return([[Explodes, knocking back and dealing %d light and %d darkness damage.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam/2),engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.dam/2))
return([[Your glyphs are imbued with celestial fury; they last %d turns longer and when they trigger they will unleash this fury, dealing damage.
return([[Your glyphs are imbued with celestial fury; they last %d turns longer and when triggered they will deal damage.
Glyph of Sunlight: Deals %d light damage.
Glyph of Starlight: Deals %d darkness damage.
Glyph of Twilight: Deals %d light and %d darkness damage.]]):format(t.getPersistentDuration(self,t),damDesc(self,DamageType.LIGHT,dam),damDesc(self,DamageType.DARKNESS,dam),damDesc(self,DamageType.LIGHT,dam/2),damDesc(self,DamageType.DARKNESS,dam/2))
return("Inflicted with a fatiguing starlight, taking %d darkness damage and increasing the cooldown of a cooling-down talent by 1 whenever they act"):format(eff.src:damDesc("DARKNESS",eff.dam))
return("Inflicted with a fatiguing starlight, taking %d darkness damage and increasing the cooldown of a cooling-down talent by 1 whenever they act"):format(eff.src.summoner:damDesc(DamageType.DARKNESS,eff.dam))
return("%d%% of the targets damage is being split between light and darkness and they are taking %d light and %d darkness damage each turn."):format(eff.conversion*100,eff.src:damDesc("LIGHT",eff.dotDam),eff.src:damDesc("DARKNESS",eff.dotDam))
return("%d%% of the targets damage is being split between light and darkness and they are taking %d light and %d darkness damage each turn."):format(eff.conversion*100,eff.src:damDesc(DamageType.LIGHT,eff.dotDam),eff.src:damDesc(DamageType.DARKNESS,eff.dotDam))