Whenever you miss a melee attack or any damage you deal is reduced by a damage shield or similar effect you gain a charge of Ogre Fury(up to 5 charges).
Whenever you miss a melee attack or any damage you deal is reduced by a damage shield or similar effect you gain a charge of Ogre Fury(up to 5 charges, each lasts 7 turns).
Each charge grants 10%% stun and confusion resistance, 20%% critical damage power and 5%% critical strike chance.
You loose a charge each time you deal a critical strike.
The duration will increase with your Strength.]]):format(t.getduration(self))
long_desc=function(self,eff)return("Increases stun and confusion resistances by %d%%, crit chance by %d%% and critical power by %d%%. %d charge(s)."):format(eff.stacks*10,eff.stacks*5,eff.stacks*20,eff.stacks)end,