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premake4.lua 4.98 KiB
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  • newoption {
    	trigger     = "lua",
    	value       = "VM_Type",
    	description = "Virtual Machine to use for Lua, either the default one or a JIT",
    	allowed = {
    		{ "default",	"Default Lua Virtual Machine" },
    		{ "jitx86",	"LuaJIT x86" }
    _OPTIONS.lua = _OPTIONS.lua or "default"
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    solution "TEngine"
    	configurations { "Debug", "Release" }
    	objdir "obj"
    	includedirs {
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    		_OPTIONS.lua == "default" and "src/lua" or "src/luajit",
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	libdirs {
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    configuration "windows"
    	libdirs {
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	includedirs {
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    configuration "Debug"
    	defines { }
    	flags { "Symbols" }
    	buildoptions { "-ggdb" }
    	targetdir "bin/Debug"
    configuration "Release"
    	defines { "NDEBUG=1" }
    	flags { "Optimize", "NoFramePointer" }
    	buildoptions { "-O3" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	targetdir "bin/Release"
    project "TEngine"
    	kind "WindowedApp"
    	language "C"
    	targetname "t-engine"
    	files { "src/*.c", }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	links { "physfs", "lua".._OPTIONS.lua, "fov", "luasocket", "luaprofiler", "lualanes", "lpeg" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	defines { [[TENGINE_HOME_PATH='".t-engine"']] }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    configuration "macosx"
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	linkoptions { "-framework SDL", "-framework SDL_image", "-framework SDL_ttf", "-framework SDL_mixer", "-framework Cocoa", "-framework OpenGL" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	files { "src/mac/SDL*" }
            links { "IOKit" }
            includedirs {
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
            defines { "USE_TENGINE_MAIN", 'SELFEXE_MACOSX'  }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	targetdir "."
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    configuration "windows"
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	linkoptions { "-mwindows" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	links { "mingw32", "SDLmain", "SDL", "SDL_ttf", "SDL_image", "SDL_mixer", "OPENGL32", "GLU32", "wsock32" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	defines { [[TENGINE_HOME_PATH='"T-Engine"']], 'SELFEXE_WINDOWS' }
    configuration "linux"
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	links { "SDL", "SDL_ttf", "SDL_image", "SDL_mixer", "GL", "GLU" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	defines { [[TENGINE_HOME_PATH='".t-engine"']], 'SELFEXE_LINUX' }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    -- Librairies used by T-Engine
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    project "physfs"
    	kind "StaticLib"
    	language "C"
    	targetname "physfs"
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	defines {"PHYSFS_SUPPORTS_ZIP"}
    	files { "src/physfs/*.c", "src/physfs/zlib123/*.c", "src/physfs/archivers/*.c", }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	configuration "linux"
    		files { "src/physfs/platform/unix.c", "src/physfs/platform/posix.c",  }
    	configuration "windows"
    		files { "src/physfs/platform/windows.c",  }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    	configuration "macosx"
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    		files { "src/physfs/platform/macosx.c", "src/physfs/platform/posix.c",  }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
                    includedirs { "/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    if _OPTIONS.lua == "default" then
    	project "luadefault"
    		kind "StaticLib"
    		language "C"
    		targetname "lua"
    		files { "src/lua/*.c", }
    elseif _OPTIONS.lua == "jitx86" then
    	project "luajitx86"
    		kind "StaticLib"
    		language "C"
    		targetname "lua"
    		files { "src/luajit/*.c", }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    		configuration "linux"
    			defines { "LUA_USE_POSIX" }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    project "luasocket"
    	kind "StaticLib"
    	language "C"
    	targetname "luasocket"
    	configuration "not windows"
    		files {
    	configuration "windows"
    		files {
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    project "fov"
    	kind "StaticLib"
    	language "C"
    	targetname "fov"
    	files { "src/fov/*.c", }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    project "lpeg"
    	kind "StaticLib"
    	language "C"
    	targetname "lpeg"
    	files { "src/lpeg/*.c", }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    project "luaprofiler"
    	kind "StaticLib"
    	language "C"
    	targetname "luaprofiler"
    	files { "src/luaprofiler/*.c", }
    dg's avatar
    dg committed
    project "lualanes"
    	kind "StaticLib"
    	language "C"
    	targetname "lualanes"
    	files { "src/lualanes/*.c", }