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Darkness targeting

Hachem_Muche requested to merge Hachem_Muche/t-engine4:DarknessTargeting into master
  • Fixes player darkness targeting bug (darkness effects can make it impossible to target obviously reachable grids).

All map locations are always remembered by the player once actually seen.


Fixed bugs in Target.default.block_path and Target.default.block_radius with for_highlights that would show grids with unseen actors as blocking. Unknown grids are highlighted as passable.

Map:applyExtraLite: always sets grids as remembered (with map.infovs)


Player:playerFOV: Streamlined somewhat Arcane Eye uses map._fov_cache Lite radius will not cause grids to be displayed beyond sight range Lite generating entities will not reveal opaque terrain (walls, checking map._fovcache["block_sight"]). This prevents their lite from "bleeding through" walls

Player:lineFOV: Grids are treated as known if either map.seens or map.remembers is set, causing the FOV path to correctly avoid blocking terrain the Player has seen

Tooltip:getTooltipAtMap: Debug mode (triggered if both ctrl and shift are pressed with config.settings.cheat): Displays a tooltip for all Entities in unknown map locations (including a one-line summary if there is no defined tooltip).

Grid:tooltip: grids that allow pass_projectile are noted, debugging info includes the map.remembers value

Trap:setKnown: discovering a trap sets only its map position remembered instead of all similar grids

Archery:archeryAcquireTargets: Targeting highlights default to the normal highlight color up to the warning range.

Darkness talent (npc) does not clear map.remembers

DamageTypes: LITE_LIGHT: applies 10% of damage as LITE damage ABYSSAL_SHROUD: does not clear map.remembers FLARE, FLARE_LIGHT: apply dam/2 vs unlight

Lightbringer's Wand is more effective at dispelling darkness

Merge request reports
