- May 07, 2016
razakai authoredac3ef6e3
- May 05, 2016
razakai authored69413590
- Apr 10, 2016
DarkGod authored
Sustain talent cost fix I found simple way to fix this bug without compromising the design of actor resources: When activated, sustained talents will store the resources (costs and drains) committed and reverse those exact values when deactivated, calling all normal resource management functions in both cases. This eliminates a potentially exploitable bug for talents that have functional sustain or drain costs that change between activation and deactivation. See merge request !335
dc21898d -
DarkGod authored45719465
DarkGod authoredf55aa244
- Apr 01, 2016
Hachem_Muche authored
When activated, sustained talents will store the resources (costs and drains) committed and reverse those exact values when deactivated, calling all normal resource management functions in both cases. This eliminates a potentially exploitable bug for talents that have functional sustain or drain costs that change between activation and deactivation.
c9f8216e -
DarkGod authored101961b8
- Mar 11, 2016
DarkGod authored42c208db
- Mar 02, 2016
- Mar 01, 2016
DarkGod authored40faf19c
DarkGod authored
Make sure a temporary effect can not be removed before it finishes being setup (fixes a rare perma confusion bug)
d0409a19 -
DarkGod authored
Fixed talents breaking on events not correctly working in some edge cases (this should fix Embers of Rage steam drain bug)
- Feb 28, 2016
DarkGod authored73a2061d
DarkGod authoredc562fd60
DarkGod authored
Addons can have a new init.lua parameter like "required_addons = {'foobar', 'lulz'}" to only activate if those addons/dlcs are also active
282d3dc8 -
DarkGod authoredfe57d356
DarkGod authored
Flat damage resistance is now subject to disminishing returns, usign the same formula as foo-powers and saves; except on base of 40 (so up to 40 there is no disminishing at all)
- Feb 27, 2016
DarkGod authored0f65f5dd
- Feb 23, 2016
DarkGod authored2e260078
- Feb 20, 2016
DarkGod authored
- switch wil & con in 1st & 4th talent - made sure hold the ground odesnt go on cooldown for nothing - set max for 1st talent from 5% to 6%
c74bf5f8 -
DarkGod authored74df1644
DarkGod authored
Orc revamp Revamps Orc to be less terrible as a PC race with bonuses that are mostly favoring players more than NPCs. - Change Orc Fury to scale by number of enemies in LOS. This won't boost it for NPCs except vs. summon classes, and makes autocasting it on enemy seen suboptimal. - Add a debuff cleanse on life <50% to Hold the Line, reduce saves - Add a 2 turn resist all buff on kill to Skirmisher - Redo numbers
72965bdc -
DarkGod authoredad29a0af
DarkGod authored
Lichform arena fix Make lichform actually function in Arena. We made the quest autocomplete I suppose we should make the ability actually work.
af178339 -
DarkGod authoredf17097bc
stuntofthelitter authored678ecde7
Chris Davidson authored6c93121c
stuntofthelitter authored2f613aea
Chris Davidson authored1e6d871f
Chris Davidson authored755756d4
Chris Davidson authored06c667c2
- Feb 19, 2016
Chris Davidson authored
- Add a debuff cleanse on life <50% to Hold the Line - Add a resist all buff on kill to Skirmisher - Redo numbers on everything
cfa6afd8 -
DarkGod authored493b6f36
DarkGod authored
Adventurer starting gear additions Make adventurers start with a shield and a 2h weapon.
1c60d807 -
stuntofthelitter authored9734d8af
stuntofthelitter authored5d45ef6b
DarkGod authored079f6d77
- Feb 18, 2016
DarkGod authored
Small fixes Arcane Destruction + Arcane Might (from the concerned chat, maybe pls inclue in 1.4.4)
248976be -
Alex Ksandra authored5942f9c6
Alex Ksandra authored55024bed
Alex Ksandra authored9b6c3930
DarkGod authored
Moddable tiles can define head "underwear" (default tile when not wearing stuff) and rename default underwears
4d837fbf -
DarkGod authored5e5967ce
- Feb 17, 2016
DarkGod authored
Fixed Zone:setEntityEgoList Randarts display as such in their description
- Feb 16, 2016
- Feb 13, 2016
- Feb 12, 2016
stuntofthelitter authored72c34188
stuntofthelitter authoredb4dc46c1
- Feb 07, 2016
- Feb 06, 2016
DarkGod authored
Char sheet fixes Fix CharacterSheet equipment tab references/labels ( Fixed talent category tooltips in the CharacterSheet ( Update standard formatted resources to handle resources with no maximum value. Added melee and ranged projection to the Attack tab of the CharacterSheet.
- Feb 05, 2016
Hachem_Muche authored792df059
Hachem_Muche authoredb87af590
- Feb 04, 2016
Hachem_Muche authored
Update standard resource text to handle resources with no maximum value.
- Feb 03, 2016
- Feb 02, 2016
DarkGod authored8f55f7e8
- Feb 01, 2016
- Jan 31, 2016
DarkGod authored105c65c1
DarkGod authoreda0668472
DarkGod authoredcfc950ef
DarkGod authored
Some fixes Fix Cloak of Deception buff will be restored when being resurrected by the Eidolon. The Stalk talent will update EFF_STALKER and EFF_STALKED properly when hitting the stalked target. Clarified the tooltip for Reality Smearing.
cb83856b -
DarkGod authored71a3a7a2
- Jan 30, 2016
Hachem_Muche authored
Exiting the Eidolon plane triggers callbackOnChangeLevel. Fix Stalk talent not updating EFF_STALKER and EFF_STALKED properly when hitting the stalked target, and not triggering learning hate pool when learned. Clarified tooltip for Reality Smearing.
429c3168 -
DarkGod authored
Popup buttons dialog * This adds a new dialog similar to the yes/no dialogs that presents a list of choices (up to 50) that are selected by individual buttons within the dialog frame. Sample call sequence (with extra linefeeds!): Dialog = require"engine.ui.Dialog" choices = {{sel = "choice1", name=("Stay: here"):format()}, {sel = "choice2", name = "choice 2"}, {sel = "choice3", name = "I have to press a button for this?"}, {sel = "choice4", name = "Keep going"}, {sel = "choice5", name = "Ignore this Issue"}, {sel = 6, name = "Complain about this revoltin' development"}, {sel = 7, name = "Curse at the game"}, {sel = 8, name = "Try to sneak out", fct = function(sel) print("Selection", sel.sel, ":") print("I want out") end}, {sel = 9, name = "This is ridiculous and should be fixed, forever"}, {sel = 10, name = "hurry up. I'm waiting"}, {sel = 11, name = "No, thank you. I don't care for any Grey Poupon."}, {sel = 12, name = "My cat has bigger fleas than your orc."}, {sel = 13, name = "I wish to purchase some #CHOCOLATE#USED FOOD#LAST#."}, {sel = 14, name = "Continue as if nothing happened"}, {sel = 15, name = "Ignore the Problem"}, {sel = 16, name = "Report This Problem"}, {sel = 17, name = "Play Truth or Dare"}, {sel = 18, name = "Write your will"}, {sel = 20, name = "Admit to being an inferior player. :("}, {sel = 19, name = "Do NOT pass Go. Do NOT collect 200 zorkmids."}, } --print("choices list:", choices) table.print(choices, "==") choice_handler = function(choice) print("selected choice", choice) table.print(choice, "__") print(("selected %s:%s"):format(choice.sel, if choice.sel == "choice2" then print("Picked the 2nd one") end end text = "You have reached a cross-roads in your quest to become #LIGHT_RED#THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN THE UNIVERSE#LAST#. Your choice here will raise up world leaders and bring great nations down. Carefully consider whether you should wield such power. \nYou may become an immortal beacon of power for all time to come. \nOr you might become someone's pet Wretchling. \nTake what action?" --local text = "This is short" dm=Dialog:multiButtonPopup("A #PINK#Momentous#LAST# Decision!", text, choices, nil, 800, choice_handler, false, #choices )
- Jan 29, 2016
Hachem_Muche authored
Handles a standard list of choices (similar to listPopup) including choice-embedded functions.
- Jan 28, 2016
DarkGod authored4d6c75d1
- Jan 27, 2016
DarkGod authored6a12f1a4
DarkGod authored28f9af51
DarkGod authoreda461bd75
DarkGod authored439c1408
DarkGod authoredcf84ba26
DarkGod authoredc1f37afe
DarkGod authoredc77566de
DarkGod authored96402008
DarkGod authoredf750d728
DarkGod authoredb4aca4c4
DarkGod authored0430643d
DarkGod authored0e1a67dd
DarkGod authored
Advanced Shadowmancy fixes (and more) Fixes bugs, clarifies descriptions, gives better feedback, tweaks particles, buffs a skill, provided courtesy of StarKeep. Oh, and also a tiny fix to stop characters made before 1.4.1 from totally breaking.
846cd3fd -
DarkGod authored4ddb4c20
DarkGod authored13a8eac7
DarkGod authored6d634c18
stuntofthelitter authored
Protect characters made pre-1.4.1 from massive errors, and stop this from being an ongoing trend
6384af0b -
stuntofthelitter authored
Advanced Shadowmancy - Cursed Bolt informs players if it fails due to not having a shadow in sight range
3420a7d0 -
stuntofthelitter authored28b62533
stuntofthelitter authored87a0150e