg =, t)
local movedam = self:spellCrit(t.getMoveDamage(self, t))
local dam = self:spellCrit(t.getExplosionDamage(self, t))
self:project(tg, self.x, self.y, function(tx, ty)
local target =, ty, engine.Map.ACTOR)
if not target then return end
local proj = require("mod.class.Projectile"):makeHoming(
{particle="bolt_light", trail="lighttrail"},
{speed=1, name=_t"Judgement", dam=dam, movedam=movedam},
function(self, src)
local DT = require("engine.DamageType")
DT:get(DT.JUDGEMENT).projector(src, self.x, self.y, DT.JUDGEMENT, self.def.movedam)
function(self, src, target)
local DT = require("engine.DamageType")
local grids = src:project({type="ball", radius=1, x=self.x, y=self.y}, self.x, self.y, DT.JUDGEMENT, self.def.dam), self.y, 1, "sunburst", {radius=1, grids=grids, tx=self.x, ty=self.y})
game:playSoundNear(self, "talents/lightning")
), proj, "projectile", self.x, self.y)
return true
mode = "passive",
getPower = function(self, t) return 15 + self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 1, 100) end,
getDef = function(self, t) return 5 + self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 1, 35) end,
getLightDamageIncrease = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentScale(t, 2.5, 10) end,
getResPen = function(self, t) return self:combatTalentLimit(t, 60, 17, 50) end,
passives = function(self, t, p)
self:talentTemporaryValue(p, "resists_pen", {[DamageType.LIGHT] = t.getResPen(self, t)})
self:talentTemporaryValue(p, "inc_damage", {[DamageType.LIGHT] = t.getLightDamageIncrease(self, t)})
info = function(self, t)
return ([[Fire a glowing orb of light at each enemy within your Radiance. Each orb will slowly follow its target until it connects dealing %d light damage to anything else it contacts along the way. When the target is reached the orb will explode dealing %d light damage in radius 1 and healing you for 50%% of the damage dealt.]]):
tformat(t.getMoveDamage(self, t), t.getExplosionDamage(self, t))
return ([[The light of your Radiance allows you to see that which would normally be unseen and strike that which would normally be protected.
All enemies in your Radiance aura have their invisibility and stealth power reduced by %d; all actors affected by illumination have their defense reduced by %d as well as all evasion bonuses from being unseen negated.
In addition, your light damage is increased by %d%% and your strikes ignore %d%% of the light resistance of your targets.
The invisibility, stealth power, and defense reductions increase with your Spellpower.]]):
tformat(t.getPower(self, t), t.getDef(self, t), t.getLightDamageIncrease(self, t), t.getResPen(self, t))
......@@ -3260,6 +3260,30 @@ newEffect{
name = "LIGHTBLIGHT", image = "talents/judgement.png",
desc = _t"Lightblight",
long_desc = function(self, eff) return ("The creature is blighted by light reducing saves by %d, critical power by %d%%, and causing all light damage received to splash in radius 2 for %d%% damage once a turn."):tformat(eff.saves, eff.crit, eff.splash) end,
type = "magical",
subtype = { sun=true, },
status = "detrimental",
parameters = { saves = 10, crit = 10, splash = 33 },
on_gain = function(self, err) return _t"#Target# burns with light!", _t"+Lightblight" end,
on_lose = function(self, err) return _t"#Target# stops burning.", _t"-Lightblight" end,
activate = function(self, eff)
self:effectTemporaryValue(eff, "combat_critical_power", -eff.crit)
self:effectTemporaryValue(eff, "combat_physresist", -eff.saves)
self:effectTemporaryValue(eff, "combat_mindresist", -eff.saves)
self:effectTemporaryValue(eff, "combat_spellresist", -eff.saves)
callbackOnTakeDamage = function(self, eff, src, x, y, type, dam, state)
if dam <= 80 or src~= eff.src or type ~= engine.DamageType.LIGHT or self.turn_procs.light_blight_reflect then return end
self.turn_procs.light_blight_reflect = true
local grids = eff.src:project({type="ball", radius=2, x=self.x, y=self.y}, self.x, self.y, engine.DamageType.LIGHT, dam * eff.splash/100), self.y, 1, "sunburst", {radius=2, grids=grids, tx=self.x, ty=self.y})
desc = _t"Illumination ", image = "talents/illumination.png",
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