t("#{italic}##PINK#Addons developers can still test their addons by enabling developer mode.#{normal}#","#{italic}##PINK#插件开发者可以通过开启调试模式继续测试他们的插件。#{normal}#","_t")
t("Beta Addons Disabled","Beta版禁用插件","_t")
t([[This beta version is meant to be tested without addons, as such the following ones are currently disabled:
t("#LIGHT_RED#Online profile disabled(switching to offline profile) due to %s.","#LIGHT_RED#由于 %s ,在线存档无法运行(切换至离线存档)","log")
t([[Your desolate wastes are now rapidly crumbling.
Any foe moving through them is likely to get cut, taking %0.2f cold damage and bleeding over 4 turns (stacking) while reducing its movement speed by 15%%.
@@ -28947,7 +28948,7 @@ t([[Your mastery over magic is so great that you can alter the energy of all dam
t("Metaflow", "奥术流动", "talent name")
t([[Your mastery of arcane flows allow you to reset the cooldown of up to %d of your spells (that don't have a fixed cooldown) of tier %d or less.
In addition for %d turns you are overflowing with energy; all known spells are considered one talent level higher when casting them.]], [[你对奥术的精通使你能重置法术的冷却时间,重置至多 %d 个法术的冷却(对固定冷却时间的技能无效),对技能层次 %d 或更低的技能有效。
t("effects disabled because of an infusion", "由于纹身,效果被禁用", "_t")
t("effects disabled because of no rune", "由于没有符文,效果被禁用", "_t")
@@ -29055,14 +29056,14 @@ t("You cannot summon; you are suppressed!", "你不能召唤,你被压制了
t("Mirror Image (%s)", "镜像 (%s)", "tformat")
t("A blurred image.", "一个模糊的镜像。", "_t")
t("Summon", "召唤", "_t")
t([[Create a perfect lookalike of your own form made out of pure light near a creature or yourself if no creature is present.
t([[Create a perfect lookalike of your own form made out of pure light near a creature.
This image has %d life and can never take more than 1 damage per creature per turn and is immune to any non direct damage (ground effects, damage over time, ...).
Whenever you cast a spell your mirror image will try to duplicate it at the same target for 66%% less damage, if possible. If it can it will loose 1 life, if not it will instead taunt a creature to focus its attention on itself.
While the image exists you receive the damage bonus from the Invisibility spell as if you were invisible.
This spell can not be cast while a Mirror Image already exists and only in combat.