-- note some objects always have a power source by default (i.e. wands are always arcane powered)
-- data.power_source = allowed power type(s) <all allowed> if specified, only egos matching at least one of the power types will be added. themes (random or forced) can add allowed power_sources
-- data.power_source = allowed power type(s) <all allowed> if specified, only egos matching at least one of the power types will be added. themes (random or forced) can add allowed power_sources
-- data.namescheme = parameters to be passed to the NameGenerator <local randart_name_rules table>
-- data.add_pool if true, adds the randart to the world artifact pool <nil>
-- data.post = function(o) to be applied to the randart after all egos and powers have been added and resolved
ifdata.forbid_power_sourceandnext(data.forbid_power_source)thenprint(" * forbid power sources:",table.concat(table.keys(data.forbid_power_source),','))end
ifdata.power_sourceandnext(data.power_source)thenprint(" * allowed power sources:",table.concat(table.keys(data.power_source),','))end