-- Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Nicolas Casalini
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see <>.
-- Nicolas Casalini "DarkGod"
require "engine.class"
module(..., package.seeall, class.make)
With gold you can buy items in the various stores in town.
You can gain money by looting it from your foes, by selling items and by doing some quests.
This is your life force, when you take damage this is reduced more and more.
If it reaches below zero you die.
It is increased by Constitution.]]
The breath counter only appears when you are suffocating.
If it reaches zero you will die. Being stuck in a wall, being in deep water, ... all those kind of situations will decrease your air.
When you come back into a breathable atmosphere you will slowly regain your air level.
Stamina represents your physical fatigue. Each physical ability used reduces it.
It regenerates slowly over time or when resting.
It is increased by Willpower.]]
Mana represents your reserve of magical energies. Each spell cast consumes mana and each sustained spell reduces your maximum mana.
It is increased by Willpower.]]
Positive energy represents your reserve of positive "divine" power.
It slowly decreases and is replenished by using some talents.
Negative energy represents your reserve of negative "divine" power.
It slowly decreases and is replenished by using some talents.
Vim represents the amount of life energy you control. Each corruption talent requires some.
It does not regenerates naturally, you need to drain it from yourself or you victims.
Each time you kill a creature you drain 10% of your Willpower as Vim.
Also if you used a Corruption spell that costed Vim to kill a creature, that cost is refunded on death.
Equilibrium represents your standing in the grand balance of nature.
The closer it is to 0 the more in-balance you are. Being out of equilibrium will negatively affect your ability to use Wild Gifts.
Hate represents your inner rage against all that lives and dares face you.
It slowly decreases and is replenished by killing creatures.
All afflicted talents are based on Hate, the higher hate is the more effective the talents are.
Paradox represents how much damage you've caused to the spacetime continuum.
As your Paradox grows your spells will cost more to use and have greater effect; but they'll also become more difficult to control.
Your control over chronomancy spells increases with your Willpower.
Psi represents how much energy your mind can harness. Like matter, it can be neither created nor destroyed.
It does not regenerate naturally. You must absorb energy through shields or through various other talents.
Your capacity for storing energy is determined by your Willpower.
TOOLTIP_LEVEL = [[#GOLD#Level and experience#LAST#
Each time you kill a creature that is over your own level - 5 you gain some experience.
When you reach enough experience you advance to the next level. There is a maximum of 50 levels you can gain.
Each time you level you gain stat and talent points to use to improve your character.
Each object you carry has an encumberance value, your maximum carrying capacity is determined by your strength.
You can not move while encumbered, drop some items.
The people of Eyal have found a way to create herbal infusions and runes that can be inscribed on the skin of a creature.
Those inscriptions give the bearer always accessible powers. Usually most people have a simple regeneration infusion, but there are other kind of potion inscriptions.
-- Stats
Strength defines your character's ability to apply physical force. It increases your melee damage, damage done with heavy weapons, your chance to hit, your chance to save against physical effects, and carrying capacity.
Dexterity defines your character's ability to be agile and alert. It increases your chance to hit, your ability to avoid attacks, and your damage with light weapons.
TOOLTIP_CON = [[#GOLD#Constitution#LAST#
Constitution defines your character's ability to withstand and resist damage. It increases your maximum life, your chance to save against physical effects and your global damage reduction.
Magic defines your character's ability to manipulate the magical energy of the world. It increases your spell power, your chance to save against magical effects, and the effect of spells and other magic items.
Willpower defines your character's ability to concentrate. It increases your mana, stamina and psi capacity, and your chance to your chance to save against magical and mental effects.
Cunning defines your character's ability to learn, think, and react. It allows you to learn many worldly abilities, and increases your chance to save against mental effects and critical chance.
TOOLTIP_STRDEXCON = "#AQUAMARINE#Physical stats#LAST#\n---\n"..TOOLTIP_STR.."\n---\n"..TOOLTIP_DEX.."\n---\n"..TOOLTIP_CON
-- Melee
Your attack value represents your chance to hit your opponents, it is measured directly against the target's defense rating.
It is improved by both Strength and Dexterity.
This is the damage you inflict on your foes when you hit them.
This damage can be reduced by the target's armour or by percentile damage resistances.
It is improved by both Strength and Dexterity, some talents can change the stats that affect it.
TOOLTIP_COMBAT_APR = [[#GOLD#Armour Penetration#LAST#
Armour penetration allows you to ignore a part of the target's armour (this only works for armour, not damage resistance).
This can never increase the damage you do beyond reducing armour, so it is only useful against armoured foes.
Each time you deal damage you have a chance to make a critical hit that deals 150% of the normal damage.
Some talents allow you to increase this percentage.
It is improved by Cunning.
Attack speed represents how fast your attacks are compared to a normal turn.
This is the amount of ammo you have left.
Bows and sling have a "basic" infinite ammo so you can fire even when this reaches 0.
Alchemists use gems to throw bombs, they require ammo.
-- Defense
Fatigue is a percentile value that increases the cost of all your talents and spells.
It represents the fatigue created by wearing heavy equipment.
Not all talents are affected, notably Wild Gifts are not.
Armour value is a damage reduction from every incoming melee and ranged physical attacks.
This is countered by armour penetration and is applied before all kinds of critical damage increase, talent multipliers and damage multiplier, thus making even small amounts have greater effects.
Defense represents your chance to avoid being hit at all by a melee attack, it is measured against the attacker's attack chance.
Ranged defense represents your chance to avoid being hit at all by a ranged attack, it is measured against the attacker's attack chance.
TOOLTIP_PHYS_SAVE = [[#GOLD#Physical saving throw#LAST#
This value represents your resistance against physical attacks induced special effects, like bleeding, stuns, knockbacks, ...
TOOLTIP_SPELL_SAVE = [[#GOLD#Spell saving throw#LAST#
This value represents your resistance against spell attacks induced special effects, like freezes, knockbacks, ...
TOOLTIP_MENTAL_SAVE = [[#GOLD#Mental saving throw#LAST#
This value represents your resistance against mental attacks induced special effects, like confusion, fear, ...
-- Spells
Your spellpower value represents how effective/powerful your spells and magical effects are.
It is improved by both Magic, some talents can change the stats that affect it.
TOOLTIP_SPELL_CRIT = [[#GOLD#Spell critical chance#LAST#
Each time you deal damage with a spell you have a chance to make a critical hit that deals 150% of the normal damage.
Some talents allow you to increase this percentage.
It is improved by Cunning.
TOOLTIP_SPELL_SPEED = [[#GOLD#Spellcasting speed#LAST#
Spellcasting speed represents how fast your spellcasting is compared to a normal turn.
-- Damage and resists
TOOLTIP_INC_DAMAGE_ALL = [[#GOLD#Damage increase: all#LAST#
All damage you deal, through any means, is increased by this percentage.
This stacks with individual damage type increases.
TOOLTIP_INC_DAMAGE = [[#GOLD#Damage increase: specific#LAST#
All damage of this type that you deal, through any means, is increased by this percentage.
TOOLTIP_RESIST_ALL = [[#GOLD#Damage resistance: all#LAST#
All damage you receive, through any means, is decreased by this percentage.
This stacks with individual damage type resistances.
TOOLTIP_RESIST = [[#GOLD#Damage resistance: specific#LAST#
All damage of this type that you receive, through any means, is reduced by this percentage.
TOOLTIP_SPECIFIC_IMMUNE = [[#GOLD#Effect resistance chance#LAST#