-- learn talents based on trees: focus trees we take 3-4 talents from with a decent amount of point investment, shallow trees we only take 1 or 2 with not many points
-- ideally rares should feel different even within the same class based on what focus trees they get
nb_focus=math.floor(0.2+rng.float(0.25,0.35)*(math.max(0,data.level))^0.55)-- first around 8-10, second around 25-35, third around 50-70
nb_shallow=2+math.floor(0.25+rng.float(0.1,0.2)*(math.max(0,data.level))^0.6)-- third around 12-30, fourth 40-80
elseifrank>=4then--boss/elite boss
nb_focus=1+math.floor(0.25+rng.float(0.12,0.33)*(math.max(0,data.level-4))^0.5)-- second around 10-16, third around 30-50, fourth around 60-85 uncommonly
nb_shallow=1+math.floor(0.33+rng.float(0.1,0.18)*(math.max(0,data.level-3))^0.6)-- second around 12-20, third 40-80
nb_focus=1+math.floor(0.2+rng.float(0.1,0.3)*(math.max(0,data.level-10))^0.5)-- second around 17-30, third around 40-80
nb_shallow=1+math.floor(0.7+rng.float(0.1,0.2)*(math.max(0,data.level-8))^0.6)-- second around 12-14, third around 30-70, fourth around 70-90 rarely
print("Adding "..nb_focus.." primary trees to boss")
print("Adding "..nb_shallow.." secondary trees to boss")