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Commit 6186fa48 authored by Chris Davidson's avatar Chris Davidson
Browse files

Update Weapon egos

parent 8bae2d4a
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
......@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@ newEntity{
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 25,
cost = 30,
combat = { physspeed = -0.1 },
wielder = {
combat_atk = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
combat_atk = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5),
inc_stats = {
[Stats.STAT_DEX] = resolvers.mbonus_material(6, 1),
combat_physspeed = 0.1,
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {technique=true},
name = "truestriking ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {truestriking=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
level_range = {20, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 15,
cost = 40,
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {technique=true},
name = "warbringer's ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {warbringer=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
level_range = {20, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 30,
cost = 40,
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {technique=true},
name = " of evisceration", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true ,
keywords = {evisc=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
level_range = {20, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
unique_ego = 1,
rarity = 20,
......@@ -142,22 +142,23 @@ newEntity{
combat = {
special_on_crit = {
desc=function(self, who, special)
local dam, hf = special.wound(self.combat, who)
return ("Wound the target dealing #RED#%d#LAST# physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by %d%%"):format(dam, hf)
wound=function(combat, who)
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatPhysicalpower(), 30, 250))
local hf = 50
return dam, hf
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if target:canBe("cut") then
local dam, hf = special.wound(combat, who)
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
target:setEffect(target.EFF_DEEP_WOUND, 5, {src=who, heal_factor=hf, power=who:physicalCrit(dam) / 5, apply_power=check})
desc=function(self, who, special)
local dam, hf = special.wound(self.combat, who)
return ("Wound the target dealing #RED#%d#LAST# physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by %d%%"):format(dam, hf)
wound=function(combat, who)
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatPhysicalpower(), 1, 350)) -- Doesn't stack
local hf = 50
return dam, hf
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if target:canBe("cut") then
local dam, hf = special.wound(combat, who)
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
target:setEffect(target.EFF_DEEP_WOUND, 5, {src=who, heal_factor=hf, power=who:physicalCrit(dam) / 5, apply_power=check})
......@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {technique=true},
name = " of rage", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {rage=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
level_range = {20, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 25,
cost = 35,
......@@ -184,13 +185,13 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {technique=true},
name = " of ruin", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {ruin=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
level_range = {40, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 20,
cost = 25,
wielder = {
combat_physcrit = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
combat_critical_power = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 10),
combat_critical_power = resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 10),
combat_apr = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
......@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {technique=true},
name = " of shearing", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {shearing=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
level_range = {20, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 20,
cost = 40,
......@@ -227,61 +228,63 @@ newEntity{
special_on_crit = {
desc=function(self, who, special)
local dam = special.acid_splash(who)
return ("Splash the target with acid dealing #ORCHID#%d#LAST# damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by #ORCHID#%d#LAST#"):format(dam, math.ceil(dam / 10))
return ("Splash the target with acid dealing #VIOLET#%d#LAST# damage over 5 turns and reducing armor and accuracy by #VIOLET#%d#LAST#"):format(dam, math.ceil(dam / 8))
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatSpellpower(), 30, 250))
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatSpellpower(), 1, 250))
return dam
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
local power = special.acid_splash(who)
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
target:setEffect(target.EFF_ACID_SPLASH, 5, {apply_power = check, src=who, dam=who:spellCrit(power) / 5, atk = math.ceil(power / 5), armor = math.ceil(power / 5)})
target:setEffect(target.EFF_ACID_SPLASH, 5, {apply_power = check, src=who, dam=who:spellCrit(power) / 5, atk = math.ceil(power / 8), armor = math.ceil(power / 8)})
power_source = {arcane=true},
name = "arcing ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {arcing=true},
level_range = {1, 50},
unique_ego = 1,
rarity = 5,
cost = 10,
combat = {
special_on_hit = {
desc=function(self, who, special)
local dam = special.arc(who)
return ("25%% chance for lightning to arc to a second target dealing #ORCHID#%d#LAST# damage"):format(dam)
return ("#LIGHT_GREEN#25%%#LAST# chance for lightning to strike from the target to a second target dealing #VIOLET#%d#LAST# damage"):format(dam)
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatSpellpower(), 30, 250))
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatSpellpower(), 1, 150))
return dam
on_kill=1, fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if not rng.percent(25) then return end
local tgts = {}
local x, y = target.x, target.y
local grids = core.fov.circle_grids(x, y, 5, true)
local grids = core.fov.circle_grids(x, y, 10, true)
local tg = {type="beam", range=10, friendlyfire=false, x=target.x, y=target.y}
for x, yy in pairs(grids) do for y, _ in pairs(grids[x]) do
local a =, y, engine.Map.ACTOR)
if a and a ~= target and who:reactionToward(a) < 0 then
if a and a ~= target and who:reactionToward(a) < 0 and who:canProject(tg, x, y) then
tgts[#tgts+1] = a
end end
-- Randomly take targets
local tg = {type="beam", range=5, friendlyfire=false, x=target.x, y=target.y}
if #tgts <= 0 then return end
local a, id = rng.table(tgts)
table.remove(tgts, id)
local target2 = (#tgts >= 0) and rng.table(tgts) or target
local dam = who:spellCrit(special.arc(who))
who:project(tg, a.x, a.y, engine.DamageType.LIGHTNING, rng.avg(1, dam, 3)), y, math.max(math.abs(a.x-x), math.abs(a.y-y)), "lightning", {tx=a.x-x, ty=a.y-y})
if target2 ~= target then who:project({type="hit"}, target.x, target.y, engine.DamageType.LIGHTNING, dam) end
who:project(tg, target2.x, target2.y, engine.DamageType.LIGHTNING, dam), y, math.max(math.abs(target2.x-x), math.abs(target2.y-y)), "lightning", {tx=target2.x-x, ty=target2.y-y})
game:playSoundNear(who, "talents/lightning")
......@@ -334,8 +337,8 @@ newEntity{
rarity = 15,
cost = 30,
apr = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
phasing = resolvers.mbonus_material(50, 10)
apr = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5),
phasing = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 10)
......@@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ newEntity{
cost = 30,
melee_project = {
[DamageType.BLIGHT] = resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5),
[DamageType.BLIGHT] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 5),
[DamageType.ITEM_BLIGHT_DISEASE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5),
......@@ -375,7 +378,7 @@ newEntity{
-- Greater Egos
-- laggy
-- laggy/blocks view, needs new gfx
power_source = {arcane=true},
name = "elemental ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
......@@ -385,38 +388,40 @@ newEntity{
unique_ego = 1,
rarity = 25,
cost = 35,
elemental_values = {dam=resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5), pen=resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5)}, -- We can't add this until the element is picked for sure
wielder = {
[DamageType.ACID] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 7),
[DamageType.LIGHTNING] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 7),
[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 7),
[DamageType.COLD] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 7),
resists_pen = resolvers.genericlast(function(e)
return {[e.combat.elemental_element[1]] = e.elemental_values.dam}
inc_damage = resolvers.genericlast(function(e)
return {[e.combat.elemental_element[1]] = e.elemental_values.pen}
combat = {
elements = {
{engine.DamageType.FIRE, "flame"},
{engine.DamageType.COLD, "freeze"},
{engine.DamageType.LIGHTNING, "lightning_explosion"},
{engine.DamageType.ACID, "acid"},
elemental_element = resolvers.rngtable{
{engine.DamageType.FIRE, "flame", "fire"},
{engine.DamageType.COLD, "freeze", "cold"},
{engine.DamageType.LIGHTNING, "lightning_explosion", "lightning"},
{engine.DamageType.ACID, "acid", "acid"},
special_on_hit = {
desc=function(self, who, special)
local dam = special.explosion(who)
return ("Magical explosion of a random element dealing #ORCHID#%d#LAST# damage (1/turn)"):format(dam)
return ("Create an explosion dealing #VIOLET#%d#LAST# %s damage (1/turn)"):format(dam, self.combat.elemental_element and self.combat.elemental_element[3] or "<random on generation>" )
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatSpellpower(), 30, 150))
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatSpellpower(), 1, 150))
return dam
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if who.turn_procs.elemental_explosion then return end
who.turn_procs.elemental_explosion = 1
local elem = rng.table(combat.elements)
local dam = who:spellCrit(special.explosion(who))
local tg = {type="ball", radius=3, range=10, selffire = false, friendlyfire=false}
who:project(tg, target.x, target.y, elem[1], dam, {type=elem[2]})
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if table.get(who.turn_procs, "elemental_ego", combat) then return end
table.set(who.turn_procs, "elemental_ego", combat, true)
local dam = who:spellCrit(special.explosion(who))
local elem = combat.elemental_element
local tg = {type="ball", radius=3, range=10, selffire = false, friendlyfire=false}
who:project(tg, target.x, target.y, elem[1], dam, {type=elem[2]})
......@@ -444,27 +449,17 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {arcane=true},
name = " of corruption", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {corruption=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
level_range = {20, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
unique_ego = 1,
rarity = 35,
cost = 40,
combat = {
melee_project = {
[DamageType.ITEM_DARKNESS_NUMBING] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 5),
special_on_hit = {desc="20% chance to curse the target",
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if not rng.percent(20) then return end
local eff = rng.table{"vuln", "defenseless", "impotence", "death", }
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
if not who:checkHit(check, target:combatSpellResist()) then return end
if eff == "vuln" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_CURSE_VULNERABILITY, 2, {power=20})
elseif eff == "defenseless" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_CURSE_DEFENSELESSNESS, 2, {power=20})
elseif eff == "impotence" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_CURSE_IMPOTENCE, 2, {power=20})
elseif eff == "death" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_CURSE_DEATH, 2, {src=who, dam=20})
talent_on_hit = resolvers.generic(function(e)
local Talents = require "engine.interface.ActorTalents"
return { [talent] = {level=resolvers.genericlast(function(e) return e.material_level end), chance=20} }
......@@ -508,17 +503,17 @@ newEntity{
keywords = {blaze=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 45,
rarity = 30,
cost = 40,
wielder = {
global_speed_add = resolvers.mbonus_material(5, 1, function(e, v) v=v/100 return 0, v end),
global_speed_add = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 1, function(e, v) v=v/100 return 0, v end),
resists_pen = {
[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5),
combat = {
burst_on_crit = {
[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 5),
[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(85, 5),
......@@ -529,87 +524,82 @@ newEntity{
keywords = {caustic=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 45,
rarity = 30,
cost = 40,
wielder = {
life_regen = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5, function(e, v) v=v/10 return 0, v end),
combat_apr = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
resists_pen = {
[DamageType.ACID] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
[DamageType.NATURE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
[DamageType.ACID] = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5),
[DamageType.NATURE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5),
combat = {
melee_project = {
[DamageType.ITEM_ACID_CORRODE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(30, 5),
burst_on_crit = {
[DamageType.ACID] = resolvers.mbonus_material(40, 5),
[DamageType.NATURE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(40, 5),
power_source = {nature=true},
name = "glacial ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {glacial=true},
name = "stormbringer's ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {stormbringer=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 45,
rarity = 30,
cost = 40,
wielder = {
combat_armor = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
movement_speed = resolvers.mbonus_material(0.3, 0.2),
resists_pen = {
[DamageType.COLD] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
[DamageType.COLD] = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5),
[DamageType.LIGHTNING] = resolvers.mbonus_material(20, 5),
combat = {
burst_on_crit = {
[DamageType.ICE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5),
[DamageType.LIGHTNING] = resolvers.mbonus_material(40, 5),
[DamageType.COLD] = resolvers.mbonus_material(40, 5),
power_source = {nature=true},
name = "enhanced ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {enhanced=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 45,
rarity = 30,
cost = 40,
wielder = {
inc_stats = {
[Stats.STAT_STR] = resolvers.mbonus_material(9, 1),
[Stats.STAT_DEX] = resolvers.mbonus_material(9, 1),
[Stats.STAT_MAG] = resolvers.mbonus_material(9, 1),
[Stats.STAT_WIL] = resolvers.mbonus_material(9, 1),
[Stats.STAT_CUN] = resolvers.mbonus_material(9, 1),
[Stats.STAT_CON] = resolvers.mbonus_material(9, 1),
[Stats.STAT_STR] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 3),
[Stats.STAT_DEX] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 3),
[Stats.STAT_MAG] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 3),
[Stats.STAT_WIL] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 3),
[Stats.STAT_CUN] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 3),
[Stats.STAT_CON] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 3),
combat = {
power_source = {nature=true},
name = " of nature", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {nature=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
name = " of enduring", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {enduring=true},
level_range = {20, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
rarity = 30,
cost = 40,
wielder = {
resists = { all = resolvers.mbonus_material(8, 2) },
resists_pen = {
[DamageType.NATURE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
inc_stats = {
[Stats.STAT_CON] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
[Stats.STAT_WIL] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 5),
combat = {
max_life = resolvers.mbonus_material(100, 10),
-- Antimagic
......@@ -642,7 +632,7 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {antimagic=true},
name = " of persecution", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {banishment=true},
keywords = {persecution=true},
level_range = {1, 50},
rarity = 20,
cost = 20,
......@@ -656,51 +646,6 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {antimagic=true},
name = " of purging", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {purging=true},
level_range = {1, 50},
rarity = 20,
greater_ego = 1,
cost = 20,
combat = {
melee_project={[DamageType.NATURE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 5)},
special_on_hit = {desc="25% chance to remove a magical effect",
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if not rng.percent(25) then return end
local effs = {}
-- Go through all spell effects
for eff_id, p in pairs(target.tmp) do
local e = target.tempeffect_def[eff_id]
if e.type == "magical" then
effs[#effs+1] = {"effect", eff_id}
-- Go through all sustained spells
for tid, act in pairs(target.sustain_talents) do
if act then
local talent = target:getTalentFromId(tid)
if talent.is_spell then effs[#effs+1] = {"talent", tid} end
local eff = rng.tableRemove(effs)
if eff then
if eff[1] == "effect" then
target:forceUseTalent(eff[2], {ignore_energy=true})
game.logSeen(target, "%s's magic has been #ORCHID#purged#LAST#!",
power_source = {antimagic=true},
name = "inquisitor's ", prefix=true, instant_resolve=true,
......@@ -708,35 +653,39 @@ newEntity{
level_range = {30, 50},
rarity = 45,
greater_ego = 1,
unique_ego = 1,
cost = 40,
combat = {
melee_project = {
[DamageType.ITEM_ANTIMAGIC_MANABURN] = resolvers.mbonus_material(15, 10),
special_on_crit = {desc="burns latent spell energy",
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
local turns = 1 + math.ceil(who:combatMindpower() / 20)
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
if not who:checkHit(check, target:combatMentalResist()) then game.logSeen(target, "%s resists!", return nil end
local tids = {}
for tid, lev in pairs(target.talents) do
local t = target:getTalentFromId(tid)
if t and not target.talents_cd[tid] and t.mode == "activated" and t.is_spell and not t.innate then tids[#tids+1] = t end
special_on_crit = {
desc=function(self, who, special)
local manaburn = special.manaburn(who)
return ("Deals #YELLOW#%d#LAST# Manaburn damage and puts 1 random spell talent on cooldown for #YELLOW#%d#LAST# turns (checks Confusion immunity)"):
format(manaburn or 0, 1 + math.ceil(who:combatMindpower() / 20))
local dam = math.floor(who:combatStatScale(who:combatMindpower(), 1, 150))
return dam
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
local manaburn = special.manaburn(who)
local tg = {type="hit", range=1}
who:project(tg, target.x, target.y, engine.DamageType.MANABURN, manaburn)
local t = rng.tableRemove(tids)
if not t then return nil end
local damage = t.mana or t.vim or t.positive or t.negative or t.paradox or 0
target.talents_cd[] = turns
local turns = 1 + math.ceil(who:combatMindpower() / 20)
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
if not who:checkHit(check, target:combatMentalResist()) or not target:canBe("confusion") then return end
local tg = {type="hit", range=1}
damage = util.getval(damage, target, t)
if type(damage) ~= "number" then damage = 0 end
who:project(tg, target.x, target.y, engine.DamageType.ARCANE, damage)
local tids = {}
for tid, lev in pairs(target.talents) do
local t = target:getTalentFromId(tid)
if t and not target.talents_cd[tid] and t.mode == "activated" and not t.innate and t.is_spell then tids[#tids+1] = t end
game.logSeen(target, "%s's %s has been #ORCHID#burned#LAST#!",,
local t = rng.tableRemove(tids)
target.talents_cd[] = turns
game.logSeen(target, "#YELLOW#%s has their %s spell disrupted for for %d turns!",,, turns)
......@@ -746,17 +695,22 @@ newEntity{
keywords = {disruption=true},
level_range = {30, 50},
greater_ego = 1,
unique_ego = 1,
rarity = 50,
cost = 40,
combat = {
inc_damage_type = {
unnatural=resolvers.mbonus_material(25, 5),
special_on_hit = {desc="disrupts spell-casting",
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
target:setEffect(target.EFF_SPELL_DISRUPTION, 10, {src=who, power = 10, max = 50, apply_power=check})
special_on_hit = {
desc=function(self, who, special)
return ("Cause the target to have a 10%% chance to fail spellcasting and 10%% chance to lose a magical sustain each turn, stacking up to 50%%"):format()
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
target:setEffect(target.EFF_SPELL_DISRUPTION, 5, {src=who, power = 10, max = 50, apply_power=check})
......@@ -765,10 +719,11 @@ newEntity{
name = " of dampening", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {dampening=true},
level_range = {1, 50},
rarity = 18,
rarity = 30,
cost = 22,
wielder = {
all = resolvers.mbonus_material(8, 2),
[DamageType.ACID] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 7),
[DamageType.LIGHTNING] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 7),
[DamageType.FIRE] = resolvers.mbonus_material(10, 7),
......@@ -799,7 +754,7 @@ newEntity{
name = " of projection", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {projection=true},
level_range = {1, 50},
rarity = 25,
rarity = 40,
cost = 15,
greater_ego = 1,
unique_ego = 1,
......@@ -809,11 +764,11 @@ newEntity{
on_kill = 1,
desc=function(self, who, special)
local targets = self.combat.projection_targets
return ("Projects up to #LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE#%d#LAST# attacks dealing 30%% weapon damage to random targets in range 7 as mind damage (cannot hit the initial target)"):format(targets or 0)
return ("Projects up to %d attacks dealing 30%% weapon damage to other random targets in range 7 as mind damage (1/turn)"):format(targets or 0)
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if who.turn_procs.ego_projection then return end
who.turn_procs.ego_projection = true
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if table.get(who.turn_procs, "ego_projection", combat) then return end
table.set(who.turn_procs, "ego_projection", combat, true)
local tg = {type="ball", radius=7}
local grids = who:project(tg, who.x, who.y, function() end)
......@@ -829,7 +784,8 @@ newEntity{
who:attackTargetWith(project_target, combat, engine.DamageType.MIND, 0.3)
......@@ -857,39 +813,38 @@ newEntity{
power_source = {psionic=true},
name = " of amnesia", suffix=true, instant_resolve=true,
keywords = {forgotten=true},
keywords = {amnesia=true},
level_range = {10, 50},
rarity = 30, -- very rare because no one can remember how to make them... haha
rarity = 40, -- very rare because no one can remember how to make them... haha
cost = 15,
greater_ego = 1,
unique_ego = 1,
wielder = {
combat = {
special_on_hit = {
desc=function(self, who, special)
return ("25%% chance to put 1 talent on cooldown for #YELLOW#%d#LAST# turns"):format(1 + math.ceil(who:combatMindpower() / 20))
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if not rng.percent(25) then return nil end
local turns = 1 + math.ceil(who:combatMindpower() / 20)
local number = 1
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
if not who:checkHit(check, target:combatMentalResist()) then game.logSeen(target, "%s resists the amnesia!", return nil end
local tids = {}
for tid, lev in pairs(target.talents) do
local t = target:getTalentFromId(tid)
if t and not target.talents_cd[tid] and t.mode == "activated" and not t.innate then tids[#tids+1] = t end
desc=function(self, who, special)
return ("#LIGHT_GREEN#50%%#LAST# chance to put 1 talent on cooldown for #YELLOW#%d#LAST# turns (checks Confusion immunity)"):format(1 + math.ceil(who:combatMindpower() / 20))
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if not rng.percent(50) then return nil end
local turns = 1 + math.ceil(who:combatMindpower() / 20)
local number = 1
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
if not who:checkHit(check, target:combatMentalResist()) or not target:canBe("confusion") then return end
for i = 1, number do
local t = rng.tableRemove(tids)
if not t then break end
target.talents_cd[] = turns
game.logSeen(target, "#YELLOW#%s has temporarily forgotten %s!",,
local tids = {}
for tid, lev in pairs(target.talents) do
local t = target:getTalentFromId(tid)
if t and not target.talents_cd[tid] and t.mode == "activated" and not t.innate then tids[#tids+1] = t end
for i = 1, number do
local t = rng.tableRemove(tids)
if not t then break end
target.talents_cd[] = turns
game.logSeen(target, "#YELLOW#%s has temporarily forgotten %s for %d turns!",,, turns)
......@@ -902,22 +857,22 @@ newEntity{
unique_ego = 1,
rarity = 30,
cost = 30,
wielder = {
combat = {
special_on_hit = {desc="20% chance to stun, blind, pin, confuse, or silence the target",
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if not rng.percent(20) then return end
local eff = rng.table{"stun", "blind", "pin", "confusion", "silence",}
if not target:canBe(eff) then return end
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
if not who:checkHit(check, target:combatMentalResist()) then return end
if eff == "stun" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_STUNNED, 3, {})
elseif eff == "blind" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_BLINDED, 3, {})
elseif eff == "pin" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_PINNED, 3, {})
elseif eff == "confusion" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_CONFUSED, 3, {power=30})
elseif eff == "silence" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_SILENCED, 3, {})
special_on_hit = {
desc="#LIGHT_GREEN#20%#LAST# chance to stun, blind, pin, confuse, or silence the target for 3 turns",
fct=function(combat, who, target, dam, special)
if not rng.percent(20) then return end
local eff = rng.table{"stun", "blind", "pin", "confusion", "silence",}
if not target:canBe(eff) then return end
local check = math.max(who:combatSpellpower(), who:combatMindpower(), who:combatAttack())
if not who:checkHit(check, target:combatMentalResist()) then return end
if eff == "stun" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_STUNNED, 3, {})
elseif eff == "blind" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_BLINDED, 3, {})
elseif eff == "pin" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_PINNED, 3, {})
elseif eff == "confusion" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_CONFUSED, 3, {power=30})
elseif eff == "silence" then target:setEffect(target.EFF_SILENCED, 3, {})
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