- Jun 18, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
- Jun 12, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
More active object settings cleanup.
- Jun 11, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
Conflicts: game/modules/tome/data/talents/techniques/sling.lua
- Jun 10, 2015
- Jun 08, 2015
Alex Ksandra authored
Alex Ksandra authored
- Jun 05, 2015
DarkGod authored
Typos be gone! Fixing typos and grammar for 1.3.2
- Jun 04, 2015
stuntofthelitter authored
- Jun 02, 2015
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Occasional turn loss fix. Game.tick now creates a copy of entitites' list to iterate over since iterating over a table while modifying it is undefined. tickLevel now adjusts indices accordingly when entity is added or removed.
DarkGod authored
Reaver tweaks Added Rot and Blight trees to Reaver, buffed Corrosive Worm/Poison Storm
DarkGod authored
Mindslayer corrections Hi DarkGod :smiling_cat_face_with_heart_shaped_eyes: Removes the rest of is_psionic_focus and makes Icy Kill non-metallic.
- May 27, 2015
HousePet authored
- May 03, 2015
DarkGod authored
Archery woes (review?) Since Shoot talent does not account for the run-out ammo in its pre_usee and just returns nil from action in that case (I believe that is intended for either player misuse or difficult scenarios), and as error message of not having one of two things equipped in exactly the right fashion have always been the same confusiong snippet through all archery talents, I've decided to unify the pre use check for all archery. It comes in two fashions, counting wardens in and not counting wardens in; if desirable, those could be joined for added adventurer benefit, but I just left things as they are. Playtesting suggests it indeed is working as intended now. If there's anything to add to the picture while I'm at it, or if there are any problems, please comment.
- May 02, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Corrected tactical tables for talents used by artifacts. Draebor is even more annoying.
- Apr 29, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
Fixed targetting bugs in Retch and Stone Wall.
- Apr 28, 2015
Alex Ksandra authored
Better error messages, check for nonzero ammo (so NPCs won't try to shoot while being low on arrows).
- Apr 24, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Move object use data cleanup to action. Protected function calls for talent code.
- Apr 22, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
- Apr 21, 2015
Alex Ksandra authored
DarkGod authored
Small fixes Solipsist unlock didn't work on dream altar, should now
Alex Ksandra authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Fix bug in confirmation dialog. Added cycle_time function (pseudo-cooldown) for auto-use check. no_npc_use and allow_npc_use fields in object use_power/Use_talent definitions can be a function(obj, who). Updated charm talent resolver.
- Apr 20, 2015
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Hachem_Muche authored
Object use talent IDs are remembered for previously equipped objects if possible. (facilitates hotkey settings) Added support for automatic use of object use talents via the Talent Use menu. Added support for ai_talents weights (remembered by reference to individual objects) via party-control interface.
- Apr 16, 2015
DarkGod authored
DarkGod authored
Fix Rune: Biting Gale not being used by tactical AI Fix Rune: Biting Gale not being used by tactical AI This was caused by the lack of a "radius" attribute in the talent definition. While tactical.lua makes good use of the talent's "target" value, for the initial within_range check it ignores this and uses the sum of what it gets from getTalentRadius and getTalentRange. So, while Biting Gale had a perfectly good target table, because the radius was not stored in a separate radius value the AI was assuming it to have a range of 0, and thus never using it. DG's verdict was to insist on better-written talents, rather than a more flexible check in the AI routine. Talent creators will need to watch out for this one. Now, I've searched through all the talents, and not found any other cases exactly like this. I have, however, found a few which could be improved. I'll consider uploading a bundle of such fixes later.
- Apr 15, 2015
Nagyhal authored
This was caused by the lack of a "radius" attribute. Which tactical.lua makes good use of the talent's "target" value, for the initial range check it ignores this and uses the sum of getTalentRadius and getTalentRange. So, while Biting Gale had a perfectly good target table, because the radius was not stored in a separate radius value the AI was assuming it to have a range of 0 and thus never using it. I've searched through the entire code base, and not found any other cases exactly like this. I have, however, found a few which could be mildly improved. I'll consider uploading a bundle of such fixes later.
- Apr 14, 2015
DarkGod authored
Zone load tips The game will now look in a zone's definition files for load_tips to display when loading a level of the zone, in that silly waiter titled Loading level... Load_tips are an exact copy of the ones in module definitions except they can't contain images. They also shouldn't be too long because the waiter looks silly too stretched. At least the players have something to look at in addition to just "Please wait while loading the level...". As mentioned on IRC, they could be used for special zones (Caldera, dreams, Angolwen). For other zones, they might not be added at all or just contain a copy of the normal loading-game tips. The PR doesn't include any load tips for said zones because I can't into ToME lore :P
DarkGod authored
More fixes Makes solipsist rares on nightmare+ less annoying
DarkGod authored
Caustic weapon fix Fixes crash when corroding armor with the caustic weapon ego.
DarkGod authored
Small fixes some forum complaints being fixed, nothing big.
- Apr 12, 2015
razakai authored