ifself:attr("swap_combat_techniques_hate")thenreturn([[Your combat focus allows you to keep your hatred burning (%0.1f hate refunded after spending hate on a talent)]]):tformat(t.getHateRecover(self,t))end
return([[Your combat focus allows you to regenerate stamina faster (+%0.1f stamina/turn).]]):tformat(t.getStamRecover(self,t))
@@ -229,8 +238,15 @@ newTalent{
-- called by mod.class.Actor:die
getStamRecover=function(self,t)returnself:combatTalentScale(t,5,20,0.5)end,-- Lower scaling than other recovery talents because it effectively scales with character speed and can trigger more than once a turn
ifself:attr("swap_combat_techniques_hate")thenreturn([[You revel in the death of your foes, regaining %0.1f additional hate with each death you cause.]]):tformat(t.getHateRecover(self,t))end
return([[You revel in the death of your foes, regaining %0.1f stamina with each death you cause.]]):tformat(t.getStamRecover(self,t))