return([[Deals %d light damage and blinds for %d turns.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam),self.blindDur)
return([[Inflicts a fatiguing darkness, dealing %d darkness damage and icnreasing the cooldown of a cooling-down talent by 1 upon every action for %d turns.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.dam),self.fatigueDur)
return([[Explodes (radius 1), knocking back and dealing %d light and %d darkness damage.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam),engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.dam))
return([[Explodes, knocking back and dealing %d light and %d darkness damage.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam),engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.dam))
return([[When one of your spells goes critical, you bind glyphs in radius 1 centred on a random target in range 7.
return([[When one of your spells goes critical, you bind glyphs in radius 1 centred on a random target in range 7 at the cost of 5 positive and 5 negative.
Glyphs are hidden traps (%d detection and disarm power) lasting for %d turns.
This can only happen once per turn and each glyph can only be bound every %d turns.
Glyph damage will scale with spellpower and detection and disarm powers scale with magic.
Glyph of Sunlight - Bind sunlight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a brilliant light, dealing %d light damage and blinding for %d turns.
Glyph of Fatigue - Bind starlight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a fatiguing darkness. For %d turns, every action the foe makes will increase the cooldown of a cooling-down talent by 1 and cause it to take %d darkness damage.
Glyph of Explosion - Bind twilight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a burst of twilight, knocking back and dealing %d light and %d darkness damage.
return("Inflicted with a fatiguing starlight, taking %d darkness damage and increasing the cooldown of a cooling-down talent by 1 whenever they act"):format(eff.src:damDesc("DARKNESS",eff.dam))