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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Feb 18, 2016
  2. Feb 17, 2016
  3. Feb 16, 2016
  4. Feb 13, 2016
  5. Feb 12, 2016
  6. Feb 07, 2016
  7. Feb 06, 2016
  8. Feb 05, 2016
  9. Feb 04, 2016
  10. Feb 03, 2016
  11. Feb 02, 2016
  12. Feb 01, 2016
  13. Jan 31, 2016
  14. Jan 30, 2016
    • Hachem_Muche's avatar
      Fix Cloak of Deception buff being lost if resurrected by the Eidolon. · 429c3168
      Hachem_Muche authored
      Exiting the Eidolon plane triggers callbackOnChangeLevel.
      Fix Stalk talent not updating EFF_STALKER and EFF_STALKED properly when hitting the stalked target, and not triggering learning hate pool when learned.
      Clarified tooltip for Reality Smearing.
    • DarkGod's avatar
      Merge branch 'popupButtonsDialog' into 'master' · 2efc13e7
      DarkGod authored
      Popup buttons dialog
      * This adds a new dialog similar to the yes/no dialogs that presents a list of choices (up to 50) that are selected by individual buttons within the dialog frame.
      Sample call sequence (with extra linefeeds!):
      Dialog = require"engine.ui.Dialog"
      choices = {{sel = "choice1", name=("Stay: here"):format()},
      	{sel = "choice2", name = "choice 2"},
      	{sel = "choice3", name = "I have to press a button for this?"},
      	{sel = "choice4", name = "Keep going"},
      	{sel = "choice5", name = "Ignore this Issue"},
      	{sel = 6, name = "Complain about this revoltin' development"},
      	{sel = 7, name = "Curse at the game"},
      	{sel = 8, name = "Try to sneak out", fct = function(sel) print("Selection", sel.sel, ":") print("I want out") end},
      	{sel = 9, name = "This is ridiculous and should be fixed, forever"},
      	{sel = 10, name = "hurry up. I'm waiting"},
      	{sel = 11, name = "No, thank you. I don't care for any Grey Poupon."},
      	{sel = 12, name = "My cat has bigger fleas than your orc."},
      	{sel = 13, name = "I wish to purchase some #CHOCOLATE#USED FOOD#LAST#."},
      	{sel = 14, name = "Continue as if nothing happened"},
      	{sel = 15, name = "Ignore the Problem"},
      	{sel = 16, name = "Report This Problem"},
      	{sel = 17, name = "Play Truth or Dare"},
      	{sel = 18, name = "Write your will"},
      	{sel = 20, name = "Admit to being an inferior player. :("},
      	{sel = 19, name = "Do NOT pass Go. Do NOT collect 200 zorkmids."},
      --print("choices list:", choices) table.print(choices, "==")
      choice_handler = function(choice)
      print("selected choice", choice) table.print(choice, "__")
      print(("selected %s:%s"):format(choice.sel,
      	if choice.sel == "choice2" then
      		print("Picked the 2nd one")
      text = "You have reached a cross-roads in your quest to become #LIGHT_RED#THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE#LAST#.  Your choice here will raise up world leaders and bring great nations down.  Carefully consider whether you should wield such power.  \nYou may become an immortal beacon of power for all time to come. \nOr you might become someone's pet Wretchling. \nTake what action?"
      --local text = "This is short"
      dm=Dialog:multiButtonPopup("A #PINK#Momentous#LAST# Decision!", text, choices, nil, 800,
  15. Jan 29, 2016
  16. Jan 28, 2016
  17. Jan 27, 2016