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Adjust melee damage

Lisa Greene requested to merge Bunny/t-engine4:melee-damage into master

The current combatDamage formula adds total weapon stat bonuses to weapon damage, leading to the percent damage on weapon tooltips not being accurate and there being relatively little difference in damage between tiers of weapons. Weapons such as psiblades also deal more damage than would be expected for their low base damage, often having an individual psiblade more powerful than a two handed weapon lategame.

This merge request would remove this total weapon stat bonuses contribution to combatDamagePower. Doing so in a vacuum would lead to melee damage being too low, so this also changes the totstat contribution to physical power; presently, totstat is added to combatPhysicalpower during its calculation, effectively acting as raw physical power. I propose instead individually rescaling totstat and adding this rescaled statmod to combatPhysicalpower as effective physical power. This is an intermediary between the combatDamage formula used in 1.5, where totstat was added as effective physical power without any alterations, and the present calculation in 1.6.4.

These changes would lead to approximately the same damage as 1.6.4 early game and midgame, and about 60-70% the damage of 1.5.10 lategame. The purpose of these changes is not necessarily to change melee damage numbers from 1.6.4 (though there is a small increase on average) but rather to reduce the current overwhelming dominance of total weapon stat bonuses on weapon damage and re-emphasize other aspects of the combatDamage calculation. In doing so, base damage will be made more relevant

Merge request reports
