lore=[[#{italic}#A few tattered scraps of paper lie on the ground, ruined from your fight with the creature carrying it. It's almost completely illegible, but you can piece some of it together to read:#{normal}#
lore=function()returngameandgame.stateandgame.state.spydre_mantraand[[#{italic}#A few tattered scraps of paper lie on the ground, ruined from your fight with the creature carrying it. It's almost completely illegible, but you can piece some of it together to read:#{normal}#
"...pheromone signals effective on much Eyalite wildlife ineffective on species 'sun paladin.' at current planetary core cooling rates, passive study would lead to great loss - next step of emigration program should be cleaning of local 'sun paladin' nest and establishment of..."]]
[[#{italic}#This pile of tattered paper could theoretically be assembled into something legible, but without more text to draw back on, it'd still be in a language you could never interpret. If only you had more Spydric text to help translate this...#{normal}#]]