-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
name = "Blurred Mortality",
type = {"spell/necrosis",1},
require = spells_req1,
lifeBonus = function(self, t) -- Add fraction of max life
return 50 * self:getTalentLevelRaw(t) + self.max_life * self:combatTalentLimit(t, 1, .01, .05)
if self.player and not self:attr("no_lichform_quest") and not self:hasQuest("lichform") and not self:attr("undead") then
if game.state.birth.campaign_name ~= "maj-eyal" then self:setQuestStatus("lichform", engine.Quest.DONE) end
require("engine.ui.Dialog"):simplePopup("Lichform", "You have mastered the lesser arts of overcoming death, but your true goal is before you: the true immortality of Lichform!")
die_at = self:addTemporaryValue("die_at", -t.lifeBonus(self, t)),
} -- Add up to 100% max life
deactivate = function(self, t, p)
self:removeTemporaryValue("die_at", p.die_at)
return ([[The line between life and death blurs for you; you can only die when you reach -%d life.]]):
name = "Impending Doom",
type = {"spell/necrosis",2},
require = spells_req2,
points = 5,
mana = 60,
cooldown = 25,
tactical = { ATTACK = { ARCANE = 3 }, DISABLE = 2 },
Chris Davidson
rnd_boss_restrict = function(self, t)
return self.level < 15
getMax = function(self, t) return 200 + self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 28, 850) end,
getDamage = function(self, t) return self:combatLimit(self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 10, 100), 150, 50, 0, 117, 67) end, -- Limit damage factor to < 150%
self:project(tg, x, y, function(px, py)
local target =, py, Map.ACTOR)
if not target then return end
local dam = * t.getDamage(self, t) / 100
dam = math.min(dam, t.getMax(self, t))
target:setEffect(target.EFF_IMPENDING_DOOM, 10, {apply_power=self:combatSpellpower(), dam=dam/10, src=self})
return ([[Your target's doom draws near. Its healing factor is reduced by 80%%, and will take %d%% of its remaining life (or %0.2f, whichever is lower) over 10 turns as arcane damage.
type = {"spell/necrosis",3},
require = spells_req3,
points = 5,
random_ego = "attack",
mana = 30,
cooldown = 18,
is_heal = true,
getHeal = function(self, t) return self:combatLimit(self:combatTalentSpellDamage(t, 10, 70), 100, 20, 0, 66.7, 46.7) end, --Limit to <100%
on_pre_use = function(self, t)
if and then
for act, def in pairs( do
if act.summoner and act.summoner == self and act.necrotic_minion then
return true
for uid, act in pairs(game.level.entities) do
if act.summoner and act.summoner == self and act.necrotic_minion then
return true
return false
local maxdrain = 0 --Use biggest drain for healing purposes
local drain = 0
if and then
for act, def in pairs( do
if act.summoner and act.summoner == self and act.necrotic_minion then
drain = math.min(act.max_life * heal / 100,
act:takeHit(drain, self)
maxdrain = math.max(maxdrain, drain)
for uid, act in pairs(game.level.entities) do
if act.summoner and act.summoner == self and act.necrotic_minion then
drain = math.min(act.max_life * heal / 100,
act:takeHit(drain, self)
maxdrain = math.max(maxdrain, drain)
self:attr("allow_on_heal", 1)
local empower = necroEssenceDead(self)
if empower then
self:setEffect(self.EFF_DAMAGE_SHIELD, 4, {color={0xcb/255, 0xcb/255, 0xcb/255}, power=maxdrain * 0.3})
self:attr("allow_on_heal", -1)
if then
self:addParticles("shader_shield_temp", 1, {size_factor=1.5, y=-0.3, img="healdark", life=25}, {type="healing", time_factor=6000, beamsCount=15, noup=2.0, beamColor1={0xcb/255, 0xcb/255, 0xcb/255, 1}, beamColor2={0x35/255, 0x35/255, 0x35/255, 1}}))
self:addParticles("shader_shield_temp", 1, {size_factor=1.5, y=-0.3, img="healdark", life=25}, {type="healing", time_factor=6000, beamsCount=15, noup=1.0, beamColor1={0xcb/255, 0xcb/255, 0xcb/255, 1}, beamColor2={0x35/255, 0x35/255, 0x35/255, 1}}))
return ([[Absorb up to %d%% of the maximum life of each of your necrotic minions (even negative life, possibly destroying them). This will heal you for the greatest amount absorbed.
name = "Lichform",
type = {"spell/necrosis",4},
require = {
stat = { mag=function(level) return 40 + (level-1) * 2 end },
level = function(level) return 20 + (level-1) end,
special = { desc="'From Death, Life' quest completed and not already undead", fct=function(self, t) return not self:attr("undead") and (self:isQuestStatus("lichform", engine.Quest.DONE) or game.state.birth.ignore_prodigies_special_reqs) end},
self.has_used_lichform = true
self.descriptor.race = "Undead"
self.descriptor.subrace = "Lich"
if not self.has_custom_tile then
self.moddable_tile = "skeleton"
self.moddable_tile_base = "base_lich_01.png"
self.moddable_tile_ornament = nil
self.moddable_tile_hair = nil
self.moddable_tile_facial_features = nil
self.moddable_tile_tatoo = nil
self.moddable_tile_horn = nil
self.blood_color = colors.GREY
self:attr("poison_immune", 1)
self:attr("disease_immune", 1)
self:attr("stun_immune", 1)
self:attr("cut_immune", 1)
self:attr("fear_immune", 1)
self:attr("no_breath", 1)
self:attr("undead", 1)
self.resists[DamageType.COLD] = (self.resists[DamageType.COLD] or 0) + 20
self.resists[DamageType.DARKNESS] = (self.resists[DamageType.DARKNESS] or 0) + 20
self.inscription_forbids = self.inscription_forbids or {}
self.inscription_forbids["inscriptions/infusions"] = true
local level = self:getTalentLevel(t)
if level < 2 then
self:incIncStat("mag", -3) self:incIncStat("wil", -3)
self.resists.all = (self.resists.all or 0) - 10
elseif level < 3 then
-- nothing
elseif level < 4 then
self:incIncStat("mag", 3) self:incIncStat("wil", 3)
self.life_rating = self.life_rating + 1
elseif level < 5 then
self:incIncStat("mag", 3) self:incIncStat("wil", 3)
self:attr("combat_spellresist", 10) self:attr("combat_mentalresist", 10)
self.life_rating = self.life_rating + 2
self:learnTalentType("celestial/star-fury", true)
self:setTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury", self:getTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury") - 0.3)
self.negative_regen = self.negative_regen + 0.2 + 0.1
elseif level < 6 then
self:incIncStat("mag", 5) self:incIncStat("wil", 5)
self:attr("combat_spellresist", 10) self:attr("combat_mentalresist", 10)
self.resists_cap.all = (self.resists_cap.all or 0) + 10
self.life_rating = self.life_rating + 2
self:learnTalentType("celestial/star-fury", true)
self:setTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury", self:getTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury") - 0.1)
self.negative_regen = self.negative_regen + 0.2 + 0.5
self:incIncStat("mag", 6) self:incIncStat("wil", 6) self:incIncStat("cun", 6)
self:attr("combat_spellresist", 15) self:attr("combat_mentalresist", 15)
self.resists_cap.all = (self.resists_cap.all or 0) + 15
self.life_rating = self.life_rating + 3
self:learnTalentType("celestial/star-fury", true)
self:setTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury", self:getTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury") + 0.1)
self.negative_regen = self.negative_regen + 0.2 + 1
else -- level 7
self:incIncStat("mag", 12) self:incIncStat("wil", 12) self:incIncStat("cun", 12)
self:attr("combat_spellresist", 35) self:attr("combat_mentalresist", 35)
self.resists_cap.all = (self.resists_cap.all or 0) + 15
self.life_rating = self.life_rating + 4
self:attr("ignore_direct_crits", 60)
self:learnTalentType("celestial/star-fury", true)
self:setTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury", self:getTalentTypeMastery("celestial/star-fury") + 0.3)
self.negative_regen = self.negative_regen + 0.2 + 1
if self:attr("blood_life") then
self.blood_life = nil
game.log("#GREY#As you turn into a powerful undead you feel your body violently rejecting the Blood of Life.")
if not self.has_custom_tile then
require("engine.ui.Dialog"):yesnoLongPopup("Lichform", "#GREY#You feel your life slip away, only to be replaced by pure arcane forces! Your flesh starts to rot on your bones, and your eyes fall apart as you are reborn into a Lich!\n\n#{italic}#You may now choose to customize the appearance of your Lich, this can not be changed afterwards.", 600, function(ret) if ret then
require("mod.dialogs.Birther"):showCosmeticCustomizer(self, "Lich Cosmetic Options")
end end, "Customize Appearance", "Use Default", true)
require("engine.ui.Dialog"):simplePopup("Lichform", "#GREY#You feel your life slip away, only to be replaced by pure arcane forces! Your flesh starts to rot on your bones, and your eyes fall apart as you are reborn into a Lich!")
on_pre_use = function(self, t)
if self:attr("undead") then return false else return true end
activate = function(self, t)
local ret = {
mana = self:addTemporaryValue("mana_regen", -4),
return ret
deactivate = function(self, t, p)
self:removeTemporaryValue("mana_regen", p.mana)
return ([[This is your true goal and the purpose of all necromancy - to become a powerful and everliving Lich!
If you are killed while this spell is active, the arcane forces you unleash will be able to rebuild your body into the desired Lichform.
- 100%% disease and stun resistance.
- 20%% cold and darkness resistance.
- No need to breathe.
- Infusions do not work.
At level 1: -3 to all stats, -10%% to all resistances. Such meagre devotion!
At level 2: Nothing.
At level 3: +3 Magic and Willpower, +1 life rating (not retroactive).
At level 4: +3 Magic and Willpower, +2 life rating (not retroactive), +10 spell and mental saves, Celestial/Star Fury category (0.7) and 0.1 negative energies regeneration.
At level 5: +5 Magic and Willpower, +2 life rating (not retroactive), +10 spell and mental saves, all resistance caps raised by 10%%, Celestial/Star Fury category (0.9) and 0.5 negative energy regeneration.
At level 6: +6 Magic, Willpower and Cunning, +3 life rating (not retroactive), +15 spell and mental saves, all resistance caps raised by 15%%, Celestial/Star Fury category (1.1) and 1.0 negative energy regeneration.
At level 7: #CRIMSON##{bold}#Your power becomes overwhelming!#{normal}##LAST# +12 Magic, Willpower and Cunning, 60%% chance to ignore critical hits, +4 life rating (not retroactive), +35 spell and mental saves, all resistance caps raised by 15%%, Celestial/Star Fury category (1.3) and 1.0 negative energy regeneration.
While active, it will drain 4 mana per turn.
Once you die and turn into a Lich you can not invest any more in this talent.]]):