Now they are dead? At the hands of just one @playerdescriptor.race@? Truly I am amazed by your power.
While you were busy bringing an end to the orcs, we managed to discover some parts of the truth from a captive orc.
He talked about the shield protecting the High Peak. It seems to be controlled by "orbs of command" which the masters of the Prides had in their possession.
Look for them if you have not yet found them.
He also said the only way to enter the peak and de-activate the shield is through the "slime tunnels", located somewhere in one of the Prides, probably Grushnak.
{"Thanks, my lady. I will look for the tunnel and venture inside the Peak.",action=function(npc,player)
{"Thanks, my lady. I have not been able to find all of the orbs of command in my travels; could you have some of your men search for me?",
text=[[I have already sent parties to clear out the remainder of the prides as you progressed, and have instructed to keep a sharp eye out for any orbs of command you may have missed.
Which do you not have? I can check with the parties if they found any. Our sources indicate that you should have four: one of Undeath, one of Destruction, one of Dragons, and one of Elemental might.]],