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why hachem ? why ?? I dont see the point of this parameter and this *uterly*...
why hachem ? why ?? I dont see the point of this parameter and this *uterly* breaks any comlpex tmx file
This was actually worse before the fixes I pushed in the "Room bug fixes/enhancements" MR. (Both Static:getLoader and Statis:tmxLoad were changed.)
Static room entity lists were overwriting the zone/level entity lists, potentially causing serious issues. I wasn't sure if this wasn't desirable in some cases, so I put in the gateway flag .add_zone_lists so that existing behavior was maintained unless the flag was explicitly set. (For example, this could allow a vault full of ghouls to add ghouls to the zone.npc_list, causing them to randomly spawn elsewhere in the zone.)
If this is never wanted, then your changes here are safer and better, and Static:getLoader should also be updated to be consistent.
Relevant notes from the "Room bug fixes/enhancements" MR (!309 (merged)):
Improved support for specialLists for actors, traps, and objects, allowing them to be merged with the zone entity lists as needed. If a static map has specified alternate entity lists (through the specialList loader function), related room_map[x][y].add_entities tables will get a copy of the alternate entity lists. Zone:newLevel will then use the alternate lists when adding the entities to the level. In ToME, this allows escorts and specific equipment to be generated properly when placing vaults (without altering the entity lists for the zone in which they are placed.), fixing an existing bug causing additional entities to fail to generate if they are not in the zone entity list(s), even if they are on the Static map special list(s).
Updated the definitions of several vaults as needed to load appropriate entity lists so that escorts will be generated properly and added restrictions (roomcheck) based on the zone entity lists loaded so that vaults with specific summoning npcs (ghouls, for example) will not be generated if the summons are not available. (Changes to Static, above, do not correct this since they intentionally do not affect the zone entity lists.)
Edited by Hachem_Muche