tactical={ATTACK=2},-- is there a way to make this consider the free Block?
on_pre_use=function(self,t,silent)ifnotself:hasShield()thenifnotsilentthengame.logPlayer(self,"You require a weapon and a shield to use this talent.")endreturnfalseendreturntrueend,
return([[Hits the target with your shield, doing %d%% damage. If it hits, you follow up with two automatic critical hits with your weapon, doing %d%% base damage each.]]):
on_pre_use=function(self,t,silent)ifnotself:hasShield()thenifnotsilentthengame.logPlayer(self,"You require a weapon and a shield to use this talent.")endreturnfalseendreturntrueend,
return([[Let all your foes pile up on your shield, then put all your strength in one mighty thrust and repel them all away %d grids.
return([[Smash your shield into the face of all adjacent foes dealing %d%% shield damage and knocking them back %d grids.
In addition, all creatures knocked back will also be dazed for %d turns.
The distance increases with your talent level, and the Daze duration with your Strength.]]):format(t.getDist(self,t),t.getDuration(self,t))
If known, activating this talent will refresh your Rush cooldown if the attack hits.
The distance increases with your talent level, and the Daze duration with your Strength.]]):format(t.getShieldDamage(self,t)*100,t.getDist(self,t),t.getDuration(self,t))
return([[Improves your damage and defense with shield-based skills, and increases your Spell (+%d) and Physical (+%d) Saves.]]):format(2*self:getTalentLevelRaw(t),4*self:getTalentLevelRaw(t))
return([[Improves your damage and defense with shield-based skills, and increases your Spell (+%d) and Physical (+%d) Saves.]]):format(t.getSpell(self,t),t.getPhysical(self,t))