t("You decided to side with the Grand Corruptor and joined forces to assault the Ziguranth main base of power.", " 你决定与大堕落者并肩战斗,加入对伊格兰斯的大本营的攻击。", "_t")
t("You decided to side with the Grand Corruptor and joined forces to assault the Ziguranth main base of power.", " 你决定与大腐化者并肩战斗,加入对伊格兰斯的大本营的攻击。", "_t")
t("The Grand Corruptor died during the attack before he had time to teach you his ways.", " 大堕落者还没来得及教会你他的技巧,就在战斗中战死了", "_t")
t("The Grand Corruptor died during the attack before he had time to teach you his ways.", " 大腐化者还没来得及教会你他的技巧,就在战斗中战死了", "_t")
t("The defenders of Zigur were crushed, the Ziguranth scattered and weakened.", " 伊格城的防御被击溃了,伊格兰斯的势力瓦解衰落了。", "_t")
t("The defenders of Zigur were crushed, the Ziguranth scattered and weakened.", " 伊格城的防御被击溃了,伊格兰斯的势力瓦解衰落了。", "_t")
t("In the aftermath you turned against the Grand Corruptor and dispatched him.", " 最后,你背叛了大堕落者并杀死了他。", "_t")
t("In the aftermath you turned against the Grand Corruptor and dispatched him.", " 最后,你背叛了大腐化者并杀死了他。", "_t")
t("Select the party member to receive the hexes generic talent tree:", "选择接受邪术技能树的队伍成员:", "_t")
t("Select the party member to receive the hexes generic talent tree:", "选择接受邪术技能树的队伍成员:", "_t")
t("#LIGHT_GREEN#The Grand Corruptor gazes upon you. You feel knowledge flowing in your mind. You can now train some corruption powers.", "#LIGHT_GREEN#大堕落者凝视着你。你感觉到知识在你的脑海里流动。你可以学习一些堕落能力了。", "_t")
t("#LIGHT_GREEN#The Grand Corruptor gazes upon you. You feel knowledge flowing in your mind. You can now train some corruption powers.", "#LIGHT_GREEN#大腐化者凝视着你。你感觉到知识在你的脑海里流动。你可以学习一些堕落能力了。", "_t")
t("Grand Corruptor", "大堕落者", "_t")
t("Grand Corruptor", "大腐化者", "_t")
t("Victory is mine!", "胜利是属于我的!", "_t")
t("Victory is mine!", "胜利是属于我的!", "_t")
t("While you were in the Far East, the Grand Corruptor was busy in Maj'Eyal.", "当你在远东战斗的视乎,大堕落者正在马基·埃亚尔忙碌着。", "_t")
t("While you were in the Far East, the Grand Corruptor was busy in Maj'Eyal.", "当你在远东战斗的视乎,大腐化者正在马基·埃亚尔忙碌着。", "_t")
t("With the fall of Zigur he was able to attack and take control of Elvala, the Shaloren capital city.", "在伊格陨落之后,他成功地进攻并占领了埃尔瓦拉,永恒精灵的首都。", "_t")
t("With the fall of Zigur he was able to attack and take control of Elvala, the Shaloren capital city.", "在伊格陨落之后,他成功地进攻并占领了埃尔瓦拉,永恒精灵的首都。", "_t")
t("His plans however do not stop there.", "他的野心绝不止步于此。", "_t")
t("His plans however do not stop there.", "他的野心绝不止步于此。", "_t")
t([[Open a radius 1 rift in spacetime at the targeted location for %d turns, increasing in radius by 1 each turn to a maximum of %d.
All caught within the rift are pulled towards the center and take %0.2f gravity damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[在目标地点开启半径1的时空裂缝,持续 %d 回合。每回合半径增加1,最大 %d 。
所有被裂缝波及的目标都会被朝中心牵引,受到 %0.2f 重力伤害。
伤害随法术强度增加。]], "tformat")
t("Devourer Stance", "势吞干戈", "talent name")
t([[Attune yourself to the endless hunger of distant dead suns. For the next %d turns, your attacks will inflict an additional %0.2f gravity damage and attempt to pull enemies closer. After three turns, you will recover half of all damage taken during this effect.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你将死星那无尽的饥饿赋予自己。在接下来的 %d 回合里,你的攻击造成额外 %0.2f 重力伤害并会试图将敌人拉近。3回合之后,你获得此效果期间所受伤害一半的回复。
伤害随法术强度增加。]], "tformat")
t("Singularity Armor", "星核护甲", "talent name")
t("Create a gravity field around you that converts %d%% of all damage you deal into physical damage, slows incoming projectiles by %d%%, and causes your gravity damage to reduce the target's knockback resistance by half for two turns.", "在你身边制造一个重力场,将你造成伤害的 %d%% 转化为物理伤害,使向你发射的飞行物减速 %d%% ,并使你的重力伤害减半目标的击退抗性两回合。", "tformat")
t("Doom Spiral", "毁灭螺旋", "talent name")
t([[Infuse your weapon with overwhelming gravitational power while spinning around.
All creatures within radius 2 take %d%% weapon damage as physical (gravity) and are pulled closer.
Then, all adjacent creatures take %d%% weapon damage. This second strike shields you for between %d and %d, increasing with more enemies hit. The shield lasts for 2 turns.
The shield strength will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[旋转一周,同时将毁灭性的重力注入武器。
t([[Open a radius 1 rift in spacetime at the targeted location for %d turns, increasing in radius by 1 each turn to a maximum of %d.
All caught within the rift are pulled towards the center and take %0.2f gravity damage.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[在目标地点开启半径1的时空裂缝,持续 %d 回合。每回合半径增加1,最大 %d 。
所有被裂缝波及的目标都会被朝中心牵引,受到 %0.2f 重力伤害。
伤害随法术强度增加。]], "tformat")
t("Devourer Stance", "势吞干戈", "talent name")
t([[Attune yourself to the endless hunger of distant dead suns. For the next %d turns, your attacks will inflict an additional %0.2f gravity damage and attempt to pull enemies closer. After three turns, you will recover half of all damage taken during this effect.
The damage will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[你将死星那无尽的饥饿赋予自己。在接下来的 %d 回合里,你的攻击造成额外 %0.2f 重力伤害并会试图将敌人拉近。3回合之后,你获得此效果期间所受伤害一半的回复。
伤害随法术强度增加。]], "tformat")
t("Singularity Armor", "星核护甲", "talent name")
t("Create a gravity field around you that converts %d%% of all damage you deal into physical damage, slows incoming projectiles by %d%%, and causes your gravity damage to reduce the target's knockback resistance by half for two turns.", "在你身边制造一个重力场,将你造成伤害的 %d%% 转化为物理伤害,使向你发射的飞行物减速 %d%% ,并使你的重力伤害减半目标的击退抗性两回合。", "tformat")
t("Doom Spiral", "毁灭螺旋", "talent name")
t([[Infuse your weapon with overwhelming gravitational power while spinning around.
All creatures within radius 2 take %d%% weapon damage as physical (gravity) and are pulled closer.
Then, all adjacent creatures take %d%% weapon damage. This second strike shields you for between %d and %d, increasing with more enemies hit. The shield lasts for 2 turns.
The shield strength will increase with your Spellpower.]], [[旋转一周,同时将毁灭性的重力注入武器。
@@ -31245,10 +31245,10 @@ t([[Fungal spores have colonized your blood, so that each time you use an infusi
@@ -31245,10 +31245,10 @@ t([[Fungal spores have colonized your blood, so that each time you use an infusi
真菌之力保存 6 回合,每回合减少 10 点或 10%% 。
真菌之力保存 6 回合,每回合减少 10 点或 10%% 。
真菌能量的保存数量和治疗上限受体质值加成。]], "tformat")
真菌能量的保存数量和治疗上限受体质值加成。]], "tformat")
t("Corrupted Shell", "堕落之壳", "talent name")
t("Corrupted Shell", "堕落之壳", "talent name")
t("Have received at least 3500 blight damage and destroyed Zigur with the Grand Corruptor.", "承受过至少 3500 点枯萎伤害并和大堕落者一起摧毁伊格。", "_t")
t("Have received at least 3500 blight damage and destroyed Zigur with the Grand Corruptor.", "承受过至少 3500 点枯萎伤害并和大腐化者一起摧毁伊格。", "_t")
t([[Thanks to your newfound knowledge of corruption, you've learned some tricks for toughening your body... but only if you are healthy enough to withstand the strain from the changes.
t([[Thanks to your newfound knowledge of corruption, you've learned some tricks for toughening your body... but only if you are healthy enough to withstand the strain from the changes.
Improves your life by 500, your defense by %d, your armour by %d, your armour hardiness by 20%% and your saves by %d as your natural toughness and reflexes are pushed beyond their normal limits.
Improves your life by 500, your defense by %d, your armour by %d, your armour hardiness by 20%% and your saves by %d as your natural toughness and reflexes are pushed beyond their normal limits.
Your saves armour and defense will improve with your Constitution.]], [[多亏了你在堕落能量上的新发现,你学到一些方法来增强你的体质。但是只有当你有一副强壮的体魄时方能承受这剧烈的变化。
Your saves armour and defense will improve with your Constitution.]], [[多亏了你在枯萎能量上的新发现,你学到一些方法来增强你的体质。但是只有当你有一副强壮的体魄时方能承受这剧烈的变化。