return([[While Master Summoner is active, when a creature you summon appears in the world, it will trigger a wild effect:
- Ritch Flamespitter: Reduce fire resistance of all foes in a radius by %d%%
- Hydra: Generates a cloud of lingering poison dealing %d nature damage per turn
- Hydra: Generates a cloud of lingering poison, poisoning all foes caught within for %0.1f nature damage per turn (cumulative)
- Rimebark: Reduce cold resistance of all foes in a radius by %d%%
- Fire Drake: Appears with %d fire drake hatchling(s)
- War Hound: Reduce physical resistance of all foes in a radius by %d%%
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ newTalent{
- Turtle: Heals all friendly targets in a radius %d HP
- Spider: Pins all foes in a radius
Radius for effects is %d, and the duration of each lasting effect is %d turns.
The effects improve with your Willpower.]]):format(t.resReduction(self,t),t.poisonDamage(self,t),t.resReduction(self,t),t.nbEscorts(self,t),t.resReduction(self,t),t.resReduction(self,t),t.slowStrength(self,t),t.amtHealing(self,t),t.knockbackDist(self,t),radius,t.effectDuration(self,t))
The effects improve with your Willpower.]]):format(t.resReduction(self,t),t.poisonDamage(self,t)/6,t.resReduction(self,t),t.nbEscorts(self,t),t.resReduction(self,t),t.resReduction(self,t),t.slowStrength(self,t),t.amtHealing(self,t),t.knockbackDist(self,t),radius,t.effectDuration(self,t))