getDuration=function(self,t)returngetExtensionModifier(self,t,math.floor(self:combatTalentScale(t,6,10)))end,-- Duration of mines
trapPower=function(self,t)returnmath.max(1,self:combatScale(self:getTalentLevel(t)*self:getMag(15,true),0,0,75,75))end,-- Used to determine detection and disarm power, about 75 at level 50
@@ -135,11 +135,12 @@ newTalent{
return([[Learn to lay Warp Mines in a radius of 1 out to a range of %d.
Warp Mines teleport targets that trigger them either toward you or away from you depending on the type of mine used and inflict %0.2f physical and %0.2f temporal (warp) damage.
The mines are hidden traps (%d detection and %d disarm power based on your Magic), last for %d turns, and share a four turn cooldown.
The damage caused by your Warp Mines will improve with your Spellpower.]]):
return([[Learn to lay Warp Mines in a radius of 1. Warp Mines teleport targets that trigger them either toward you or away from you depending on the type of mine used and inflict %0.2f physical and %0.2f temporal (warp) damage.
The mines are hidden traps (%d detection and %d disarm power based on your Magic), last for %d turns, and share a ten turn cooldown.
The damage caused by your Warp Mines will improve with your Spellpower.
Investing in this talent improves the range of all Spacetime Folding talents.
return([[Tethers the target to the location for %d turns. For each tile the target moves away from the target location it has a %d%% chance each turn of being teleported back to the tether.]])
return([[Tethers the target to the location for %d turns. Each turn the tether will inflict %0.2f physical and %0.2f temporal (warp) damage to all targets between itself and the target.
For each tile the target moves away from the tether it has a %d%% chance each turn of being teleported back.
return([[Randomly teleports all targets within a radius of %d around you. Targets will be teleported between %d and %d tiles from their current location.
return([[Randomly teleports all targets within a radius of %d. Targets will be teleported between %d and %d tiles from their current location.
If no targets are teleported the cooldown will be halved.
The chance of teleportion will scale with your Spellpower.]]):format(radius,range/2,range)