-- ToME - Tales of Maj'Eyal
-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Nicolas Casalini
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
require = { special={desc="Block talent, have cast at least 100 spells and a block value over 200.", fct=function(self)
return self:knowTalent(self.T_BLOCK) and self:getTalentFromId(self.T_BLOCK).getBlockValue(self) >= 200 and self.talent_kind_log and self.talent_kind_log.spell and self.talent_kind_log.spell >= 100
end} },
on_learn = function(self, t)
self:attr("spectral_shield", 1)
on_unlearn = function(self, t)
self:attr("spectral_shield", -1)
info = function(self, t)
return ([[Infusing your shield with raw magic, your Block can now block any damage type.]])
name = "Aether Permeation",
mode = "passive",
require = { special={desc="At least 25% arcane damage reduction and having been exposed to the void of space.", fct=function(self)
return (game.state.birth.ignore_prodigies_special_reqs or self:attr("planetary_orbit")) and self:combatGetResist(DamageType.ARCANE) >= 25
local ret = {}
self:talentTemporaryValue(ret, "force_use_resist", DamageType.ARCANE)
self:talentTemporaryValue(ret, "force_use_resist_percent", 66)
return ([[Create a thin layer of aether all around you. Any attack passing through will check arcane resistance instead of the incoming damage resistance.
In effect, all your resistances are equal to 66%% of your arcane resistance.]])
name = "Mystical Cunning", image = "talents/vulnerability_poison.png",
mode = "passive",
require = { special={desc="Know either traps or poisons.", fct=function(self)
return self:knowTalent(self.T_VILE_POISONS) or self:knowTalent(self.T_TRAP_MASTERY)
end} },
on_learn = function(self, t)
self:attr("combat_spellresist", 20)
self:learnTalent(self.T_VULNERABILITY_POISON, true, nil, {no_unlearn=true})
self:learnTalent(self.T_GRAVITIC_TRAP, true, nil, {no_unlearn=true})
on_unlearn = function(self, t)
self:attr("combat_spellresist", -20)
info = function(self, t)
return ([[Your study of arcane forces has let you develop new traps and poisons (depending on which you know when learning this prodigy).
You can learn:
- Vulnerability Poison: reduces all resistances and deals arcane damage.
- Gravitic Trap: each turn, all foes in a radius 5 around it are pulled in and take temporal damage.
You also permanently gain 20 Spell Save.]])
name = "Arcane Might",
mode = "passive",
info = function(self, t)
return ([[You have learnt to harness your latent arcane powers, channeling them through your weapon.
Treats all weapons as having an additional 50%% Magic modifier.]])
require = { special={desc="Cast over 1000 spells and visited an out-of-time zone", fct=function(self) return
self.talent_kind_log and self.talent_kind_log.spell and self.talent_kind_log.spell >= 1000 and (game.state.birth.ignore_prodigies_special_reqs or self:attr("temporal_touched"))
self:setEffect(self.EFF_TEMPORAL_FORM, 10, {})
return ([[You can wrap temporal threads around you, assuming the form of a telugoroth for 10 turns.
While in this form, you gain pinning, bleeding, blindness and stun immunity, 30%% temporal resistance, your temporal damage bonus is set to your current highest damage bonus + 30%%, all damage you deal becomes temporal, and 20%% temporal resistance penetration.
You also are able to cast two anomalies: Anomaly Rearrange and Anomaly Temporal Storm.
Transforming in this form will increase your paradox by 600, and revert it back at the end of the effect.]])
name = "Blighted Summoning",
mode = "passive",
on_learn = function(self, t)
if self.alchemy_golem then
self.alchemy_golem:learnTalent(self.alchemy_golem.T_CORRUPTED_STRENGTH, true, 1)
self.alchemy_golem:learnTalentType("corruption/reaving-combat", true)
require = { special={desc="Have summoned at least 100 creatures affected by this talent (alchemist golem count as 100).", fct=function(self)
return self:attr("summoned_times") and self:attr("summoned_times") >= 100
return ([[You infuse blighted energies into all your summons, giving them all a new talent:
- War Hound: Curse of Defenselessness
- Jelly: Vimsense
- Minotaur: Life Tap
- Golem: Bone Spear
- Ritch: Drain
- Hydra: Blood Spray
- Rimebark: Poison Storm
- Fire Drake: Darkfire
- Turtle: Curse of Impotence
- Spider: Corrosive Worm
- Skeletons: Bone Grab
- Ghouls: Blood Lock
- Vampires / Liches: Darkfire
- Ghosts / Wights: Blood Boil
- Alchemy Golems: Corrupted Strength and the Reaving Combat tree
- Treants: Corrosive Worm
- Yeek Wayists: Dark Portal
- Ghoul Rot ghoul: Rend
- Mucus Oozes: Virulent Disease
- Other race or object-based summons might be affected, too.
cooldown = 30,
require = { special={desc="Have time-travelled at least once", fct=function(self) return game.state.birth.ignore_prodigies_special_reqs or (self:attr("time_travel_times") and self:attr("time_travel_times") >= 1) end} },
action = function(self, t)
if game._chronoworlds and game._chronoworlds.revisionist_history then
self:hasEffect(self.EFF_REVISIONIST_HISTORY).back_in_time = true
return nil -- the effect removal starts the cooldown
if checkTimeline(self) == true then return end
self:setEffect(self.EFF_REVISIONIST_HISTORY, 9, {})
return nil -- We do not start the cooldown!
info = function(self, t)
return ([[You can now control the near-past; upon using this prodigy, you gain a temporal effect for 10 turns.
While this effect holds, you can use the prodigy again to rewrite history.
This prodigy splits the timeline. Attempting to use another spell that also splits the timeline while this effect is active will be unsuccessful.]])
name = "Cauterize",
mode = "passive",
cooldown = 12,
require = { special={desc="Received at least 50000 fire damage and have cast at least 1000 spells.", fct=function(self) return
self.talent_kind_log and self.talent_kind_log.spell and self.talent_kind_log.spell >= 1000 and self.damage_intake_log and self.damage_intake_log[DamageType.FIRE] and self.damage_intake_log[DamageType.FIRE] >= 50000
end} },
trigger = function(self, t, value)
self:setEffect(self.EFF_CAUTERIZE, 8, {dam=value/10})
return true
info = function(self, t)
return ([[Your inner flame is strong, each time you receive a blow that would kill you your body is wreathed in flames.
The flames will cauterize the wound, fully absorbing all damage done this turn but they will continue to burn for 8 turns.
Each turn 10% of the damage absorbed will be dealt by the flames (this will bypass resistance and affinity).
Warning, this has a cooldown.]])