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  1. Apr 24, 2015
  2. Apr 21, 2015
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Use display name for talent confirmation. · 735a1e74
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Fix bug in confirmation dialog.
      Added cycle_time function (pseudo-cooldown) for auto-use check.
      no_npc_use and allow_npc_use fields in object use_power/Use_talent definitions can be a function(obj, who).
      Updated charm talent resolver.
  3. Apr 20, 2015
  4. Apr 12, 2015
  5. Apr 11, 2015
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Updated callObjectTalent function to be more flexible and ensure talent... · a87e5ca6
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Updated callObjectTalent function to be more flexible and ensure talent functions are called with appropriate scope.
      Updated tactical function for use_talent powers to ensure the tactical functions are called with the correct scope.
      Added .never_fail flag (and support to Actor:preUseTalent) to actor object use talents to prevent failure to use objects when confused, etc.
      Added support for on_pre_use_ai function
      Updated game:logVisible to correctly identify projectiles (which get a .__is_projectile flag)
      Enabled automatic use of object activation talents (more development needed)
      Tactical AI:
      Fixed a bug causing NPC's to sometimes not use cure/heal abilities effectively
      tactical table functions are called with (self, t, aitarget, tact)
      Updated charm tactical tables to account for possible resource recovery,
      Updated definitions for several boss artifacts for NPC use: Wintertide (also fixed bug causing permanent ice walls), Crystal Shard,
      Choker of Dread (fixed bug causing summon to not taunt foes), Rod of Annulment, Psionic Fury.
      Dark Tendrils: updated target table for AI use
      Illumination: updated target and tactical tables so that NPC's will use it above level 3.
      Fire Breath: added disable to tactical table.
      Chain Lightning: updated target table for AI use
      Disperse Magic: expanded tactical table to allow for both offensive and defensive use.
      Tidal Wave: updated target table to allow AI use
      Shattering Blow: corrected tactical table
      Inertial Shot: updated on_pre_use function to check for enough ammo (temporary pending more general fix of archery talents)
      ***Note unrelated AI error with archery talents being used without ammo
      Sunder Armor/Arms effects: added gain/lose messages
    • Alex Ksandra's avatar
  6. Apr 07, 2015
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Revise base action function. · e6f6544e
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Restrict object talents to mod == "activated"
      Fix bug with mitotic mindstars
      updated staff ego messages
      Revise definition for Wintertide
      Possible update to equipment resolver
  7. Apr 05, 2015
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Clean up obsolete/debugging code. · e319e7c7
      Hachem_Muche authored
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Allows NPC's to use activatable objects by giving them special talents that... · 687f983e
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Allows NPC's to use activatable objects by giving them special talents that serve as an interface for the AI.
      Adds mod.class.interface.ActorObjectUse class (in mod.class.Actor)
      When a usable object is added to an Actor inventory, the Actor may get a talent that can be activated to use the power.
      This talent is similar to normal talents, but translates the object definition as needed for NPC use.
      objects with a .use_power (most uniquely defined powers) are usable unless the .no_npc_use flag is set.
      objects with a .use_simple field (mostly consumables) are not usable unless the .allow_npc_use flag is set or the .tactical field is defined.
      objects with a .use_talent field (many charms and artifacts) are usable so long as the talent definition does not have the .no_npc_use flag set.
      Energy use matches the object (based on standard action speed)
      the new talent .on_pre_use function handles checking for object cooldowns, inventory access and a t.on_pre_use function (for talent-based powers)
      Important fields defined within object.use_simple or object.use_power:
      	.tactical = tactics table for interpretation by the tactical ai, subfields may be functions(who, t, aitarget) where who = object user, t = talent used (defined here), aitarget = who's (actor) target
      	This should be defined for NPC's to use the object intelligently
      	.on_pre_use = function(obj, who) that must return true for the object to be useable
      	.range = range of the ability (defaults to 1, may be a function(self, t))
       	.radius = radius of ability (defaults to 0, may be a function(self, t))
      	.target = targeting parameters (table, may be a function(self, t)), interpreted by engine.Target:getType
      	.requires_target, if true, don't use the object if the target is beyond radius + range
      Updated charms(amulet, belt, boots, cloak, light-armor, mindstars, ranged, staves, torques, totems, wands, weapons and some fixed arts) with the required fields to use the items.
      updated ActorInventory functions to pass inventory and slot information as appropriate.
      tactical AI
      Updated the tactical AI and the talented_ai_tactic resolver to accept a function(self, t) for a talent tactical table.
      Adds a charm resolver to randombosses and several NPC's (with tactical AI)
      Equipping a useable item resets it's charges when it's equipped by any party member.
      Updated the UseTalents dialog to use getTalentDisplayName for its list
  8. Apr 03, 2015
  9. Mar 26, 2015
  10. Mar 23, 2015
  11. Mar 14, 2015
  12. Mar 13, 2015
  13. Mar 12, 2015
  14. Mar 04, 2015
  15. Mar 03, 2015
  16. Feb 28, 2015
    • Alex Ksandra's avatar
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Update power use descriptions for zone specific world-artifacts, boss, quest,... · b1e607e7
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Update power use descriptions for zone specific world-artifacts, boss, quest, and special artifacts.
      Updated handling of weapon special effects to pass the special effect field to the object code (facilitates handling multiple effects within object definitions).
      Blighted Maul's on hit shockwave will not hit the primary target.
      Wintertide's winter storm effect will expand in size to match its effect.
      Updated the icestorm particles effect to accept radius and density parameters (this might benefit from some more tweaking).
      Reduced the number of mental effects the Wintertide Phial will remove.
      The Crystal Focus can now be applied to shields (updates the special_combat fields appropriately).
      Prox's Lucky Halfling Foot benefits from Charm Mastery.
      Penitence cures a more reasonable (few) number of diseases.
      Updated the DAMAGE_SHIELD definition to note damage reflection in its tooltip and show shield strength in it's icon.
      Awakened Staff of Absorption gets a special damage message and death message for the player if he manages to kill himself with it.
  17. Feb 26, 2015
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Updated on use descriptions for several World Artifacts and added some log messages. · b7fe42c2
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Changed Umbraphage's damage calculation to actually care about it's charge level (slight nerf).
      Fixed a bug with Butcher that could cause its rampage not to activate on damage.  Now benefits from Charm Mastery.
      Stormlash's AOE effect is correctly centered on the target, rather than the user.
      DamageType.LITE now reduces the unlit value of grids with darkness if can't remove them. (Fixes a possible abusable bug with Umbraphage.)
      Updated the tooltip for the Invisibility effect.
  18. Feb 25, 2015
  19. Feb 24, 2015
  20. Feb 23, 2015
  21. Feb 22, 2015
  22. Feb 21, 2015
  23. Feb 19, 2015
  24. Feb 17, 2015
  25. Feb 16, 2015
  26. Feb 15, 2015
  27. Feb 14, 2015
  28. Feb 13, 2015
  29. Feb 12, 2015