- Jan 03, 2017
Hachem_Muche authored
Lacerating Strikes: Targets will not bleed if they are missed. Scoundrel's Strategies: Target must be hit to suffer special effects. Energy loss can occur only once per turn (per target). Talent cooldown disruption gets slower scaling. Snap: Talent tier scales with raw talent level. Device Mastery: Learn Disarm Trap from level 1 - can actively search for traps at level 1, but still need level 3 to disarm. The Disarm Trap talent does not break stealth. Toxic Death: Spreading chance (nerfed) correctly applied to check spreading and checks poison immunity of splash victims. Cannot spread to source or through intervening actors. Updated several poison effect definitions to handle temp values properly. Vulnerability Poison: Damage rescaled (slight nerf) Bladestorm Trap: Adjusted scaling of construct's defensive stats Gravitic Trap: General Nerf: Damage scales consistently with other trap damage scaling, pull allows target a power check to resist, cooldown and stamina increased, anomaly duration limited < 1/2 cooldown, does not refund stamina if triggered Freezing Trap: Slightly reduced persistent area effect damage, increased cooldown. Fan of Knives: Range scaling matches that of Throwing Knives. Stealth: Combat:attackTarget calls breakStealth() for stealthed attackers. This fixes a bug causing stealth to be cancelled inappropriately by talents that call attackTarget directly. Stealth will not break from activating instant use objects. Soothing Darkness: Flat armour bonus removed, reduces minimum/check range to enemies for Stealth/Shadow Dance when standing in an unlit grid (instead of being automatic), life regeneration depends on both talent level and Cunning. Shadow Dance: Fixed a bug causing a crash if Stealth is cancelled with Shadow Dance active. Can be activated with Stealth active. Dual Weapon Mastery: Nerfed offhand multiple slightly, Number of parries increase (slowly) with Cunning, and chance scales with Dexterity. Tempo: Energy gain limited < 25% of a turn. Restores stamina on offhand crits. Stamina recovery rescaled (< 15). Duelist's Focus: nerfed crit power reduction to be a consistent offset to Lethality. Evasion: Moved to tier 1. Still usable while pinned. Stamina cost penalized by Exhaustion as appropriate. Disengage: Moved to tier 2. Cannot be used with heavy armour. Base range increased to 2, max range limited to 10 or less. Reduced scaling of movement speed bonus (slight nerf). When used, triggers 1 turn Evasion (rather than Avoidance) and performs a standard ammo reload (rather than a specific number of shots). Tumble: Moved to tier 3. Cannot be used with heavy armour or when pinned. Slightly increased range and reduced base stamina cost. Exhaustion debuff stacks more slowly (50% per use), fades gradually, but increases stamina cost of all Mobility talents (armour fatigue applied correctly). Trained Reactions: Moved to tier 4. General rewrite to use stamina more like a life buffer. Sustain is instant and has no cooldown. Grants permanent pinning immunity (< 100%). Damage reduction proc applies to melee and archery damage only and cannot be activated with heavy armour (half effective while pinned). Triggering damage (as a % of current life) based on both talent level and % of remaining stamina consumed (Typically ranges from 16-65% @ TL 1.3, 9-36% @ TL 6.5. Stamina cost of proc increases with talent level (talent always becomes more efficient), correctly applies combatFatigue, applied up to once per melee attack. Device Mastery: Reduced talent tier and Cunning requirement. Danger Sense: Nerfed for non Dexterity/Cunning classes to prevent it from being too useful for Mages, Oozemancers, Berserkers, etc. Cooldown scales down (40 to 25, min 10). Damage reduction % scales with Cunning and Dexterity (10% to 55%, max 75%). Triggers on a hit doing %(50% to 30%, min 15%) of current life or that would reduce life below 25% of max life. (These changes may still not be enough to balance this.) Light Armour Training: Must wear light armour to gain benefit. Improves armour fatigue (with light armour only). Removed situational stamina regeneration. New Dualweapon talents: (To replace the Precision and Momentum talents (moved to misc/npcs.lua) made redundant by the new duelist tree. These are niche talents that are useful to all dual wielders. To be used for NPC's or as an alternative for the Duelist tree for certain classes, like EoR's sawbutchers.) Close Combat Management (tier 3): Gives flat damage armour against on hit melee damage when hitting with mainhand and offhand weapons. May be sustained to reflect some of the resisted damage back to defender. Provides for generally useful defense for fast attacking dual wielders with some interesting possibilities for turning the target's abilities against itself. Offhand Jab (tier 3): Low cooldown attack that attacks with the mainhand weapon plus an unarmed strike, possibly confusing the target. Roughly as effective as Dual Strike. Provides another status effect option for dual wielders and a means to take advantage of gloves combat without being disarmed. Reflex Defense: nerfed crit power reduction to be a consistent offset to crit power talents Misc: Fixed a bug in melee and archery damageType conversions that prevented all damage from being converted properly. (Affects Trained Reactions) The Reduced Vision debuff will not cause NPC's to lose target.
- Jan 02, 2017
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Misc fixes * Leveling up talents in the LevelupDialog will not break stealth or other effects. * Randbosses will correctly learn talent categories specified with data.add_trees. * (engine) Entity: Added getTemporaryValue function. Updated some temp value error messages to include name/uid of entity involved. Fixed a bad reference in damDesc See merge request !364
- Dec 30, 2016
Hachem_Muche authored
DarkGod authored
- Dec 28, 2016
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
(engine) Entity: Added getTemporaryValue function. Updated some temp value error messages to include name/uid of entity involved. Fixed a bad reference in damDesc
- Dec 22, 2016
- Dec 21, 2016
- Dec 20, 2016
DarkGod authored
Nerfed cooldown and healing on Bathe in Light
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Staves accuracy bonus is now halved for short staves
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Generic trees - Removed the Dual Weapon Training, Acrobatics and Field Control trees from players. These are still present for backwards compatibility. Escorts no longer grant these trees or talents from them - Heightened Senses now grants see invis/stealth and damage reduction against unseen. Trap effects have been removed - Track is now present in Tier 2 Survival - Charm Mastery has been renamed Device Mastery, and grants the Trap effects of the old Heightened Senses - Danger Sense has been added to T4 Survival. Grants a large damage reduction effect on falling below a life threshold. Has a cooldown - Piercing Sight and Evasion have been removed from Survival - Mobility has been restructured with the following talents (in order): Disengage, Tumble, Trained Reacions, Evasion - Disengage now also grants a movespeed boost and reload effect, as well as 1 turn of evasion - Tumble now has a shorter cooldown and no cost, but causes the cost to rapidly increase if used repeatedly - Trained Reactions costs less and scales off Defense - Evasion has a stamina cost and scales off Dexterity only - Parry has been renamed to Dual Weapon Mastery, and also grants offhand damage and slightly increased parry chance - Duelist's Focus and Feint have had their effects increased - Marauder now gains Duelist - Total Thuggery now drains 6 stamina each turn rather than 12-6 stamina each hit - Lethality grants critical strike damage bonus - Coup de Grace resets the cooldown on Stealth on kill - Increased the effect of Soothing Darkness - Fixed a few typos - Added Light Armour Training to Combat Training. This grants defense and armor hardiness when wearing light armor, and on moving into a tile adjacent to an enemy will grant a brief boost to % defense and stamina regeneration - Antimagic Anorithil escort now grants Feedback rather than Field Control See merge request !363
razakai authored
# Conflicts: # game/modules/tome/data/timed_effects/physical.lua
razakai authored
- Removed the Dual Weapon Training, Acrobatics and Field Control trees from players. These are still present for backwards compatibility. Escorts no longer grant these trees or talents from them - Heightened Senses now grants see invis/stealth and damage reduction against unseen. Trap effects have been removed - Track is now present in Tier 2 Survival - Charm Mastery has been renamed Device Mastery, and grants the Trap effects of the old Heightened Senses - Danger Sense has been added to T4 Survival. Grants a large damage reduction effect on falling below a life threshold. Has a cooldown - Piercing Sight and Evasion have been removed from Survival - Mobility has been restructured with the following talents (in order): Disengage, Tumble, Trained Reacions, Evasion - Disengage now also grants a movespeed boost and reload effect, as well as 1 turn of evasion - Tumble now has a shorter cooldown and no cost, but causes the cost to rapidly increase if used repeatedly - Trained Reactions costs less and scales off Defense - Evasion has a small stamina cost and scales off Dexterity only - Parry has been renamed to Dual Weapon Mastery, and also grants offhand damage and slightly increase parry chance - Duelist's Focus and Feint have had their effects increased - Marauder now gains Duelist - Total Thuggery now drains 6 stamina each turn rather than 12-6 stamina each hit - Lethality grants critical strike damage bonus - Coup de Grace resets the cooldown on Stealth on kill - Increased the effect of Soothing Darkness - Fixed a few typos - Added Light Armour Training to Combat Training. This grants defense and armor hardiness when wearing light armor, and on moving into a tile adjacent to an enemy will grant a brief boost to % defense and stamina regeneration
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Stairs can not be used for some turns after a kill (0 on Easy, 3 on Normal, 5 on Nightmare, 7 on Insane, 10 on Madness)
DarkGod authored
Ogres's Writ Large lets them get a 6th inscription slot as before, but they have to use a category point to actually unlock it
DarkGod authored
Buffed Highers (Gift also gives healing mod%, Overseer grants telepathy on hit, Born into Magic has better numbers)
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Dwarf Stoneskin fully ignores the triggering attack, and correctly states it has no cooldown and can re-proc while active
DarkGod authored
Buffed Ghouls (Ghoul provides more stats, Ghoulish Leap provides a global speed boost on landing, reduced Retch cooldown a little, increased Gnaw stats reduction and ghoul spawned is fully controllable)
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Buffed Skeletons (Skeleton gives more str/dex, reduced cooldown of both Bone Armour and Re-assemble)
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Bathe in Light does not provide nor strengthen shields anymore, instead it gives a fire and light damage buff if the creature already has a shield
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
- Dec 19, 2016