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tome / Tales of MajEyal
13839 commits behind the upstream repository.
dg authored
TE4 can now handle multiple versions of the same engine (or even different ones). Engines are located in game/engines and the default one in game/engines/default Game engines can also come in archived form in a .teae zip file git-svn-id: 51575b47-30f0-44d4-a5cc-537603b46e54
dg authoredTE4 can now handle multiple versions of the same engine (or even different ones). Engines are located in game/engines and the default one in game/engines/default Game engines can also come in archived form in a .teae zip file git-svn-id: 51575b47-30f0-44d4-a5cc-537603b46e54
Faction.lua 4.05 KiB
-- TE4 - T-Engine 4
-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Nicolas Casalini
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
require "engine.class"
--- Defines factions
module(..., package.seeall, class.make)
_M.factions = {}
--- Adds a new faction.
-- Static method, and can be called during load.lua.
-- @param t the table describing the faction.
-- @param the name of the added faction, REQUIRED.
-- @param t.short_name the internally referenced name, defaults to lowercase with "-" for spaces.
-- @param t.reaction table of initial reactions to other factions, where keys are short_names.
-- @return t.short_name see above.
function _M:add(t)
assert(, "no faction name")
t.short_name = t.short_name or" ", "-")
if self.factions[t.short_name] then print("[FACTION] tried to redefine", return t.short_name end
local r = {}
t.reaction = t.reaction or {}
for n, v in pairs(t.reaction) do
n = n:lower():gsub(" ", "-")
r[n] = v
t.reaction = r
self.factions[t.short_name] = t
return t.short_name
--- Sets the initial reaction.
-- Static method, and can be called during load.lua.
-- @param f1 the source faction short_name.
-- @param f2 the target faction short_name.
-- @param reaction a numerical value representing the reaction, 0 is neutral, <0 is aggressive, >0 is friendly.
-- @param mutual if true the same status will be set for f2 toward f1.
function _M:setInitialReaction(f1, f2, reaction, mutual)
print("[FACTION] initial", f1, f2, reaction, mutual)
-- Faction always like itself
if f1 == f2 then return end
if not self.factions[f1] then return end
if not self.factions[f2] then return end
self.factions[f1].reaction[f2] = reaction
if mutual then
self.factions[f2].reaction[f1] = reaction
--- Returns the faction definition
function _M:get(id)
return self.factions[id]
--- Returns the status of faction f1 toward f2
-- @param f1 the source faction short_name.
-- @param f2 the target faction short_name.
-- @return reaction a numerical value representing the reaction, 0 is neutral, <0 is aggressive, >0 is friendly.
function _M:factionReaction(f1, f2)
-- Faction always like itself
if f1 == f2 then return 100 end
if game.factions and game.factions[f1] and game.factions[f1][f2] then return game.factions[f1][f2] end
if not self.factions[f1] then return 0 end
return self.factions[f1].reaction[f2] or 0
--- Sets the status of faction f1 toward f2.
-- This should only be used after the game has loaded (not in load.lua).
-- These changes will be saved to the savefile.
-- @param f1 the source faction short_name.
-- @param f2 the target faction short_name.
-- @param reaction a numerical value representing the reaction, 0 is neutral, <0 is aggressive, >0 is friendly.
-- @param mutual if true the same status will be set for f2 toward f1.
function _M:setFactionReaction(f1, f2, reaction, mutual)
reaction = util.bound(reaction, -100, 100)
print("[FACTION]", f1, f2, reaction, mutual)
-- Faction always like itself
if f1 == f2 then return end
if not self.factions[f1] then return end
if not self.factions[f2] then return end
game.factions = game.factions or {}
game.factions[f1] = game.factions[f1] or {}
game.factions[f1][f2] = reaction
if mutual then
game.factions[f2] = game.factions[f2] or {}
game.factions[f2][f1] = reaction
-- Add a few default factions
_M:add{ name="Players", reaction={enemies=-100} }
_M:add{ name="Enemies", reaction={players=-100} }