desc[#desc+1]=_t"Your studies have uncovered much surrounding this subject, but now you must prepare for your glorious rebirth."
desc[#desc+1]=_t"You will need:"
ifwho.level>=25andwho.unused_prodigies>=1andwho:getMag()>=50andwho:getWil()>=25thendesc[#desc+1]=_t"#LIGHT_GREEN#* You are experienced enough.#WHITE#"
if(who.level>=25andwho.unused_prodigies>=1andwho:getMag()>=50andwho:getWil()>=25)orself:isSuccess()thendesc[#desc+1]=_t"#LIGHT_GREEN#* You are experienced enough.#WHITE#"
elsedesc[#desc+1]=_t"#SLATE#* The ceremony will require that you are worthy, experienced, and possessed of a certain amount of power (level 25, Magic over 50, Willpower over 25 and one prodigy point available).#WHITE#"end
ifself:isCompleted("heart")thendesc[#desc+1]=_t"#LIGHT_GREEN#* You have 'extracted' the heart of one of your fellow necromancers.#WHITE#"
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ desc = function(self, who)
desc[#desc+1]=_t"#SLATE#* The ceremony will require a suitable location, secluded and given to the channelling of energy#WHITE#"
ifself:isSuccess()thendesc[#desc+1]=_t"#CRIMSON#* You have ascended to Lichdom!#WHITE#"end