localheal=t.getSunlightHeal(self,t)-- It gets very weird to avoid double crits if this can crit, if thats needed define its value in relation to getGlyphDam
return([[Deals %d light damage and disarms for %d turns.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam),self.disarmDur)
return([[Deals %d light damage and heals the summoner for %d]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam),self.heal)
return([[Deals %d darkness damage and inflicts a fatiguing darkness, dealing %d darkness damage and increasing the cooldown of a cooling-down talent by 1 upon every action for %d turns.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.dam),engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.fatigueDam),self.fatigueDur)
return([[Deals %d darkness damage and saps the foes energy, reducing all damage dealt by %d%% for %d turns.]]):
return([[Explodes, knocking back and dealing %d light and %d darkness damage.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam/2),engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.dam/2))
return([[Explodes knocking the enemy 1 space in a random direction and dealing %d light and %d darkness damage.]]):format(engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.LIGHT,self.dam/2),engine.interface.ActorTalents.damDesc(self,engine.DamageType.DARKNESS,self.dam/2))
-- if self.star_glyph_cd == 0 then self.star_glyph_cd = false end
-- if self.twi_glyph_cd == 0 then self.twi_glyph_cd = false end
return([[When one of your spells goes critical, you bind glyphs in radius 1 centred on a random target in range 7 at the cost of 5 positive and 5 negative.
Glyphs are hidden traps (%d detection and disarm power) lasting for %d turns.
This can only happen once per turn and each glyph can only be bound every %d turns.
Glyph damage will scale with spellpower and detection and disarm powers scale with magic.
return([[When one of your spells goes critical, you bind glyphs in radius 1 centered on a random target in range %d at the cost of 5 positive and 5 negative energy.
Glyphs last for %d turns and cause various effects when an enemy enters their grid.
Glyphs will only spawn on enemies that aren't adjacent to an existing glyph and will prioritize your own position if it is valid.
This can only happen every %d game turns.
Glyph effects will scale with your Spellpower.
Avalable glyphs are:
Glyph of Sunlight - Bind sunlight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a brilliant light, dealing %d light damage and disarming for %d turns.
Glyph of Fatigue - Bind starlight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a fatiguing darkness. For %d turns, every action the foe makes will increase the cooldown of a cooling-down talent by 1 and cause it to take %d darkness damage.
Glyph of Explosion - Bind twilight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a burst of twilight, knocking the foe back %d tiles and dealing %d light and %d darkness damage.
Glyph of Sunlight - Bind sunlight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a brilliant light, dealing %0.2f light damage and healing you for %d.
Glyph of Moonlight - Bind moonlight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a fatiguing darkness, dealing %0.2f darkness damage and reducing the foes damage dealt by %d%% for %d turns.
Glyph of Twilight - Bind twilight into a glyph. When triggered it will release a burst of twilight, dealing %0.2f light and %0.2f darkness damage and knocking the foe back %d tiles.
return([[Your glyphs are imbued with celestial fury; they last %d turns longer and when triggered they will deal damage.
Glyph of Sunlight: Deals %d light damage.
Glyph of Starlight: Deals %d darkness damage.
Glyph of Twilight: Deals %d light and %d darkness damage.]]):format(t.getPersistentDuration(self,t),damDesc(self,DamageType.LIGHT,dam),damDesc(self,DamageType.DARKNESS,dam),damDesc(self,DamageType.LIGHT,dam/2),damDesc(self,DamageType.DARKNESS,dam/2))
Glyph of Sunlight: Deals %0.2f light damage.
Glyph of Moonlight: Deals %0.2f darkness damage.
Glyph of Twilight: Deals %0.2f light and %0.2f darkness damage.]]):format(t.getPersistentDuration(self,t),damDesc(self,DamageType.LIGHT,dam),damDesc(self,DamageType.DARKNESS,dam),damDesc(self,DamageType.LIGHT,dam/2),damDesc(self,DamageType.DARKNESS,dam/2))
return([[Up to 3 times pers turn when one of your glyphs triggers you feel a surge of celestial power, increasing your darkness and light resistence and affinity by 5%% for %d turns, stacking up to %d times.]]):format(t.getTurns(self,t),t.getMaxStacks(self,t))