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Hopefully final rogue updates

Dual Weapon Defense: Adjusted parry chance limit < 90% (parries are never guaranteed)

Dual Weapon Mastery: Adjusted parry chance limit < 90% (parries are never guaranteed)

Feint: Target Pinned and Dazed. Defensive buff includes one extra parry and reduced parry fail chance. Removed extra deflect damage from parry.

Lunge: Reduced stamina cost.

Disengage: Updated interface for target grid. Added AI functions. Not usable while pinned. Requires a seen target. Heavy armour (through fatigue) penalizes range and speed boost. Reload 1 turn. (Should we just reload all ammo?)

Evasion: Remove projectile missile spread.

Trained Reactions: vs. previous non-Reflex Defense like version: Restore stamina cost. Simplify defense mechanics. Added min damage limit of 5% of max life. Removed melee restriction on activation and penalty for being pinned.

Terror: Victim must be able to see the talent user.

Garrote: Learning includes "show_gloves_combat" attribute. Checks pinning and silence immunity as appropriate. Will not waste cooldown on dead targets. Cooldown starts even if the status effect fails to land. EFF_GARROTE_SILENCED removed, silence effects folded into EFF_GARROTE, tooltip/description corrected. Unarmed attack correctly auto-hits and bypasses evasion.

Marked for Death: Will not go on cooldown if the target is unreachable.

Merge request reports