- Oct 12, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Oct 10, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Oct 09, 2014
DarkGod authored
Disabled the animated background on the main menu, it was always lagging behind in terms of prettiness New FontPackages engine class, lets easily define and switch "themes" of fonts Switched to a new default font, the previous one is still available in the GameOptions as the "web" one
- Oct 07, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Oct 06, 2014
- Oct 05, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Oct 03, 2014
- Oct 02, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Sep 29, 2014
Grayswandir authored
- Sep 28, 2014
- Sep 26, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Sep 24, 2014
HousePet authored
- Sep 22, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Sep 20, 2014
HousePet authored
- Sep 18, 2014
HousePet authored
- Sep 15, 2014
Amagad authored
- Sep 14, 2014
Amagad authored
Changed 'The Gaping Maw' icon to match item description
- Sep 13, 2014
HousePet authored
Various small corrections to Mindslayers, including adding in missing math.floors and fitting it around an immovable DarkGod.
- Sep 10, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Sep 08, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Sep 06, 2014
Amagad authored
- Sep 05, 2014
Eric Wykoff authored
Eric Wykoff authored
Amagad authored
Dawn's Blade glow fixed Blood-edge bad pixels fixed
- Sep 01, 2014
- Aug 01, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Jul 31, 2014
Hachem_Muche authored
fix bug in pickupFloor
DarkGod authored
- Jul 30, 2014
Hachem_Muche authored
Adds support for inventory-specific stack_limit parameter when defining an inventory. (in .infos or actor.body table. This affects addObject, removeObject, sortInven, wearObject, pickupFloor, dropFloor, Improves object stacking functions to handle a specified number to unstack/stack. Fixed a bug when inspecting actor inventories in debug mode. Fixed a shore bug when buying stacks of objects. updated mod.Actor.doWear doTakeoff and doDrop functions Player can drop partial stacks. Updated party transfer dialog.
- Jul 29, 2014
DarkGod authored
Grayswandir authored
SageAcrin authored
Without removing or adding any talents, including added passive effects to each tree starting talent and a huge variety of buffs to utility talents. Long version: Full changelist; -Cold Drake Ice Claw: Always applies Ice damage instead of Cold. Changed from 1 range to a (1, 3) scaling radius cone. Damage is raised from (1.525, 2.025 to 1.6, 2.3). Now grants +4 to all three saves on talent level. Icy Skin: Armor and Cold damage retribution changed from (Wil, 10, 700)/10 and (Wil, 6, 600)/10 to talentMindDamage(5, 25) and talentMindDamage(10, 30) respectively-values are overall lower. Added a (combatTalentLimit 1, 0.02, 0.10)% boost to max life while active. Sustain cost lowered to 10 from 30. Ice Wall: Cooldown changed from flat 30 to (combatTalentLimit 5, 30, 10). Walls deal (3, 15) TalentMindDamage in Ice to enemies within (TalentScale 1, 2), meaning at cap it is a fairly solid DoT as well as a wall. (Does not self or ally damage) Ice Breath: Damage boosted from (30, 430) to (30, 500). Uses new damage type ICE_SLOW, which slows enemies by 20% in addition to the normal Ice effects. -Fire Drake Swapped positions of Wing Buffet and Bellowing Roar. Wing Buffet: Cooldown reduced to 8(from 10), Equi cost reduced to 5(from 7). Deals (1.1, 1.6) WeaponTalentDamage(instead of 0.8*Physical Power damage). Range lowered from (5, 9) to (3, 6). Passively raises physical power and accuracy by 4. Bellowing Roar: Equilibrium cost raised from 3 to 8. Confusion strength lowered from 40+(6*TL) to 20+(6*TL); Ends up the same at TL5 though, due to the cap. Damage slightly lowered(from 40, 400 to 30, 380). Devouring Flame: No longer harms the caster. Cooldown reduced to 20(was 35), Equi reduced to 6(was 10). Deals (15, 60) Mindpower(was formerly TalentStatDamage Wil(15, 120)), overall marginally better I believe. Radius changed from (2) to (2, 5 combatTalentScale, 5 at cap 2 at min). Now uses the new FIRE_DRAIN damage type(same as Fire but heals the user 10% of the damage it deals). Duration raised from (3, 7) to (5, 9). Fire Breath: Now deals (30, 650), was (30, 550). Now uses the new FIRE_STUN damage type, which has a 25% chance of attempting to apply a 5 damage per turn/three turn Fireshock, and otherwise functions as FIREBURN damage type. -Higher Draconic Prismatic Slash: Now adds a ((2, 10, 0.5 TalentScale) /100, 12%~ at 6.5 or so) passive attack/mind speed bonus, old save bonus removed. Weapon hit damage raised from (1.2, 2.0) to (1.6, 2.3), burst damage remains the same. Now uses new FIRE_STUN and ICE_SLOW for the fire/ice bursts. Equi cost lowered to 10(from 20), Cooldown lowered to 12(from 16). Venomous Breath: Changed from Insidious Poison to Crippling Poison. Effect of the poison is (50, 10, 20 TalentScale) chance to make enemies fail complex actions. Damage raised from (60, 650) to (60. 750). Now passively raises nature damage by 4% and nature resistance by 3%. Wyrmic Guile: Now lowers the cooldown of (Fire, Cold, Lightning, Corrosive, Venomous, and Sand Breath) by math.min(8, 1, 6 TalentScale), in addition to previous effects. (In practice, this halves the breath CDs when capped.) Chromatic Fury: Unchanged. Sand Drake: Swallow: Cooldown changed from (10) to (TalentLimit 4, 10, 7), so 10->7 with leveling. Damage raised from (1, 1.5) to (1.6, 2.5)-heavy raise is due to its off element Nature damage. Now passively raises Physical and Mental Critical rates by (2, 10 TalentScale). Quake: Damage changed from (0.8*Physical Power) to (1.3, 2.1) TalentWeaponDamage. Cooldown lowered from 30 to 20. Knockback changed to 3. Burrow: Duration drastically lowered(from 8, 20 to 3, 7). Now grants MindTalentDamage(15, 30) APR and (15, 30)/2 physical resistance penetration while active. Equilibrium cost lowered to 15 from 50, Cooldown changed to (10, 40, 15) from 30. Can be used instantly at TL5. Sand Breath: Duration of blindness lowered from (3, 7) to (3, 4). Damage raised from (30, 400) to (30, 480). Storm Drake: Lightning Speed: Cooldown changed from 26 to 25(Odd number was the only reason for the tweak). Duration changed from (1.1, 2.6) to (1.1, 3.1). Now grants a passive (0.7, 0.08, 0.40) Movement speed bonus(45%~ at 6.5). Static Field: Radius changed from (1) to (TalentScale 1, 6). Now deals (20, 160) Mindpower lightning damage in addition to the current life drain. Damage penalty on Elite Bosses changed from (current life drain/3) to (current life drain/2.5), a small boost against the final bosses but still lower than every other enemy in the game. Tornado: No longer can self-damage. Projectile speed raised from 2 to 4. Now hits radius (2, 4) instead of Radius 1, and the target is now stunned for (3, 6 TalentScale) turns instead of 4 flatrate. Lightning Breath: Damage raised from (30, 500) to (30, 670). Daze rate changed from flat 25% to (Mindpower 10, 30)+20%, generally 25 to 50% based on levels and Mindpower. Venom Drake: Acidic Spray: Now grants 4 Mindpower per level, passively. Corrosive Mist: Equilibrium cost lowered to 10, Cooldown to 15. Damage raised slightly from 10, 70 to 15, 70. Dissolve: Unchanged. Corrosive Breath: Damage raised from (30, 420) to (30, 520). Disarm chance changed from flat 25% to (Mindpower 10, 30)+20%, 25-50% range in general. (Note: May have missed one or two tweaks, sorry in advance if I did!)
- Jul 28, 2014
DarkGod authored
- Jul 27, 2014
DarkGod authored
Grayswandir authored