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git-svn-id: 51575b47-30f0-44d4-a5cc-537603b46e54
parent ed353ad3
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Showing with 53 additions and 59 deletions
......@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ newAchievement{
desc = [[Rescued the merchant from the assassin lord.]],
name = "Fëanor's bane", id = "MAGLOR_DEAD",
desc = [[Killed Maglor, Last Son of Fëanor the Maker.]],
name = "Destroyer of the creation", id = "SLASUL_DEAD",
desc = [[Killed Slasul.]],
name = "Flooder", id = "UKLLMSWWIK_DEAD",
......@@ -24,21 +24,20 @@ end
-- Default
if not game.player:isQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "maglor-story") then
if not game.player:isQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "slasul-story") then
newChat{ id="welcome",
text = [[What is this? Why have you entered my sanctuary and slain its guardians?
Speak or die, for I am Maglor, son of Fëanor and I shall guard the Silmaril for all of eternity!]],
text = [[What is this? Why have you entered my temple and slain my followers?
Speak or die, for I am Slasul and you shall not disrupt my plans.]],
answers = {
{"[attack]", action=attack("So be it... Die now!")},
{"I want the Silmaril!", action=attack("The Oath shall be fullfilled once more...")},
{"I was sent by Ukllmswwik to stop your mad schemes to control all underwater life!", jump="quest"},
newChat{ id="quest",
text = [[I see, so the dragon sent you. He told you I am insane, I assume?
But which of us is truly evil? Myself, fulfilling a sacred oath, secluded in this sanctuary, or you, who comes here to kill me, destroying my friends and planning to take the Silmaril?
But which of us is truly evil? Myself, working to better my people, doing no harm to anyone, or you, who comes here to kill me, destroying my friends and planning to do the same to me?
Who is the insane one?]],
answers = {
{"Your feeble attempt to sway me from the side of good will not work. Pay for you sins!", action=attack("If you refuse to see reason, you leave me no choice!")},
......@@ -49,12 +48,12 @@ Who is the insane one?]],
newChat{ id="givequest",
text = [[Spare me?#LIGHT_GREEN#*He laughs.*#WHITE#
Do not be so hasty to assume YOU are in a position to offer mercy to ME!
Yet I shall tell you my story. As I was drowning, Ossë came to me. He told me that nobody should ever see the Silmaril again, but he did not want to destroy it for it held the last shining light of the First Age.
So he made a pact with me: he would save me and allow me to fullfil my oath by being its guardian, at the bottom of the sea, for all eternity.
Recently, that water dragon that sent you here started sending "agents" to retrieve the jewel. I can only imagine his goals, but they are clearly not peaceful.
The Silmaril shall never leave this sanctuary!]],
Yet I shall tell you my story. You surface dwellers do not know much about nagas, but let me tell you this: our current condition was not our choice.
When Nalore sank, many of us died, so we resorted to using the magic of this temple. It worked, it saved us, and yet we are cursed. Cursed in this form by the terrible magic.
If you do not believe anything else of what I say, please believe at least this: the Sher'Tul are hidding, not gone, and they are not benevolent entities.
Recently, that water dragon that sent you here started sending "agents" to secure the temple. I can only imagine his goals, but they are clearly not peaceful.]],
answers = {
{"You do not sound mad to me ... could Ukllmswwik have lied?", jump="portal_back", action=function(npc, player) player:setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "maglor-story") end},
{"You do not sound mad to me ... could Ukllmswwik have lied?", jump="portal_back", action=function(npc, player) player:setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "slasul-story") end},
{"I will not be deceived by your lies! I will make your pay for your victims!", action=attack("As you wish. It did not have to come to it...")},
......@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@ The Silmaril shall never leave this sanctuary!]],
newChat{ id="portal_back",
text = [[Use this portal, it will bring you back to his cave; ask him the truth.]],
answers = {
{"I will make him pay for his treachery.", action=function(npc, player) player:hasQuest("maglor"):portal_back() end},
{"I will make him pay for his treachery.", action=function(npc, player) player:hasQuest("temple-of-creation"):portal_back() end},
......@@ -74,8 +73,7 @@ newChat{ id="welcome",
text = [[Thank you for listening to me.]],
answers = {
{"[attack]", action=attack("So be it... Die now!")},
{"I want the Silmaril!", action=attack("The Oath shall be fullfilled once more...")},
{"Farewell, Guardian."},
{"Farewell, Slasul."},
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ end
-- Default
if not game.player:isQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") then
if not game.player:isQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") then
newChat{ id="welcome",
text = [[#LIGHT_GREEN#*@npcname@ deep voice booms through the level.*#WHITE#
......@@ -37,27 +37,26 @@ This is my domain, and I do not take kindly to intruders. What is your purpose h
newChat{ id="quest",
text = [[Wait! You seem to be worthy, so let me tell you a story.
A very long time ago, at the very end of the First Age of the world, the Silmarils were recoverd from the grasp of Morgoth in the War of Wrath.
Soon afterwards, they were stolen by the two remaining sons of Fëanor, Maedhros and Maglor, in order to fulfill their oath.
But they found they could no longer bear to wield them; the jewels burned their flesh for their sins.
Maedhros thrust himself in a fiery chasm along with his Silmaril and Maglor threw his into the depths of the ocean while wandering the shores endlessly.
However, after a while, he regretted his act and dove in to recover it. It seemed an impossible task, yet he managed to recover it.
Ossë helped him, granting him the ability to live under the ocean in order to guard the Silmaril. There he remained for all the ages of the world.
But something happened recently: Maglor has gone mad and now he looks upon all intelligent water life as a threat, and that includes myself.
During the Age of Pyre the world was sundered by the last effects of the Spellblaze, a part of the continental shelf of Maj'Eyal was torn apart and thrown into the see.
The Naloren elves perishes, or so the world thinks. Some of them survived, using ancient Sher'Tul magic they had kept for themselves they transformed to live underwater.
They are now called the nagas, they live deep in the ocean between Maj'Eyal and the Far East.
One of them, Slasul, rebelled against his order and decided he wanted the world for himself, both underwater and above. He found an ancient temple, probably a Sher'Tul remain, called the temple of Creation.
He believes he can use it to #{italic}#improve#{normal}# nagas.
But he has become mad and now looks upon all intelligent water life as a threat, and that includes myself.
I can not leave this sanctuary, but perhaps you could help me?
After all, it would be an act of mercy to end his madness and the Silmaril would gain a new, powerful guardian.]],
After all, it would be an act of mercy to end his madness.]],
answers = {
{"I would still rather kill you and take your treasure!", action=attack("DIE!")},
{"I shall do as you say, but how do I find him?", jump="givequest"},
{"That seems ... unwise. My apologies, but I must refuse.", action=function(npc, player) player:grantQuest("maglor") player:setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") player:setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.FAILED) end},
{"That seems ... unwise. My apologies, but I must refuse.", action=function(npc, player) player:grantQuest("temple-of-creation") player:setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") player:setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.FAILED) end},
newChat{ id="givequest",
text = [[I can open a portal to his lair, far away in the western sea, but be warned: this is one-way only. I cannot bring you back. You will have to find your own way.]],
answers = {
{"I will.", action=function(npc, player) player:grantQuest("maglor") player:setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") end},
{"This is a death trap! Goodbye.", action=function(npc, player) player:grantQuest("maglor") player:setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") player:setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.FAILED) end},
{"I will.", action=function(npc, player) player:grantQuest("temple-of-creation") player:setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") end},
{"This is a death trap! Goodbye.", action=function(npc, player) player:grantQuest("temple-of-creation") player:setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "drake-story") player:setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.FAILED) end},
......@@ -71,13 +70,13 @@ newChat{ id="welcome",
answers = {
{"[attack]", action=attack("TREACHERY!")},
{"I want your treasures, water beast!", action=attack("Oh, is that so? Well, COME GET IT !")},
{"I spoke with Maglor, and he did not seem hostile, or mad.", jump="maglor_friend", cond=function(npc, player) return player:isQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "maglor-story") and not player:isQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "kill-maglor") end},
{"I spoke with Slasul, and he did not seem hostile, or mad.", jump="slasul_friend", cond=function(npc, player) return player:isQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "slasul-story") and not player:isQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "kill-slasul") end},
{"Farewell, dragon."},
newChat{ id="maglor_friend",
text = [[#LIGHT_GREEN#*@npcname@ roars!*#WHITE# You listen to the lies of this mad elf!
newChat{ id="slasul_friend",
text = [[#LIGHT_GREEN#*@npcname@ roars!*#WHITE# You listen to the lies of this mad naga!
You are corrupted! TAINTED!]],
answers = {
{"[attack]", action=attack("DO NOT MEDDLE IN THE AFFAIRS OF DRAGONS!")},
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-- CSV export
local src = [[
,Enemies,Undead,Allied Kingdoms,Shalore,Thalore,Iron Throne,Angolwen,Tol Falas,,Guardians of the Tide|H,Water lair|H,Assassin lair|H,,Sunwall|H,Orc Pride,,Sandworm Burrowers,,Sorcerers
,Enemies,Undead,Allied Kingdoms,Shalore,Thalore,Iron Throne,Angolwen,Tol Falas,,Temple of Creation|H,Water lair|H,Assassin lair|H,,Sunwall|H,Orc Pride,,Sandworm Burrowers,,Sorcerers
Allied Kingdoms,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Iron Throne,-1,-1,0.2,0.2,0.2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Tol Falas,,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,,,,,,,,,,,,
Guardians of the Tide|H,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Temple of Creation|H,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Water lair|H,-1,,,,,,,,,-1,,,,,,,,,
Assassin lair|H,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ defineTile('.', "WATER_FLOOR")
defineTile('#', "WATER_WALL")
defineTile('^', "WATER_FLOOR", nil, nil, {random_filter={}})
defineTile('M', "WATER_FLOOR", nil, {random_filter={}})
defineTile('@', "WATER_FLOOR", nil, "MAGLOR")
startx = 21
starty = 14
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ defineTile('+', "WATER_DOOR")
defineTile('#', "WATER_WALL")
defineTile('^', "WATER_FLOOR", nil, nil, {random_filter={}})
defineTile('M', "WATER_FLOOR", nil, {random_filter={}})
defineTile('@', "WATER_FLOOR", nil, "MAGLOR")
defineTile('@', "WATER_FLOOR", nil, "SLASUL")
startx = 15
starty = 0
......@@ -17,28 +17,28 @@
-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
name = "The Guardian of the Sea"
name = "The Temple of Creation"
desc = function(self, who)
local desc = {}
desc[#desc+1] = "Ukllmswwik asked you to take his portal to the caverns of Ossë and kill Maglor who has turned mad."
if self:isCompleted("maglor-story") then
desc[#desc+1] = "Maglor told you his side of the story, now you must decide, which of them is corrupt?"
desc[#desc+1] = "Ukllmswwik asked you to take his portal to the temple of Creation and kill Slasul who has turned mad."
if self:isCompleted("slasul-story") then
desc[#desc+1] = "Slasul told you his side of the story, now you must decide, which of them is corrupt?"
if self:isCompleted("kill-maglor") and self:isCompleted("kill-drake") then
desc[#desc+1] = "#LIGHT_GREEN#* You have killed both Ukllmswwik and Maglor, betraying them both.#WHITE#"
elseif self:isCompleted("kill-maglor") and not self:isCompleted("kill-drake") then
desc[#desc+1] = "#LIGHT_GREEN#* You have sided with Ukllmswwik and killed Maglor.#WHITE#"
elseif not self:isCompleted("kill-maglor") and self:isCompleted("kill-drake") then
desc[#desc+1] = "#LIGHT_GREEN#* You have sided with Maglor and killed Ukllmswwik.#WHITE#"
if self:isCompleted("kill-slasul") and self:isCompleted("kill-drake") then
desc[#desc+1] = "#LIGHT_GREEN#* You have killed both Ukllmswwik and Slasul, betraying them both.#WHITE#"
elseif self:isCompleted("kill-slasul") and not self:isCompleted("kill-drake") then
desc[#desc+1] = "#LIGHT_GREEN#* You have sided with Ukllmswwik and killed Slasul.#WHITE#"
elseif not self:isCompleted("kill-slasul") and self:isCompleted("kill-drake") then
desc[#desc+1] = "#LIGHT_GREEN#* You have sided with Slasul and killed Ukllmswwik.#WHITE#"
return table.concat(desc, "\n")
on_status_change = function(self, who, status, sub)
if sub and (sub == "kill-maglor" or sub == "kill-drake") then
if sub and (sub == "kill-slasul" or sub == "kill-drake") then
who:setQuestStatus(, engine.Quest.DONE)
if sub == "kill-maglor" then world:gainAchievement("MAGLOR_DEAD", game.player)
if sub == "kill-slasul" then world:gainAchievement("SLASUL_DEAD", game.player)
elseif sub == "kill-drake" then world:gainAchievement("UKLLMSWWIK_DEAD", game.player) end
......@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ end
on_grant = function(self, who)
local g ={
name="Portal to the Caverns of Ossë",
name="Portal to the temple of Creation",
display='>', color=colors.VIOLET,
notice = true,
change_level=1, change_zone="caverns-osse"
change_level=1, change_zone="temple-of-creation"
g:resolve() g:resolve(nil, true), g, "terrain", 34, 6)
......@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@ load("/data/general/npcs/naga.lua", rarity(0))
local Talents = require("engine.interface.ActorTalents")
newEntity{ define_as = "MAGLOR",
newEntity{ define_as = "SLASUL",
type = "humanoid", subtype = "naga", unique = true,
name = "Maglor, Last Son of Fëanor the Maker",
name = "Slasul",
display = "@", color=colors.VIOLET,
desc = [[Maglor elven body was wrapped by thousands of years under the water, gills have grown on his neck, palms have formed between his fingers.
The most horrible thing though is his legs, they have fused into a snake tail, granting him fast movement underwater.
He wears a mace and a shield.]],
desc = [[This powerful naga is at home in the Temple of Creation and unlike his followers he uses a mace and a shield.]],
energy = {mod = 1.7},
level_range = {30, 50}, exp_worth = 4,
max_life = 350, life_rating = 19, fixed_rating = true,
......@@ -87,9 +85,9 @@ He wears a mace and a shield.]],
ai = "dumb_talented_simple", ai_state = { talent_in=3, ai_move="move_astar", },
on_die = function(self, who)
game.player:resolveSource():setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "kill-maglor")
game.player:resolveSource():setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "kill-slasul")
can_talk = "maglor",
can_talk = "slasul",
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ return {
if newzone then
game.logPlayer(game.player, "#AQUAMARINE#You arrive deep under water, at the sea floor, as you look upwards you only see a glimpse of light coming through.")
game.logPlayer(game.player, "#AQUAMARINE#You should be crushed by the pressure but strangely you feel no disconfort.")
game.logPlayer(game.player, "#AQUAMARINE#All around you there is only water as far as you can see, except to your left, a giant coral structure. This is probably the sanctuary of Maglor.")
game.logPlayer(game.player, "#AQUAMARINE#All around you there is only water as far as you can see, except to your left, a giant coral structure. This is probably the temple of Creation.")
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ newEntity{ define_as = "UKLLMSWWIK",
ai = "dumb_talented_simple", ai_state = { talent_in=2, ai_move="move_astar", },
on_die = function(self, who)
game.player:resolveSource():setQuestStatus("maglor", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "kill-drake")
game.player:resolveSource():setQuestStatus("temple-of-creation", engine.Quest.COMPLETED, "kill-drake")
can_talk = "ukllmswwik",
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