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1.6 items randart egos

Chris Davidson requested to merge Shibari/t-engine4:1.6IItemsRandartEgos into master


  • Increase access to some stats such as accuracy, defense, and powers that can be hard to focus itemization on.

  • Reduce the amount of spammy tiny values on items, tooltip clutter is a very common complaint especially as randarts become more common.

  • Prune egos, properties, etc that just weren't good ideas.

  • Reduce the amount of melee retaliation on item properties. Yes, even more. God this stat is just everywhere.

  • Improve display of special item properties, especially procs.

  • Lower the minimum range on a lot of egos, particularly shifting 40+ ones to at least 30. This is mostly to increase ego pool diversity which is pretty lacking for some slots at some phases, and often theres no clear reason the level req is so high.


  • On hit procs now show the power they scale with by coloring the numbers improved by it


  • Fix a bug that would cause some values to get floored and 0'd in rare circumstances

  • Updated the power picking algorithm to be much less wasteful. Now powers that have already hit their max are removed from the list of possibilities and biased powers DR slower. This was most relevant to low level rare items, but you'd be surprised how much waste was going on in general.

  • You can now flag a randart power as "unique" to always remove it from the list of possibilities after the first time its picked. We don't actually need to spend 10 points picking Telepathy: Dragon over and over.

  • Rare items now have 1 bonus power and 1 bonus theme. Their inflated power points led to running out of stuff to spend points on early game. Non-rare randarts shouldn't hit this problem.

  • Consolidated some stats to more expensive but bigger values, most notably immunities.

  • Added a stave-specific randart power pool that mostly has more elemental bonuses instead of the usually useless combat table stuff in the weapon pool

  • Remove chance for a randart to generate with a different damage type than physical. This was a cute idea, but in practice its mostly just generating items that are useless for almost everyone. Best to leave variant damtypes to fixedarts for now.


  • Merged a significant rework of Mindstar egos minmay did forever ago, notably it removes most sets and normalizes stat dammod%s

  • Shops are now restricted to level 10 for the most part

  • Fix short staves stacking the accuracy bonus

  • Change dagger accuracy bonus to axe. This bonus sucks, ideally we'd come up with something more unique, but for now lets just guarantee its useful


  • Most proc strength now scales with a power but with fairly generous numbers, typically hitting 1.5 values around 30 power and going up from there

  • Gloom, Daze, and Blind mostly removed from egos/powers

  • New DT proc: Expose, reduces all saves and defense

  • Fixed Corrode Armor only working on base armor


  • Apply the changes to the weapon ego and randart powers to ammo, launchers, etc. I'm waiting to make sure these changes are fine before I bother with the mass copy and paste.

  • Stave ego pool is still really bad.. we'll see if I get to this in beta

Merge request reports
