#{italic}#The bottom half of the scroll has been singed into a pile of char, dispersing into a cloud of ash as you grasp it#{normal}#
This is a long and complex ceremony, and all steps must be followed precisely if you wish to succeed. Heed well that for the errant fool who takes on what they cannot finish, there will be consequences. To play with fire and assert your dominance over the flames comes with risks if you overestimate your power.
The ritual begins with a vessel; any man will do. Bind them in place with flame secure bindings, and give a sound gag. The gag isn't strictly necessary, but the screams of agony tend to be quite distracting and inspirit mistakes after a few days.
Take 2 vials fire wyrm saliva and dissolve 2 pouches faeros ash in each. Be sure to dissolve completely. A few fireballs at the vial can do the trick if they're stubborn. Using one of the prepared vials, begin to etch the saliva in the skin of the vessel, heating it so that it brands the shape of ---
#{italic}#The remainder of the scroll has been singed into a pile of char, illegible and scattering into a cloud of ash as you grasp it#{normal}#