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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 08, 2018
  2. Nov 05, 2018
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Fix Meteoric Crash · ab6a6590
      Chris Davidson authored
      - No longer deals damage in real time (this allows it to be dodged if turns are taken fast enough, surprisingly common)
      - Lava damage is now saved on terrain and hopefully no longer breaks on reload
  3. Nov 01, 2018
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Fix · c0350500
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Change how Adept is implemented · 3aaae141
      Chris Davidson authored
      - Talent categories now parse their type ("Category / Subcategory") to put Category in its own field so you don't have to repeatedly parse the string.  This is useful for giving all Psionic/x talent categories a bonus, etc
      - Add a new property ActorTalents.talents_mastery_bonus that lets you define a mastery bonus for all talents or all talents of one category
      - Fix getTalentLevel not using getTalentMastery
  4. Oct 28, 2018
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Revise Shield Block behavior · 3c1c780e
      Chris Davidson authored
      Doing this here because another prodigy has to be replaced as its behavior is being baselined.
      - Block now happens after resists where most of the flat damage reduction does
      - Block cooldown fixed to 6 and later ranks of Block removed
      - All damage types except Mind are now blocked baseline, if the shield has damage resistance then the block value is increased by 50%
      - Fixed/clarified tooltips
  5. Oct 26, 2018
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Improve Elemental Surge · 09004d8c
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Remove the new proc limit from Flexible Combat · 729a9df1
      Chris Davidson authored
      I can't figure out why I felt this was necessary in retrospect.
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Upgrade Actor.turn_procs to allow procs that last more than 1 player turn · 76b67d42
      Chris Davidson authored
      Add setProc and hasProc for managing turn_procs
      Add a not_listed property to hide prodigies from the UI (mark as legacy)
      Redesign/update Irresistable Sun, Endless Woes, Elemental Surge, Eye of the Tiger, Meteoric Crash prodigies
      Remove Fast as Lightning
      Add a new Adept prodigy that increases all masteries
      Move Giant Leap to Strength
      Move Flexible Combat to Dexterity
      Change how Flexible Combat procs
    • DarkGod's avatar
      shorter is better ;) · 1f0a36a9
      DarkGod authored
    • DarkGod's avatar
      Merge branch '1.6Charms' into 'master' · a802f2f3
      DarkGod authored
      1.6 charms
      Added a new "unique_ego" flag that indicates that an ego should only be applied to the same item once.  This is just used on a few charm buff procs at the moment, but I want it for some future stuff like weapon procs that don't stack nicely.
      (CHARMS - Totems, Torques, Wands)
      This system is a mess currently.  Most of the actives are boring damage effects that tend to be overpowered early and useless later paired with an "addon" effect that often gives a uselessly small resource gain on activation or a set of bonus talents.  The bonus talents are given as actual talents not part of the charm active which leads to a lot of weird clutter and gained resource bars.  As best I can tell, these talents were just taken from random places, not designed for this actual system.
      The addon talents and resource gains have been completely removed.  The new design focuses on the single active power of the charm talent by condensing all of the power there .  Each of the new addon powers gives a small but generally always useful on_charm effect that scales via standard resolvers.  +x% damage penetration until the end of your next turn, reduce x talent cooldowns, heal for x, etc.  Thus, each charm is a composite of 1 powerful active effect and some set of moderately powerful addon effects.
      One exception to this is the Ward addon, which is kept for Wands (removed from the others as Ward is Arcane).  This is because Ward is on several other item types and they all interact with the same Ward talent, the stacking talent level of which is also relevant.
      The charm powers themselves are also considerably revamped.  Originally I was going to go for a heavily utility-based model emphasizing how easy it is to swap charms in and out based on need.  It quickly became apparent that there aren't enough misc utility effects here for this to be the core of the model.  Instead, the new charm pool is mostly "offensive utility"--things that do relevant damage at all phases of the game but usually have a utility or defensive purpose as well.  I've tried to avoid overlapping with the Inscription system ether in power or role as much as possible.  Cleanse in particular is almost absent in this slot aside from minor debuffs.
      The powers for the charm types are spell, mind, and mind.  This leaves physical power in an awkward situation.  I handled this the same way the old system did:  Physical power gets screwed here, but this is offset by the fact that a lot of the relevant stats on charms are mostly based off the charm_power, not the thematic power.  Stat-specific scaling has mostly been changed to the relevant power, and apply powers all use the most thematic.
      (Totem Powers)
      Healing:  Now heals all allies in AoE10 as well.  Not a lot of item support for protecting your summons, this seemed as good a plce to put it as any.
      Stinging:  Spiritual successor to Insidious Poison.  This deals high single target damage in DoT form and reduces healing by 50%.  This is also a hit, not a bolt, so it also serves as long range backline damage.
      Thorny Skin:  No notable changes.
      Summon Tentacle:  Replaces the old one which just used Grgglck's talent.  The old tentacle has always been useful early game because it starts with crazy stats and is good for blocking paths and such.  The new one expands on this theme by having a basic attack at range 3 that pins, essentially making this a low damage "space control" charm.
      (Torque Powers)
      Psionic Shield:  Merged, now blocks all elements, numbers adjusted to compensate.  This is actually quite useful on live even though few people use it because its so micromanagey.  Since this slot already has Wards around for the micromanagement inclined I'm more comfortable having this be generally useful and reliable.
      Gale Force:  AoE damage+knockback in a cone.  Scaled knockback range gets pretty huge.
      Clear Mind:  No notable changes.  This is important for Undead in particular.
      Mindblast:  Deals mind damage to a single target and silences.
      Lightning Storm:  Deals lightning damage in radius ~5 and dazes for 1 turn each tick.  The idea here is a low damage backline AoE disable.
      Conjuration:  Now picks its damage type on generation instead of on cast.  This allows you to keep high damage conjuration wands around for specific damage type needs.
      Clairvoyance:  Same for now.  This is quite useful until you have a reliable source of Track or whatever.  It doesn't play well with the new charm proc system since its not useful in combat, but alas.  Perhaps this should just get the trap destruction added in a shorter radius too.  Or Blind.  Or something.
      Shielding:  Shields yourself and allies in radius 10.  Basically just a different flavor of healing.
      (Charm procs)
      Powerful:  Increase all damage by x for 2 turns.
      Focusing:  Reduce x talent cooldowns by 2.
      Extending:  Increase the duration of x beneficial effects by y.
      Soothing:  Heal for x (mindcrit).
      Cleansing:  Cleanse x bleed, disease, or poison debuffs.
      Innervating:  Reduce fatigue by x% for 2 turns.
      Penetrating:  Gain x% damage penetration for 2 turns.
      See merge request !475
  6. Oct 25, 2018
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Revise revise revise · 72dd324e
      Chris Davidson authored
    • DarkGod's avatar
      Merge branch 'EWFix' into 'master' · 98647f4c
      DarkGod authored
      Expose Weakness fix
      Did you know you have to actually commit effects for them to exist?
      See merge request !508
    • DarkGod's avatar
      Merge branch 'DebuffChanges' into 'master' · ad904dfe
      DarkGod authored
      Effect changes
      Stun:  Cooldown lock changed to half, damage reduction changed to 50%.  Not quite sure what to do with the number of talents put on cooldown, it feels odd that this is part of effect application instead of the source talent that applies it.  No changes to that for now.  For my full reasoning on this see this post:
      Confusion:  Interaction with confusion immunity removed.  The special rule for confusion immunity is very weird and probably 99% of players have no idea it exists.  Regardless, this debuff is often applied from the back line by even normal NPCs through enemy NPC obstruction, so various sources of confusion now start closer to 20-30% instead of 50% and scale up.  Easily spammed procs like the weapon egos are now 30% down from 50% which is mostly a player nerf.
      DamageType Poison:  Save check removed.  Most poisons and almost all pure damage debuffs are not using a save check, this is a strange exception.  Glancing at the places this is used, some of them are even defaulting to using accuracy for the power check but barely scale accuracy at all.  Considering poison recently had a sanity check added to its stacking theres probably no reason to keep this inconsistency.
      Rogue Apply Poison:  Save check removed to make it consistent with most other poisons.  Accuracy check anyway so this doesn't change much.
      Volatile Poison:  AoE damage reduced to 50% after the actor block change a while back.
      Brainlock:  Half talent cooldown, instant talents ignored.  Basically the same rules as stun.  This is still kind of obnoxious relative to the other cross tiers.
      Vitality:  Changed to be a normal Con/talent level scaling, duration reduction scaling lowered so things don't wind up nearly immune to the relevant debuffs at very high TLs.
      Slow: Merging now takes the highest power slow instead of just the most recent applied.  Note that duration is ignored, a 1s 70% slow will stay over a 6s 30% slow.
      Path of the Sun:  Changed to type other so it can be dispelled or other weirdness.
      - Added more charge displays for various DoT effects, confusion%s, and so on
      See merge request !443
    • DarkGod's avatar
      Merge branch 'DefilerUpdates2' into 'master' · 110960b6
      DarkGod authored
      Defiler updates2
      - Torment unlocked base.  Feels weird that Reaver gets this but not Corruptor, and the tree really isn't good enough to be worth a category point.
      (REAVER):  Corruptor is definitely an underpowered class but Reaver is considerably stronger, and both are benefitting from these changes.  The following are Reaver-specific birth tweaks to offset the improvements a bit.  Note that these changes are still a big net buff to Reaver overall.
      - Life rating reduced by 1
      - Plague mastery level reduced to 1.0 from 1.3.  There are a *lot* of disease synergies that Reaver has access to both from specific talents (Rot) and weapon itemization (ITEM_BLIGHT_DISEASE, Epidemic proc, disease tinker, Gnaw..).  While its unintuitive for a class with so much focus on disease to have a lower mastery in practice they still get more use out of it than Corruptor.
      - Sanguisage mastery reduced to 1.0
      - Vim mastery reduced to 1.0
      Bone Spear: Redesigned. No longer causes bleed but deals more damage per magical debuff on every enemy hit and has higher base damage. Idea here is to better integrate with the rest of the Defiler talents since this is an off damage type. Bleeding has no synergy or theme relation to the class.
      Bone Grab: If you target an adjacent enemy this now teleports them away from you randomly instead of bringing them to you. These classes could use more survival utility, and Bone Grab is particularly worthless on Corruptor at the moment.
      Bone Nova: Removed. These classes do not need an off damage type PBAOE.
      New Talent - Bone Spike: Passive. Casts a mini-Bone Spear at all enemies in LOS that have at least 2 magical debuffs at the end of your turn.
      Bone Shield: Now only procs on damage over a threshold based on spellpower, cooldown reduced to 15 from 30, charges reduced. This is particularly important for Reaver since the game is full of melee retaliation damage, but even on Corruptor its too much. This should preserve the theme of being vulnerable to small hits without letting every little thing break your shield easily.
      Curse of Defenselessness: No longer has a save check but only lasts 5 turns. This should guarantee Corruptors can always land their debuffs at least some of the time.
      Virulent Disease:  Now passive and applies on non-disease blight damage dealt (prioritizing an enemy with the highest disease count).  This talent already feels like a proc since its an instant cast that you spam on cooldown all game.  This way, though, you do actually have to *do* something to get the effect.  This indirectly removes the range 5 limitation which will help it be more useful to Corruptor again.  Overall, this is a minor to moderate nerf but QoL improvement that should still maintain the functionality of the rest of the synergy talents in the tree.
      Cyst Burst:  Cooldown reduced from 9 to 4, range increased from 8 to 10, cost increased to 25, damage increased from 15,85 to 15,120 (45,360 at 3 diseases), targeting changed to hit from bolt.  This helps add another short cooldown blight damage nuke for rotations trying to maximize the new Virulent Disease.  At 9 cooldown you're stuck having to save it for once you have all your diseases built up pre-catalepsy.  Targeting is simple QoL, its annoying when you can't use a combo setup talent because some dumb trash mob is in your path.
      Infestation:  Now checked before Bone Shield to avoid antisynergy.
      Rend:  Removed.  Bleed is out of theme and not synergistic with Reaver, and since Reaver only gets 3 melee specific strikes I'd like them to have a fair amount of polish.
      Dark Surprise:  Removed.  See above.
      New talent - Virulent Strike:  Replacement for Rend.  Same damage but each hit increases the duration of a random disease on the target by 1..3.
      New talent - Corruption Strike:  Applies a brief 100% disease immunity reduction, removes 2 nature sustains, then hits with both weapons for blight damage.  This is kind of a messy design.  The original plan was for a strike that stripped nature effects and sustains, but after talking it over with people adding more things that kill infusion buffs and such didn't seem like a great idea.  The disease immunity reduction is applied before the weapon attack making it pretty useful for applying the new VD or disease weapon procs on the same hit.
      Acid Strike:  Radius now scales, damage on the splash increased, cost increased.
      Dark Ritual:  Crit mult reduced.
      Corrossive Worm:  Resistance reduction reduced.
      Poison Storm:  No longer ignores poison immunity, radius reduced by 1.
      Dark Portal:  Swapped places with Vim Sense to give these classes mobility a bit faster.
      Vim Sense:  Cooldown reduced from 25 to 15, blight resistance lowered, now also reduces saves, cost increased.  Since this is a not terribly impressive 2 talent combo with Leech it didn't make sense to have it on such a long cooldown.  Landing debuffs is a problem both Corruptor and Reaver have and since this talent needed love anyway it was a good place to put it.
      Leech:  Values reduced.  These numbers were okay at 25 CD, but its a bit generous at 15.
      Drain:  Cooldown reduced to 5, no longer blocked by allies.  This is never a high impact talent so there isn't a good reason to limit it by cooldown so strictly.  Pets blocking it was really annoying.
      Bloodcasting: Now passive. Anytime you cast a spell you don't have enough vim for you pay twice the cost in life instead.
      Absorb Life:  Now instant cast.
      Life Tap:  Redesigned.  Now gives lifesteal for 2 turns.  Use before a big Catalepsy, AoE bombs in general, etc.
      Wilful Tormenter:  Numbers raised a bit, changed to passive instead of sustain.
      Bloody Vengeance:  Now checked before Bone Shield.  Added log entry, clarified that it works on all talents not all spells.
      (VILE LIFE)
      Blood Splash: Both heals can now crit. Simple scaling improvement.
      Vile Transplant: Range increased to 5 from 1. We don't need this talent being so melee-specific and this change also lets you more easily dump on random trash mobs if you can't beat the save of the stronger targets.
      Healing Inversion:  Range increased to 10.
      Blood Grasp: Now increases your max HP based on damage dealt, no longer has friendly fire. This is designed to help things like Leech and other healing not have strong anti-synergy with Bone Shield, but the numbers have been lowered to be suboptimal in a damage rotation.
      Blood Boil:  Redesigned.  Now consumes 1 disease, bleed, or poison on enemies to deal damage and slow them healing you for each one.
      Corrupted Strength:  Damage considerably reduced.  Just another part of refactoring class power to make room for the buffs.
      Bloodlust:  Spellpower cap increased significantly, buildup time increased slightly.  The amount of time this takes to stack is not trivial, and with 1.5 numbers its underwhelming even if it just gave the spellpower passively.  Also, having spellpower available directly reduces the value of staves, though not that significantly.
      Acid Splash:  Accuracy reduction removed, damage significantly increased.  The accuracy reduction feels random and out of place (were not a defense class) and this adds a bit more acid damage to the class.
      - Add a disease effect coloring to Actor tooltips
      - Clarified that Bloody Vengeance reduces all talent cooldowns not all spells
      - Fix Rot Carrion Worms being hardcoded to attack the summoner
      - Disable Worm Walk on NPCs as it currently has no tactical table and is a % of max HP healer which were planning to disable all variants of until they're rescaled to something else
      - Fix Carrion Worms spamming the combat log with useless 0 damages
      - Remove the combat log entry for Leech
      - Fix Bloodlust stacking on self damage
      - Fix Carrion Worms not properly inheriting spellpower
      - Fixed Vile Life breaking on effects that get removed during iteration
      - Change Healing Inversion to always use the effect source for projecting to fix various bugs
      - Fix Cyst Burst and Epidemic not checking resists/saves properly 
      - Fix Pestilent Blight breaking if the target is dead
      - Fix Bone Shield not updating without reactivation
      - Remove log spam from Bone Shield regeneration
      - Fix Corrupted Negation tooltip
      See merge request !482
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Fix · 156f56a8
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Revamp the addon (use_power) charm egos · b3d9705a
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Revamp the passive charm egos · d4a4e61b
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      - Change use_power display so the description doesn't have to awkwardly end... · 7296b461
      Chris Davidson authored
      - Change use_power display so the description doesn't have to awkwardly end with a ", putting all charms blah blah"
      - Only show charm_on_use percent when its under 100
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Reduce Volatile Poison damage and add a log entry for resist · 81c77c11
      Chris Davidson authored
      This is necessary with the blocking change to Toxic Death.
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Redesign Vitality · 740c305c
      Chris Davidson authored
      Changed to be a normal con+talent level scaling heal, high end of the duration reduction decreased.  Part of the ongoing "death to % of max life" scalers campaign.
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Change Slow merge behavior to take the "strongest" effect · 7fc70fcb
      Chris Davidson authored
      Probably a lot more places to do this, but Slow is the most common debuff that happens multiple times on a target.  Strongest is picked by slow power ignoring duration.
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Change Path of the Sun buff to other · ca9c5079
      Chris Davidson authored
      This fixes weird dispel interactions.
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Merge branch 'master' into DebuffChanges · 43826594
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Fix · c7429097
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Change Infestation callback · f29255d0
      Chris Davidson authored
      This way it works before Bone Shield.
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Reverse the position of Vimsense and Dark Portal · 29f2f23c
      Chris Davidson authored
      This gets mobility online a bit faster.
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Redesign Life Tap · 029f6aef
      Chris Davidson authored
      Now grants lifesteal for 2 turns
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Revise and bug fix Defiler talents · 2e5be3f2
      Chris Davidson authored
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Significantly revise Defiler talents · 90c99f93
      Chris Davidson authored
      Revise Defiler birth properties
    • Chris Davidson's avatar
      Revise Defiler talents · bb74a081
      Chris Davidson authored
  7. Oct 24, 2018