Headhunter I.D. Challenge Feasibility adjustments:
Spawns demoted to random_elites (with 2 classes, drop 2 rares).
Killing a target spawn causes all other NPC's to pause and untarget the player.
Npcs lower than elite rank, or summons from a target spawn, may be killed without failing the quest.
Spawns may be killed by party members or summons of party members, otherwise the quest will fail immediately if a spawn is killed by something else, or if the player exits the level.
Fixed a bug in Mirror-Match boss placement.
Merge request reports
I've tried to pull off this challenge several times (with these modifications) and it's still extremely hard.
One of the biggest problems is that, even with the more lenient restrictions, you tend to accumulate npc's around you that you can't kill (all you can do is somehow dodge them or just let them beat on you), and by the time you've killed 2 targets the situation becomes untenable. The pause is like a mini-reset that you can use if you're prepared (careful planning!) to disengage from these extra npcs immediately after making a kill.
The randboss spawns (basically another stair guard) were just too hard. It's pretty common to have these spawn near other rares/stair guards. Facing 2 stair guards at once (one can't be killed), is generally impossible, but a randelite is weak enough that you may be able to kill it before the other NPC's are fully engaged.
Edited by Hachem_Muchementioned in commit 0e0e0954