return([[Call upon the battle fields of old to collect bones and fuse them with souls, combining them to create skeletal minions to do your bidding.
Up to %d skeleton warriors of level %d are summoned. Up to %d skeletons can be controlled at once.
At level 3 the summons become armoured skeletons warriors.
At level 5 every 3 summoned warriors a free skeleton mage or skeleton archer is also created (without costing a soul).
At level 5 every 3 summoned warriors a free skeleton mage or skeleton archer is also created (without costing a soul). You can only sustain one mage and one archer at most in your army, in which case the free minion will be an armoured skeleton warrior.
#GREY##{italic}#Skeleton minions come in fewer numbers than ghoul minions but are generaly more durable.#{normal}#