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Thalore racial 1 buffs/tweaks

Sheila requested to merge Sheila/t-engine4:thalore_buff into master

- Thalore regen duration down from 10 to 8 with scaling slightly increased to match old value. This means the regen is stronger each turn and over a shorter duration. Still long enough to keep the long duration, sustain thematic. Relatively small buff overall.
  • Now additionally scales with higher of Wil OR Con. Some other racials already do similar things. Wil only feels a little restrictive, Con is more universally built/used, and is at least partially related to healmod/regen thematically.

  • Changed the enhanced healmod buff to actually be a physical/natural with a new buff and use the racial 1 icon, it was previously magical and used BIL's icon, leftover from when it was Higher's.

  • Updated some old code on the racial, thanks Bunny!

Merge request reports
