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A few different things

Simon André Curtis requested to merge housepet/t-engine4-borked:Misc into master

Hi DarkGod, I baked you some code! :D

Contains 5 different things, which are separate should you not want all of them. 1: Changes disease spreading code to be more general to works nicely with any future or addon diseases. 2: Adds bleeding damage to Bone spells. They are a little bit weak and then I won't have to hack them for Witherer. :) 3: Balances some creatures with innate 100 points per turn resource regeneration. 4: Adds more zone auras which include handy tooltips for explaining things like finding bubbles when underwater. Also adds some flavourful modifiers. 5: Addresses a bug with the hasShield() change I found while testing this.

Merge request reports